Neverland Lost. A Portrait of Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011


Neverland Lost. A Portrait of Michael Jackson


by Henry Leutwyler

Prior to Michael Jackson’s death, Henry Leutwyler photographed crates of artifacts removed from Jackson’s Neverland ranch in California. The resulting series of photographs document the inner turmoil of the public person who chose to model his private life on Peter Pan and the Lost Boys – children who never wanted to grow up. Leutwyler’s unemotional portraits are almost too intimate to behold, but when one digs beneath the surface, what emerges is the profound truth of a star’s sequestered reality. Leutwyler’s photographs unearth the “Lost Boy” forced to leave Neverland, and now these still lifes are as close as anyone will ever get to what Jackson once had, and ultimately left behind.

“I have an urge to investigate people I have never met” says Swiss-born Henry Leutwyler. With twenty-five years experience creating portraits that document the famous and powerful, he has turned his gaze on the belongings that surround the individual. A self-taught youth who began his career by photographing “cheese and chocolates”, Leutwyler is a visual archaeologist. His work drills deep, allowing the objects to reveal more than the subjects themselves.

UK £28.00
US $42.00
EC €31.00

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Book design by Ruba Abu-Nimah and Kevin Ley
Four colour printing throughout
96 pages
21.5 cm x 28 cm

Publication date: April 2010

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:( "Leutwyler’s photographs unearth the “Lost Boy” forced to leave Neverland, and now these still lifes are as close as anyone will ever get to what Jackson once had, and ultimately left behind." made me cry.......Is this the same guy who went into Neverland and took pictures at night?
when they start talking about Michael's so-called sequestered realities it makes me wonder how some people are so sure of what they say. What did they want from Michael? To move to NY city? to LA CBD? to have a house in LA suburbs? what would suit them better so they are ready to include him into the society???

ok, someone living in Alasca in a small town or may be a forest ranger - does this person live in sequestered reality? ask them a question about history of Europe and they probably won't answer. ask them a question about latest fashion - they dont care. is their reality sequestered? it's just their reality and their conditions.

a monk living in a monastery somewhere who decided to devote his life to God, is his life sequestered?

a super model in LA that only seemly cares about the next contract and fashion - is her life sequestered?

a tribe in Amazon living in jungles - is their life sequestered?

and so on and so on...

it's just THEIR life. you cannot say to someone "oh your life is sequestered because it's not like mine"

I'm so sick of people judging Michael because their life is sequestered and they are completely ignorant about his life and his personality.

Michael got into trouble again only because he was too open to people. and Neverland was open to everybody. I wonder how many stars allow people into their homes? or may be sick children? or may be they bring buses with children so they can have fun. how may stars would do that and would pay for it? Sometimes when i read something like "We went to ND and Michael wasnt there" i wonder - ok Michael is not at home but everybody is welcome to visit. It's just open beyond belief. Or "this was my 2d time to ND" have you heard anybody saying "this was my 2d time when i got to Obama's house". And with all my respect to Obama, he's not as popular as Michael.

Michael had TOO MUCH of the so-called reality. The amount of stress from this "reality" he got during his life is unbelievable. I dont know anyone able to last that long when harassed and bullied SO much. Before the trial he had a place where he could have some rest. After the trial - he didnt. Is this death house mansion MJ's home? does it look like home? anything that would remind ND that he created for years? like a 5* hotel. and Wendy's house by the entrace - a truly heartbreaking sight.

My favourite children book character is Pippi the Longstocking. I think she's kinda female version of Peter Pan because the lessons are practically the same: have fun, be couragerous and have faith, enjoy life, cherish every moment, love your friends and be true to your word. If i had money i would buy a piece of land and i would probably try to build a house that would remind me of the book. I would certainly want a lake or rather the sea nearby and a pirate ship. I would probably buy some objects like Michael did . Am i weird? I dont consider myself weird. I pity people who lost the sense of wonder before life. Who cannot play anymore. Who lost their inner sense of innocence. Like this author as it seems.

i would like to see the photos of the collection because i'm just curious. but i wouldnt buy a book to sponsor another one judging Michael whom hahaha he never met. so stupid "i like describing people i never met"? how on Earth then you dare to give them labels?

