Neverland Update Sunday July 26, 2009 [POST 20]


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Neverland Update For July 25th

Wildweezle Weblog

Posted on July 26, 2009 by wildweezle

Drove out to Los Olivos and Neverland today. The flags are still at half staff in Los Olivos. Incidentally if you look at today’s photos you will see that Los Olivos is doing quite well these days.
It was still hot.

Visitors are still flowing continuously in and out of the area. Tried to get some gossip but the guard was not too forthcoming and no other locals were available. The guard did come and hang out on the fence and engage visitors in conversation. We asked if there were any decisions on a burial or permanent memorial at Neverland. He shrugged and said, “I had no clue”.

I guess the authorities gave up on discouraging people from going out to Neverland. However the orderly manner in which visitors are behaving has to be encouraging. The security guard did provide the following tidbit of information: It appears that Neverland is the only where people are still visiting in large numbers in order to pay tribute to Mike. Neverland also seems to be attracting a heavily international crowd. This could be due to its proximity to Solvang.

There are quite a few photos from today posted on wildweelze at the following location. See General Gallery 7-24-2009:

Here's the direct link to the most updated Picture Gallery (7/24/09): Galleries.html

The photos include shots of some of the wineries located near Neverland specifically along Foxen Canyon Road. Check them out.
Hopefully we will find out some gossip when we trek out tomorrow. We will be biking (a 97 mile round trip) so any photos or updates will come late.
The 1st Owl.
Posted by wildweezle

Filed under: Entertainment
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Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

thanks for the updates,we flew out there from the u.k about 2 weeks ago.
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

I enjoyed seeing the recent pictures of Micahel's Neverland Ranch.
While Michael Jackson was was on Earth I visited Neverland twice.
It is a little bit of Heaven on Earth. I pray some day
Micheal's body is allowed rest there;
as I know
Michael Jackson's Spiritual escence has already
found its way back home to Neverland many times.
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

The fact that Michael did not sell it off the bat lets me know that Michael still wanted Neverland. Yes, he was hurt by what happen YEt he did not give it away. People need to time to heal and I believe that was what he was doing by renting other places (Michael could buy a house quick with the kind of rent he was paying if he wanted a new home). He needs to be buried there.
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

Wow that gallery is great!! Neverland and the surrounding area is so beautiful!

I can see why Michael chose that area to live..

Oh M.G!! lol I am in one of those pics on that website!!!
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

The fact that Michael did not sell it off the bat lets me know that Michael still wanted Neverland. Yes, he was hurt by what happen YEt he did not give it away. People need to time to heal and I believe that was what he was doing by renting other places (Michael could buy a house quick with the kind of rent he was paying if he wanted a new home). He needs to be buried there.

Yeah that is my view on it too, he didn't sell it so he was still fond it deep down but just hated what was connected to it more recently.
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

i don't see how the people like the neighbors could have a say in this wither they make it into something positive instead of making it into a mall or something. From what i seen the neighbors aint all that close to Neverland..... Else i am blind. sorry my spelling sucks for some reason today.

Also... If they build him a crypt technically he isn't buried hes above the ground so he isn't breaking any law. And they put a DAMN good padlock or combo lock on it lol... That way the Snatchers cant get him.
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

I was there from July 2nd - 5th. You can feel the magic when you're there, even though you're standing outside his gates. His spirit for me was definately there. Leslie (girl I went with) and I walked down his road about 10 minutes away from all the media and people to one of his back gates and lay a blanket down, brought out our magazines and Bubbles (our stuffed monkey we brought, glove, av's, and all) and just relaxed (even ended up power napping.) Everyone there were so nice, it was something Michael would have loved to see, everyone from every race and religion getting together in his name. We danced together, we sang together, we cried together. Complete strangers became my good friends.
If for whatever reason he is not buried at Neverland, I will always feel that he is there. Though his body may be somewhere else, his spirit will forever be at Neverland (in my opinion.)
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

there ain't no magic. that was pollen. the magic was michael an dhis love. everything is gone. he took it all but teh damn grass
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

Even though Michael became angry after the trial and announced Neverland was no longer his home I still believe the spirit of Michael Jackson reflects Neverland. That was his home, his dream, and his vision. He put is heart and soul into that place!
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

someone posted a beautiful picture of Neverland on facebook taken in July.. I will find that and show you.
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th


Neverland light shines into night sky
(July 3rd 2009)
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

The fact that Michael did not sell it off the bat lets me know that Michael still wanted Neverland. Yes, he was hurt by what happen YEt he did not give it away. People need to time to heal...

