Neverland secure ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
Can someone please explain what's gonna happen with Neverland, cause if i'm correct this big deal between the estate and Sony is that Neverland is also part of it... So it means it will stay there ?
Ive heard that Tom Barrack has had work done to Neverland. What for I dont know.

A fan went there recently and there was security at the gate. They asked why there was security at the gate if no one was living there but security said they couldnt say whats going on inside.

And technically, Neverland is back to its original name of Sycamore Valley.
Nothing has been said about what's happening about Neverland as of yet apart from the fact that locals don't want it turned into a public venue because of the area its in.
Neverland Train Station


Builder's Plate for Bumper Cars


Ferris Wheel


Bumper Cars


No Bumping the Bumper Cars


Fifty-foot Neverland Carousel


Basketball Court Tipoff Logo


The Swings


Neverland Petting Zoo Sign


Petting Zoo Train Station


Children at Play


The Sad Carousel Horse


Roundhouse Robot


Neverland Train Switch


Family Portrait... in bronze


Bucking Bronco. next to the Neverland Petting Zoo


Ship's Wheel. Across from the Neverland Drawbridge


The Seadragon. Visit for more on this photo.


Chesire Cat. in front of the Neverland Castle


The Neverland Ranch Clock


Train Station at Jackson's Mansion.


And from a fan who went to Neverland/Sycamore today:
I went up there today and left a balloon of the world. It was very quiet. Security is still up there and they had the barricades out in front of the gate. The security guy we saw said that about 200 people had come by during the day to take pictures etc. There was only 1 beautiful handmade gift of flowers. We stayed until sunset. It was peaceful and beautiful as always. Thank you Dear Michael for introducing us to soooo much beauty!
apart from the fact that locals don't want it turned into a public venue because of the area its in.

Locals can go move somewhere else if they don't like it!

I pray to God it gets opened to the public. This is the only place in the whole world where I would feel I am in the presence of Michael... :(
As someone who haven't been able to go to Neverland, i would like to if there are many people living near by Neverland, because i remember seeing a long road and mainly farmland or how you call it... From that point of view from what i've seen on tv or youtube, the locals doesn't really have a case here.... I mean he did live there for over 20 years... Ive never heard any complains... And heck after all he did for his community, they shouldn't start complaining now...
They really should open Neverland to the public... It is supposed to be full of laughter and happy kids, not an empty place.. :( And I would really like to go there sometimes..
Locals can go move somewhere else if they don't like it!

I pray to God it gets opened to the public. This is the only place in the whole world where I would feel I am in the presence of Michael... :(

While I understand the feeling and intensity of your statement, what do you think Michael may have felt about it? Knowing his concern for others, would Michael say "to hell" with what his neighbors best interests are? Or would he wish for a compromise?

I've been to Neverland. If it were possible to open Neverland to visitors, underpriviledged groups/children, and still not totally disrupt the lives of everyone living on Figueroa Mtn Road, their livelihood, the environment, etc., I'd say sure he would want some sort of restricted access to his property. It's been discussed and argued about for a long time. Perhaps someday something can be worked out for everyone's wishes and concerns. But NVL is NOT what it was when Michael lived there. Things could be restored, but to what extent and at what expense? Knowing Michael, would he want his "neighbors" to have to endure what his fandom and pilgramages would include?

It is a narrow 2 lane country road, SERIOUSLY. Virtually no where to go except to turn around and head back to a highway miles away. Sure once you gain access to the interior of NVL, things open up. But NVL is not what it was, virtually everything is gone as far as rides, zoo, playareas, etc. I don't even know what is left of the theater and Disney pieces inside of it. After having been there, it would hurt more than can be imagined to see things as they are now on the property.

I'd have to think from the business side of it that options are being considered. Can they be carried out without surrounding property owners okay, iffy. Really, it's not about keeping out the "fans", but the intense world wide curiousity, morbid and otherwise, how does one control that?

Maybe with alot of insight and future visions/planning, something will work out. But from what I saw and experienced, it's not something that can be done overnight or even over a decade. Really, the isolation and location has to be experienced to understand the depth of work that would be needed- remember there are fans, and then there are the thousands of curiosty seekers out there with no real love/understanding/respect for Michael the person and his reasons and respect for NVL.
Neverland Train Station


Builder's Plate for Bumper Cars


Ferris Wheel


Bumper Cars


No Bumping the Bumper Cars


Fifty-foot Neverland Carousel


Basketball Court Tipoff Logo


The Swings


Neverland Petting Zoo Sign


Petting Zoo Train Station


Children at Play


The Sad Carousel Horse


Roundhouse Robot


Neverland Train Switch


Family Portrait... in bronze


Bucking Bronco. next to the Neverland Petting Zoo


Ship's Wheel. Across from the Neverland Drawbridge


The Seadragon. Visit for more on this photo.


Chesire Cat. in front of the Neverland Castle


The Neverland Ranch Clock


Train Station at Jackson's Mansion.


And from a fan who went to Neverland/Sycamore today:
Look at these pictures makes me so sad. :(