I suggest the author to come back to his reality and enjoy it.
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during his life Michael gave love ,recieved love made millions of people around the world happy and spread love everywhere ..his last words that everybody rememebr are "For love, L.O.V.E."

No one of these people is able to have like Micael's life , they are the ones with sequestered life..
I admit that the thread title made me think, what, they lost a portrait of him? How do you lose a painting? :blink::rofl: Then I thought, wait, I thought, there's not much else there besides empty buildings?

I never understood though why people prefer to refer to him as being a child himself. Childlike is not childish, did they think he became who is was by being a child?

MJ said numerous times that Neverland was the only place where he could be himself, he literally couldn't walk down the street without getting into a potentially dangerous situation.

“I have an urge to investigate people I have never met” says Swiss-born Henry Leutwyler."
That's a problem right there. So there's a pre-conceived notion already in place.

The resulting series of photographs document the inner turmoil of the public person who chose to model his private life on Peter Pan and the Lost Boys – children who never wanted to grow up. Leutwyler’s unemotional portraits are almost too intimate to behold, but when one digs beneath the surface, what emerges is the profound truth of a star’s sequestered reality. Leutwyler’s photographs unearth the “Lost Boy” forced to leave Neverland, and now these still lifes are as close as anyone will ever get to what Jackson once had, and ultimately left behind.
Yeah, imagine this place to be your only sanctuary where you can feel safe and not bothered non-stop. Then imagine 70 officers descending upon the only safe place you ever had in this world. Then people take
photographs of your things only to call that "inner turmoil".

I lOVE Italian Renaissance depictions of Annunciatory Angels and admiring paintings like "Ophelia drowning" or "Judith with the head of Holofernes" gives me great pleasure- yet MJ gets grief for Peter Pan and a few other statues?
Get out of town and get real. You're just revealing your own narrow horizon...

LOVE it when people equate someone's preferences in Art as something that needs to be judged. It doesn't. Leave 'em alone.
Some people go on pub crawls, some people collect stamps and others love to dress up in leather. What's with the judging? Nothing weird about Peter Pan, my taste in art is 10 times weirder and "in more inner turmoil", attack me.

When was the last time all the analysts of the "weird Michael Jackson" set foot into a contemporary theatre?? Or checked the contemporary art scene? He was an artist, what is so weird about Peter Pan? I can tell you that most amateur theatre productions will be 20x "stranger" than any artifact in Michael Jackson's moving boxes.

What's the point here? People took absolute advantage off the way he shared his sanctuary.
What's with the need to make him out to be some distressing thing? He became distressed because of all the BS he put up with, not the other way around.

I noticed a huge amount of books popping up on Amazon with people that fully say out loud they never met him but yet continue to describe him in the most distressing ways.

With twenty-five years experience creating portraits that document the famous and powerful, he has turned his gaze on the belongings that surround the individual. A self-taught youth who began his career by photographing “cheese and chocolates”, Leutwyler is a visual archaeologist. His work drills deep, allowing the objects to reveal more than the subjects themselves.
Next problem right there. Objects are objects. Objects turn into subjects.
Photography is a beautiful thing, it really is, love it.

Prior to Michael Jackson’s death, Henry Leutwyler photographed crates of artifacts removed from Jackson’s Neverland ranch in California.
Yeah, I'm just trying to imagine what it feels like if someone were to photograph my moving boxes (possibly without me knowing about it, or even against my wishes), look at my stuff and then draw their own conclusions about me. I don't think it would great at all if the world were free to gawk at my stuff- unless I actually invited that photographer in.
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^^Great Post!!

You know I think all this mess comes from these folks inability to understand Michael. They still cannot understand the man,his draw, his charisma, and devotion from all his fans. So they make up their assumption and put it out as truth and fact. And they get attention for it! they get the book deal,they get the magazine article, they get the Extra Tv interview...

and in reality they don't know a damn thing, and admitedly by this autor! yet he still gets a book published out of what? Some nosey, voyeristic even slightly perverse need for himself, the powers that be and the willing public to see MJs personal things?To what end, what more needs to be revealed? the mans autopsy is on the damn internet! Is it to publish and promote all this crap to get on the Michael Jackson gravy train? why yes. Its all about money honey..

they keep proding and digging and grasping at straws, dissecting the man looking for what? some supposed answer to understanding him some hidden key that will unlock the truths of the universe as to why Michael Jackson was Michael Jackson? Or...I think they are looking for the answer they want to hear they want to hear MJ was sequestered and weak minded man-child/Peter Pan who was off his rocker, so they can pity him, 'aww look at the pretty pictures and feel better about treating MJ like sh#t!'. Instead of MJ was normal and beautifully artistic, and his "eccentricities" were merely the result of his unique life and upbringing. Nothing weird about Michael it was just HIS life.