Also my thoughts.
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

If it were not for the trial Michael would still be living there I believe :cry:
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

When and who put up the "decorations" - NEVERLAND- ONCE UPON A TIME - on the gates?

Imo, a very sad symbolic action, the reality... like the end of an era :(
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

Ahhh, Neverland was a place of magic...and one of my friends told me that after the trial Michael spoke to her about Neverland in a good light, as if his heart was still missing it..
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

Yes, although I have to say, the place will never have the same magic it held when Michael was there, it will always be something he created.

If it is turned into something, it'll be bittersweet. On one hand, a wonderful place to see, yet no Michael. Bless him.
Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

The fact that Michael did not sell it off the bat lets me know that Michael still wanted Neverland. Yes, he was hurt by what happen YEt he did not give it away. People need to time to heal and I believe that was what he was doing by renting other places (Michael could buy a house quick with the kind of rent he was paying if he wanted a new home). He needs to be buried there.

I agree with this
Neverland Update Sunday July 26, 2009

Neverland Update Sunday July 26, 2009

Posted on July 27, 2009 by wildweezle

First off please stop us when we decide to do a 100 mile bike ride in 102 degree heat. Just stop us already.

Today’s update includes shots from Neverland, the little Dutch Town of Solvang, and other surrounding areas. Check out the miniature ponies in the Quicksilver Ranch photos. In the Neverland photos there are shots of the gates opening and the ritual that the security guards go through when opening and closing the gates. Yes one of the kids was bold enough to try and get in. The security guards ran her away however. It was classic. The security guards are becoming quite engaging these days. They all seem to be getting acclimated to the crowds.

There was more than one engaging the crowds today. In the Neverland photos you can see the guards standing behind the fence chatting with the crowds. There was no let-up in visitors today. You can really see the ebb and flow of the crowds. We spent about 45 minutes there. At some point someone is going to capitalize on this opportunity very soon. I don’t know when but it is going to happen. There is this fear among the guards about August 29th, Michael’s birthday. The family was hoping that the visits would have ended by now. Just won’t happen. The only thing that would help them at this point is El Nino coming in.

Today’s images are posted at the following link under General Gallery 7-26-2009:

Well we’re down to less than a week before we find out what really happened to Michael. We all know the three scenarios so there is no need to discuss them here.

By the way, there have been many requests for copies of the high resolution image files of some of the photos we’ve posted. Wildweezle has agreed to provide the high resolution images upon request. Examples of the high resolution images are posted here:

Please provide the gallery name (e.g. General Gallery 10, July 26, 2009) and the file name (e.g. IMG_4257) to the following email:

Be advised that any request that doesn’t include the words please or thanks will not be answered. Requests containing both words will be serviced immediately. Images will have a copyright notice on them. Remember these are high resolution images therefore the file size will be large typically around 5MB. This is a free service so please be courteous.
Thanks and see you next weekend,
The 1st owl
posted by wildweezle
Re: Neverland Update Sunday July 26, 2009

See Pictures in next post.
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Re: Neverland Update Sunday July 26, 2009







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Re: Neverland Update for July 25th

If it were not for the trial Michael would still be living there I believe :cry:

I find it interesting that no one has yet blamed Tom Sneddon for Michael's death. To me, he was the most influential person in what eventually hapened. AEG is nothing compared to what Tom did to Michael.
God bless those fans, their words and flowers are very touching.
It is said he had his heart set on a range in Las Vegas which he was going to call Wonderland. He said it was going to be his best place ever. He was saving the cash in the LA home (which now makes sense when they said a couple of million had been stolen only to show up 'on' a financial advisor).
Michael used to call Las Vegas his home. even in the LWMJ we saw him spending monthes there in the hotels with his children.I read once that he said that there are not good restaurants near NL , and he was not having enough fun being in that the last years even before the trail for him NL was a kind of aboring place with many memories...his rael fun and relife was in LV.he loves magic and circus and cinema and we read about him going to Jay-Z club many times.

i wish Michael wrote something about where he wnatd his final rest in his will....
the neighbors have every right to be pissed. barack and tohme aren't mj. if they exploit the ranch, nothing will benefit the communities nearby.

the road is a SMALL four mile two lane road and it can get congested real easily. it's not a high traffic road. would u like ur peaceful sanctuary to be disturbed by tourists?