Never watching MTV again...


Proud Member
Jul 16, 2009
I know that Michael inspired a lot of people in the business and everything and that's really great but seriously...they're playing Usher, Chris Brown, Neyo, Fall Out Boy (wtf was that). Like, what the hell kind of "tribute" is this? I was thinking they were going to play Michael Jackson and just Michael Jackson. This just really helped confirm that MTV is nothing but a piece of crap now.

I love all of Michael's videos but they play the really well-known ones that basically everybody has seen. Instead of playing this Usher/Justin/whatever crap, they should play all of (or most of) Michael's videos and the full versions.

MTV owes Michael so much.

Who else is/was watching that?
I don't have cable.
When I did, I had stopped watching MTV. They stopped showing music videos. When they did show them, it was a guy with a group of half naked sluts shaking their ass at him. The hell kind of video is that?
I guess they are trying to show the influence he had on younger artists, but I would love for them to show all of his videos.
I know that Michael inspired a lot of people in the business and everything and that's really great but seriously...they're playing Usher, Chris Brown, Neyo, Fall Out Boy (wtf was that). Like, what the hell kind of "tribute" is this? I was thinking they were going to play Michael Jackson and just Michael Jackson. This just really helped confirm that MTV is nothing but a piece of crap now.

I love all of Michael's videos but they play the really well-known ones that basically everybody has seen. Instead of playing this Usher/Justin/whatever crap, they should play all of (or most of) Michael's videos and the full versions.

MTV owes Michael so much.

Who else is/was watching that?

HONEY I thought the exact same thing when this "special" came on. I turned off the DVR because I was recording it cause I thought it was gonna be something with MJ in it. I was like THIS is their idea of a tribute???? I don't wanna see no Usher, no Neyo, no Chris Brown! I wanna see MJ videos!!! MJ interviews, MJ tours.. they coulda trotted out that Bad Tour they have in their vault and that woulda made my afternoon!

I feel you honey, I truly do.. We're >>>>here
There's so much footage and videos they can be showing besides that stuff. I agree, I guess they're sticking to what's out there now to draw in more viewers? I don't know, I don't understand MTV anymore.

This "Michael Jackson's Human Nature" thing isn't so bad though. I'm enjoying it. :)
Thought I was the only one who noticed this. Everytime I watched I saw the same 5 MJ video's over and then the other artists. I understand MJ have influence and that's wonderful but this is to be a tribute to him. I liked some of the artist but I did want to see them. I wanted to see MJ. I did not see the Documentary they had. Still they could have played way more. They have concerts, moonwalker, Ghosts, Waaay more video's, interviews..alot of stuff.

I was really upset about that yesterday but coming from MTV it was to be expected.

The 30-min doc was pretty cool. I enjoyed that. It would've been nice for them to pull out "Ghosts", "Making of Thriller", or any of their archival footage from the mtv vaults. Don't know if his estate has something to do with that or not. They've done so many mj documentaries through the years, it seems kinda lazy to just slap together 3 hrs of programming for someone who has done so much for the network. I remember when they would do MJ marathons just for the hell of it on some weekends. MTV's ability to expand into other areas of entertainment, in a way, stems from MJ, his popularity, and the attention he brought to the channel.
I've been disappointed overall with the MJ tributes on the music channels. When MTV and VH-1 had the video marathons the weekend he died, they just kept playing the same handful of videos. Even BET kept playing the same frickin' handful of videos! WTAnd they weren't even the full versions except Thriller. I honestly don't give a rat's ass about how many young artist MJ influenced right now. I just wanna see Michael. I wanna see concerts, interviews, past specials, and so on. And what I also wanted to see was MOONWALKER! I thought for sure someone would air it but nope. I can't even remember the last time I saw Moonwalker. It had to be sometime in the late 90's when VH-1 aired it quite a bit.

Hell FOX even did right by MJ by showing the episode of "The Simpsons" that he guest voiced on. And that episode is like 15 years old!

Piss on these so-called "music" channels.
I dont watch MTV anymore because they dont broadcast MUSIC ANYMORE... What happened to the music? Im dead tired watching Jackass and Sweet 16 and Hogan Knows Best.. WTF, what happened to music videos? And what do these reality shows have to do with MUSIC? I have to go to to find out if my favourite singer has a new video out.. Because it sure as hell wont be aired on MTV!!!
Thought I was the only one who noticed this. Everytime I watched I saw the same 5 MJ video's over and then the other artists. I understand MJ have influence and that's wonderful but this is to be a tribute to him. I liked some of the artist but I did want to see them. I wanted to see MJ. I did not see the Documentary they had. Still they could have played way more. They have concerts, moonwalker, Ghosts, Waaay more video's, interviews..alot of stuff.

I was really upset about that yesterday but coming from MTV it was to be expected.


MJsAngel..... off the topic but any news for MJ's bday in DC????
I dont watch MTV anymore because they dont broadcast MUSIC ANYMORE... What happened to the music? Im dead tired watching Jackass and Sweet 16 and Hogan Knows Best.. WTF, what happened to music videos? And what do these reality shows have to do with MUSIC? I have to go to to find out if my favourite singer has a new video out.. Because it sure as hell wont be aired on MTV!!!

I stopped watching MTV too... so lame.
I saw that tribute and I get where they were tying to go with it. I actually liked the fact that they showed the videos how Michael influence different artist (granted, i didn't care for those actual artists themselves, but i gave 'em brownie points for trying). But I agree with you in that the tribute was lame. To be honest though, I never expect much from MTV. They're fickle, annoying, and they've gotten to the point where when they actualy do play a music video, I jump for joy and the trumpets blare--- and then I end up not caring for that music video -_-

Now I don't go near Mtv...and i don't go near BET with a ten-foot pole when it comes to MJ tribute.

I've learned my lesson. I just stick to TV One for tributes. They've been pretty good with that.