Well this guy will make his money..It makes me sad, all of these books and tell alls...its just so pathetic, i mean damn I could just take pics of my MJ stuff and write b.s. then sell that POS on depressing. I'm not hating on fans who want to buy this for the pics just the opportunists and the publishers who find a way to weasel money out of MJs name, the meal itself is gone but like dogs still licking the bowl just to get the last drop last crumb, last essence of taste on the tongue.

That MJ gravy train has paid a lot of house notes and college tuitions..

Lord this is so shameful, why do they do this? to Michael. I feel like it is our fault sometimes, the fans, if we didnt love him so much there would not be so much $ to be made and MJ wouldn't have suffered so much :(
when they start talking about Michael's so-called sequestered realities it makes me wonder how some people are so sure of what they say. What did they want from Michael? To move to NY city? to LA CBD? to have a house in LA suburbs? what would suit them better so they are ready to include him into the society???

ok, someone living in Alasca in a small town or may be a forest ranger - does this person live in sequestered reality? ask them a question about history of Europe and they probably won't answer. ask them a question about latest fashion - they dont care. is their reality sequestered? it's just their reality and their conditions.

a monk living in a monastery somewhere who decided to devote his life to God, is his life sequestered?

a super model in LA that only seemly cares about the next contract and fashion - is her life sequestered?

a tribe in Amazon living in jungles - is their life sequestered?

and so on and so on...

it's just THEIR life. you cannot say to someone "oh your life is sequestered because it's not like mine"

I'm so sick of people judging Michael because their life is sequestered and they are completely ignorant about his life and his personality.

Michael got into trouble again only because he was too open to people. and Neverland was open to everybody. I wonder how many stars allow people into their homes? or may be sick children? or may be they bring buses with children so they can have fun. how may stars would do that and would pay for it? Sometimes when i read something like "We went to ND and Michael wasnt there" i wonder - ok Michael is not at home but everybody is welcome to visit. It's just open beyond belief. Or "this was my 2d time to ND" have you heard anybody saying "this was my 2d time when i got to Obama's house". And with all my respect to Obama, he's not as popular as Michael.

Michael had TOO MUCH of the so-called reality. The amount of stress from this "reality" he got during his life is unbelievable. I dont know anyone able to last that long when harassed and bullied SO much. Before the trial he had a place where he could have some rest. After the trial - he didnt. Is this death house mansion MJ's home? does it look like home? anything that would remind ND that he created for years? like a 5* hotel. and Wendy's house by the entrace - a truly heartbreaking sight.

My favourite children book character is Pippi the Longstocking. I think she's kinda female version of Peter Pan because the lessons are practically the same: have fun, be couragerous and have faith, enjoy life, cherish every moment, love your friends and be true to your word. If i had money i would buy a piece of land and i would probably try to build a house that would remind me of the book. I would certainly want a lake or rather the sea nearby and a pirate ship. I would probably buy some objects like Michael did . Am i weird? I dont consider myself weird. I pity people who lost the sense of wonder before life. Who cannot play anymore. Who lost their inner sense of innocence. Like this author as it seems.

i would like to see the photos of the collection because i'm just curious. but i wouldnt buy a book to sponsor another one judging Michael whom hahaha he never met. so stupid "i like describing people i never met"? how on Earth then you dare to give them labels?

I suggest the author to come back to his reality and enjoy it.

