Neverland Tours?


Proud Member
May 21, 2006
*** Estate approval UNCONFIRMED *** (Sounds like drive-by only visit)

The tour apparently has the approval of Joe Jackson, who said that he was pleased to see the Steel City get the recognition in the "King of Pop Hometown Tour." C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\JoeJackson.mht


The legend and the journey continues as JWR Tours reaches across the breadth of America...

NOTE: They support 'The Heal the World Foundation' that is NO LONGER connected to Michael's estate.
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I hope some day. Fans and admirers will be able to tour
Both of Michael Jackson's homes (in Gary, Indiana, and at Neverland).
These are the types of projects I would enjoy seeing work on.:yes:
Dont get me wrong i am going to neverland next year purley to lay some flowers and pay my respect, I just dont like the thought of people walking all over neverland, i know michael never wanted to go back there after evrything that happened but i still believe that the magic he created there still exsits and i just think letting loads off people in there to wonder round as they please will take away from what it was about. It was Michael private get away and i think it should be kept that way!
Dont get me wrong i am going to neverland next year purley to lay some flowers and pay my respect, I just dont like the thought of people walking all over neverland, i know michael never wanted to go back there after evrything that happened but i still believe that the magic he created there still exsits and i just think letting loads off people in there to wonder round as they please will take away from what it was about. It was Michael private get away and i think it should be kept that way!

It's all in the way it's done.....
I second Danielle (aka Wendy :lol: ) - I would hate to see people going there for cheap amusement and walking all over the private places. In some way feels like a violation of the place again :( At the same time, I would love to be able to go there, to remember...
Asking for respect or decency when "Michael Jackson" brings all good AND BAD in people... seems like a riddle without an answer *my philosophical input for today*
It's all in the way it's done.....
I second Danielle (aka Wendy :lol: ) - I would hate to see people going there for cheap amusement and walking all over the private places. In some way feels like a violation of the place again :( At the same time, I would love to be able to go there, to remember...
Asking for respect or decency when "Michael Jackson" brings all good AND BAD in people... seems like a riddle without an answer *my philosophical input for today*

Yes that makes complete sense!!!