Neverending floods in Quebec province, Canada (54 days now)


Proud Member
Jul 29, 2009
Many cities in the province of Quebec Canada (region of Montérégie) are experiencing their biggest challenge up to now.

The region's river level have been rising up and flooding many cities FOR MORE THAN A MONTH NOW!

It has been raining almost non stop here in the past 5 weeks and many many people lost everything. Their houses, basement, streets have been (and still are) flooded non stop for 36 days now! They are used to have like a day of flooding during the spring, BUT NOT 54!

Most of those houses will totally have to be rebuilt because of the damages a month of water can do to it, some people still live in emergency center, or in family member's house in other cities. When we had 2 days of sun the river level came down a little but not enough to exit the houses, but then it started raining all over again.

Agriculture in this area is very important, but now of course inexistent, all the fields have been flooded and this will also be catastrophic for the region and the whole province in terms of food.

I'm actually surprised that I hear no one talk about it anywhere so I think you have to know what people here are living right now, it may not be a sensational as Japan in terms of images, but it destroys people's life just the same way.

The prime minister of Canada, Stephen Harper DIDN'T EVEN COME to see it! That's his way of showing us how he feels that the province didn't vote for him on federal election last month! This is disgusting!

Here are some videos of how it looks like!

If any of you wants to make donation to the red cross for the Quebec floods, here is the link.

Images speaks for themselves, this is terrible.
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Re: Neverending floods in Quebec province, Canada (36 days now)

Thank you for posting and giving us the opportunity to help.
I feel so bad for all who have to go through this disaster
Re: Neverending floods in Quebec province, Canada (36 days now)

I had no idea that this was happening in Quebec. Constant flooding for 30 days - that's unbelievable!

Thanks for letting us know about this.
Re: Neverending floods in Quebec province, Canada (37 days now)

and it goes on... We had 2 beautiful sunny days.. and today rainstorms!

Because of the violent winds 112 000 houses don't have electricity now, some bricks are falling from buildings and one of my boss's building (appartements) has been hit by lightning that went through the wall...

And from what I can see now, after a quick rainstorm this morning, a sunny day.. now the sky is black, another storm coming...

so much fun... :/


edit: I wish you could see that enormous cloud. I usually like rainstorms and stay in front of the window to watch it.. but I admit this one scares the s*it out of me... it ain't gonna be cute...

I better get home (still at work)
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Re: Neverending floods in Quebec province, Canada (37 days now)


After more than 50 days now, water level starts to low a bit.. and...

FINALLY (too little too late in my opinion)

Our Prime Minister Stephen Harper decided this morning to come have a look at how it looks.... Of course no talking to media or citizens, only flying over the region by helicopter and a little meeting with the mayors of the flooded cities...

He was too busy making a survey on his Facebook page to find a name for his new cat to come and help the citizens A BIT before...


Anyway, Next weekend a HUGE clean up is scheduled, thousands of volunteers will show up to help the people there clean the mess caused by this 54 days (in some areas) of floods!