Post of the YEAR!!!
Not sure anyone can analyze someone's life fairly through their physical belongings. Will it tell the whole story? Everyone will have their opinion of him I suppose. Don't know about this photographers intent or what story he will tell with his photos but... I'll say this:

The Lost Boy? Yes he liked Peter Pan and created Neverland, so? I think some make too much of that. He was an adult, who also like to play and have fun on his own terms (water fights, amusment park rides, animals), Isn't that what they sell the general public at DISNEYLAND? Why is that weird? Many make reference to Peter Pan/Neverland when speaking about Michael as if it's an insult or a terrible thing. He had an idea and the resources to create Neverland and share it with others. Yet it's only wrong when you are Michael Jackson and choose to share it free of charge with the terminally ill, the handicapped, poor inner-city children, etc. but not when you make it a commerical business and sell it to the public or say in a book like "Peter Pan" lol...I guess then you are on the up and up?

Yes he lost/sold Neverland, damn shame ain't? Be it that he didn't want to live up there anymore due to the false allegations, harassment and raids etc and the rotten element that surrounded him wanting to force him out and/or because of foreclosure and debt...whatever the case. He created Neverland as a home and a place to go behind the gates to have some sense of peace and quiet away from the limelight. Who wouldn't? I don't think that means he wanted to live in some "Peter Pan Fantasyland" as if he didn't want to live in the real world as many seem to want to suggest. He wouldn't have gone to orphanages, and hospitals visiting with sick and dying patients if that were the case, let alone allow them inside the gates of Neverland. He chose to share his life and wealth, why is that a negative? I'll bet it wasn't a negative to the those allowed to walk through the gates (including fans) and partake in what Michael through his love and generosity created at Neverland. Look how many others wanted to share in it with him? Oh my, what pervs! lol

It turned to crap because of ADULT greed, jealousy and racism. Why did Michael prefer to be in the company of children again? Children were used and abused alright, but not by Michael. There is a story there. I wonder what Mr. Leutwyler knows about that if anything. How will he portray that in his still photographs of Michael's personal belongings? I think the better title would be, "Why Michael Jackson Lost Neverland." So who's lost and who lost? I'd say we all did.
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now everybody is so delighted that MJ3 "are able to live in reality". what reality?
their reality was a loving and caring father, lots of learning, respect, fun and love. What reality the world wants them to live in? Bullying and shooting in schools? abuse and harassements? is it the reality the world loves so much vs Michael's reality of love and respect?
What is reality and why do society have such strict standards as to what reality is? I'm fed up of people mocking Michael, calling him reclusive, sequestered, whatever. Its his life and he was entitled to live it how he wanted to. People mocked how he raised his children and look how they have turned out? In the leaked videos of Blanket he makes references to Van Gogh-what kind of 8 year old knows about Van Gogh? People should be taking lessons from Michael, not still continually mocking him.
Michael was always unique, couldn't easily be classified or corralled into any group that was established in society. So, the judgment and name-calling commenced. People fear the unknown. Hence the ignorant remarks about Neverland and his children finally knowing "reality."

"Reality"--don't believe the hype.
What is reality and why do society have such strict standards as to what reality is? I'm fed up of people mocking Michael, calling him reclusive, sequestered, whatever. Its his life and he was entitled to live it how he wanted to. People mocked how he raised his children and look how they have turned out? In the leaked videos of Blanket he makes references to Van Gogh-what kind of 8 year old knows about Van Gogh? People should be taking lessons from Michael, not still continually mocking him.

For someone they like to call "sequestered" and "living in a dream world" Michael Jackson seemed pretty damn well aware of the horrors of the world. Yeah, he was a humanitarian and philanthropist at heart because he chose to ignore the "realities" of this world. PULEAAAAAZZZE.

Maybe some people would like to offer themselves up just for a DAY of what it meant to live in HIS reality, just walk HALF a mile in his shoes and see how quickly they'd be complaining of major blisters.
For someone they like to call "sequestered" and "living in a dream world" Michael Jackson seemed pretty damn well aware of the horrors of the world. Yeah, he was a humanitarian and philanthropist at heart because he chose to ignore the "realities" of this world. PULEAAAAAZZZE.

Maybe some people would like to offer themselves up just for a DAY of what it meant to live in HIS reality, just walk HALF a mile in his shoes and see how quickly they'd be complaining of major blisters.

They sure would have major blisters after one day but what would the reaction be if that only day was extended for the rest of their life?
Paparazzis,journalists telling very bad lies about you,you got a skindisease and people are complaining about how you look, no privacy, you don´t now who you can trust.
I guess they would find it very hard to sleep at all.

Photog files suit over Michael Jackson book
Last Updated: 12:37 PM, June 1, 2010
Posted: 12:35 PM, June 1, 2010
A shutterbug who just published a photo book featuring Michael Jackson's glittering glove is telling the King of Pop's lawyers to beat it.

In a Manhattan federal court suit made public this morning, Henry Leutwyler claims *****'s estate and a California auction house are trying to block sales of his "Neverland Lost: A Portrait of Michael Jackson."

The suit seeks an order declaring that Leutwyler has the right to distribute the 96-page hardcover, which was released yesterday with a list price of $45.

In his court filing, the Swiss-born photog says he snapped images of Jackson's famed white glove and other stage accessories with the permission of Julien's Auctions before the company put them up for bid last year in Times Square.

Some of Leutwyler's shots appeared last year in Conde Nast Portfolio magazine, and he says he "was informed of no limitations, contractual or otherwise, upon his usage of the photographs."

But last month, Leutwyler learned from Julien's lawyer that "the Jackson estate" believed he was "violating its rights" and that the estate's lawyers "were very aggressive."

"Leutwyler has a reasonable apprehension that Julien and the estate of Michael Jackson (and/or its related entities) will bring suit against Leutwyler," according to his pre-emptive legal action.

Julien's didn't immediately return a call for comment.

FINALLY! This dude should get at least some backlash for this travesty of infringing on someone's privacy.

Thanks to Memefan for finding this! :punk:
So Julien's gave this photog permission to take photos before they were to be sold? Why? Who called him to take the pics, he just showed up to take them? Seems a bit too convenient to me. Some who have absolutely no connection to Michael can make a ton of cash, but yet others can't....looks like Leutwyler will lose and he should, but yet others are allowed. Is it a matter of who kisses who's rear-end first?
I make it a point never to buy anything where they try to analyze him like an insect or a non-person. I do not care how beautiful the pictures are. I can never forget when I turned on the TV after they raided Michael's house and they had some people analyzing what he had in his rooms and linking it to his psychological makeup. To me this was wrong on so many levels and no one spoke up against it--as usual. Now that he is dead. I WILL NOT LISTEN TO OR BUY ANY MORE OF SUCH CRITIQUES.

I am sad that some fans said they wanted to buy the book because they loved the pictures.
^ Agreed, just because it has his name attached, doesn't mean that it should be bought to "support" his "Legacy." People should stop and think about the intent of the person doing the selling I think. This will no doubt continue for years to come unfortunately, some will be successful in their attempts to sell books, shoes, cards etc and some won't. All the legal back and forth about who can do what and why especially (after someone dies) and they are considered a commodity still, it gets really absurd. Just look at Halperin, no one seems to give a damn about that piece of crap he wrote and remains on the shelves like so many others. Why? Leutwyler's book should have not been permitted and is being halted for whatever reason, yet others like Halperin are slander and are allowed.
^ Agreed, just because it has his name attached, doesn't mean that it should be bought to "support" his "Legacy." People should stop and think about the intent of the person doing the selling I think. This will no doubt continue for years to come unfortunately, some will be successful in their attempts to sell books, shoes, cards etc and some won't. All the legal back and forth about who can do what and why especially (after someone dies) and they are considered a commodity still, it gets really absurd. Just look at Halperin, no one seems to give a damn about that piece of crap he wrote and remains on the shelves like so many others. Why? Leutwyler's book should have not been permitted and is being halted for whatever reason, yet others like Halperin are slander and are allowed.

Well said.

And I questioned his intent right after I saw Kanye's pictures. They don't look like anything MJ would have approved.

Some of the clothes weren't even way in hell MJ would let this man take pictures of his personal items in storage.

I am glad the estate has spoken up....yet again.

Julien's should also be held responsible for allowing this photographer to take the pictures

ETA: Halperin & Leutwyler are two very different issues. You cannot stop someone from writing a book about you (unless you can prove it infringes on your rights)...but you can stop a person from profiting from your personal items without permission.

Since MJ's death, Halperin went on to write slanderous books on Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie, Guy Laliberte (cirque du soleil owner)....If they could have stopped these books, you can be sure they would have. But seriously, how thorough is his research if he can publish 3 major biographies in mere 12 months. Just sayin' ....can't take Halperin seriously.
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I hope this Photographer looses any possible profits. He was hired to photograph these things for cataloging, not for making a profit for himself. The Michael Jackson Estate is entitled to proceeds from the property, images, and assets of Michael Jackson, not rogue hustlers. It's a new day, the Executors are not letting anything slide by, they are making it difficult to take advantage of Michael's heirs. This guy is trying to make an end run by filling suit against the estate first so that he can get some initial sales before recieving an injunction. I hope the costs of his legal work errods all profits.
I hope this Photographer looses any possible profits. He was hired to photograph these things for cataloging, not for making a profit for himself. The Michael Jackson Estate is entitled to proceeds from the property, images, and assets of Michael Jackson, not rogue hustlers. It's a new day, the Executors are not letting anything slide by, they are making it difficult to take advantage of Michael's heirs. This guy is trying to make an end run by filling suit against the estate first so that he can get some initial sales before recieving an injunction. I hope the costs of his legal work errods all profits.

He is not SUING the estate.

He knows the estate might come after him, so he is asking a judge to estatblish whether or not he had the rights to publish the photos. It's a preemptive strike.

But last month, Leutwyler learned from Julien's lawyer that "the Jackson estate" believed he was "violating its rights" and that the estate's lawyers "were very aggressive."

We'll see what the judge says. I hope the judge tells him to go kick rocks with an open toe shoe.

Henry Leutwyler
Neverland Lost

10 Jun - 14 Aug 2010
Artist's Opening Reception & Book Signing: Thursday, June 10 from 6-8PM


More pics - Henry Leutwyler - Artists - M+B

Henry Leutwyler - M+B

M+B is pleased to announce Neverland Lost, the premier exhibition of color photographs by Henry Leutwyler. In stark objectivity, Neverland Lost examines the Michael Jackson myth through portraits of personal items and pieces of his stage costumes—like the iconic sparkling glove—that were removed from Jackson's Neverland Ranch and intended for auction. There will be an opening reception for the artist on Thursday, June 10 from 6 to 8pm and a book signing for Leutwyler's newly released monograph by Steidl titled Neverland Lost on Saturday, June 12 from 2 to 4pm. The exhibition will run from June 10, 2010 to August 14, 2010.

Through the cool, documentary scrutiny of Leutwyler's lens, the taxonomic portraits give a glimpse into the inner turmoil of a man caught between the public persona of one of the greatest entertainers of all time and his troubled and sequestered private life. The famous sparkling socks that peeked out from glittery shoes turn out to be ordinary white tube socks decorated with rhinestones. Sequined shirts decked out with sashes and epaulets bear traces of makeup and sweat. Perhaps for the first time, we see their mundanity. But as demystifying and unsentimental as these portraits may be, in Neverland Lost Leutwyler creates a catalogue of images that are almost too intimate to behold.

Henry Leutwyler is an internationally acclaimed photographer born in Switzerland and based in New York. His work has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Vogue, Esquire and Vanity Fair. In 2008, Leutwyler was the recipient of the ASME Magazine Cover of the Year award and recognized as the Graphis magazine Photographer of the Year. His work has also received acclaim from the Art Directors Club of New York, The Society of Publication Designers, Photo District News, D&AD, American Photography and the James Beard Foundation.
Hell I don't want to grow up either. I've seen their artificial world and I would rather die than join it. Add me to the list and let me exist in my own "sequestered" reality too. At least my and Michael's "sequestered" realities have substance and beauty. They're realities worth living in, which is more than the mass delusion can say for itself. It's nothing but empty motion, a carousel spinning in the dark with riders mounted on plastic horses, going nowhere. Who are they to judge the way others choose to see the world, when the way they live their lives makes less sense than the one being scrutinized?

They do not seem to realize that their perspective is but one view of the ever-moving kaleidoscope of mutable reality. They are fools.

Michael said nothing and let them bark to their heart's content, spreading their venom, because he knew their idiocy was self-evident, because he was wise.
I saw this book yesterday in an Australian bookshop for $65 and you couldn't look in it because it was sealed. It also has no writing on the back of it.