Never Can Say Goodbye


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Tell me why, is this so?

On Thursday, my mother calls me and tells me that Michael was rushed to the hospital, so then I hang up from her and go to twitter and check developments. When it became clear to me to that Michael Jackson was indeed deceased, my whole world as I then knew it was over. The grief is more than I can bear. It's still unbelievable that Michael is gone from this world. It just seems like a dream. Unbelievable that it would come to a day where I am seeing his name all over the place with a birth and death date under it. It’s so unreal. Like a nightmare I cannot wake up from.

I'm both angry and sad. I'm angry at the world for the way they have treated Michael in his lifetime. I'm angry that his life had to be cut short at only 50. I'm completely dismayed. At first, I was so depressed that I wanted to die with him. I didn't want to live in this world if there is no Michael Jackson. To me, he had made it a better place to live in. He had so much love for the world. He tried to teach people how to love unconditionally. He was such a good, good man. Such a remarkable human being. He had such flawless beauty inside and out. There will not be one on Earth like him. He was truly unique.

Michael understood and was so closely in tuned to the pain in this world. His words of wisdom and comfort brought hope that there is some good out of life, one would have to just look, one would have to participate and do their part to "Heal the World". He so believed that. If everyone would've stopped and listened to the message, there would be no more war, poverty, hunger, sickness, and cruelty. I tried to do my part. I tried to follow his example. This world and society makes it hard to do those things.

Many didn't listen. Instead, there was a backlash of ridicule and criticism. What a shallow place we live in when people were fixated in only his physical appearance and private life. I hated Michael Jackson jokes. I took it really personal. I've always felt that it was a low thing to diss someone who was as good and wholesome as Michael. HE HAD NEVER HURT ANYONE. Many picked on him for their own publicity, and for greed. Throughout all of the ridicule and criticism, Michael has never fought back with his tongue. He stayed dignified and respectful when those around him didn't. He knew ignorance, and he wasn't going to engage it. There are some people whom will never get respect from me because of the way they treated, and talked about Michael.

As I told some people, Jesus Christ had died because people would not accept his ideas and life. So did Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Medgar Evers. These people threatened the set standards of the time, so therefore they had to go. I put Michael in this category. I know these people were murdered, but I feel that Michael was murdered by society. If society didn't create such pain for him, he would not have felt the need to medicate himself too much to drown it out. That's why he died. He died in emotional pain. I and his legions of fans can relate to that.

Many of Michael's fans now feel displaced. We feel like a nation that has lost our leader. We feel like orphaned children who must now try to survive life on our own with no father. We loved Michael so much. At least I can say that I did. I loved Michael because he provided me with wisdom, and comfort in my lifetime of pain and sorrow. I was such a lonely child, and I continue to be a lonely adult. Where my family and others has let me down, Michael hasn't. I've always felt like the underdog in my life, and I felt that I can relate to him, because in many ways he was an underdog. His pain was my pain. His fight was my fight.

The trial was so important to me. He had to make it. He had to defeat sneddon and his crew because they were bent on ruining his career and his life, and bringing misery to his family. They may have even had a racist agenda attached to it. The U.S (especially white society) does not like to see black person overcome obstacles and do so well. This black man is worshipped and revered all over the world. Millions and Millions loved him so much, and followed his every word. Many others saw that and hated him for it. This is where the nit-picking and criticisms came, Sneddon did not want a successful black man living in his town, doing whatever he wanted and being happy. There was a lot of property and money in stake for them, so he decided to go after Michael, and he lost miserably. I hope all of the haters who have caused pain in Michael's life experience horrible pain in theirs. I do not wish them well. I wish them nothing but pain and suffering. I hope they die a long and painful death.

I think this world sucks now. This world is filled with altruistic and shallow people who will hurt and kill each other because of greed and hatred. That's all that's left. They will not take care of the world and its creatures. They will not love the world's children. The innocent and the helpless. Michael spent his life trying to do the right thing, asking for nothing in return. He had given more money and support to the planet and the worlds needy than any other celebrity. HE did many things that didn't make the news because they only wanted to hear something negative about him. They still wanted to portray him as a mentally-ill pedophile drug addict/alcoholic who didn't like his race, and who was irresponsible with money. Anything bad about Michael that they could report they did. And when they couldn't find any facts, they made them up.

Music will suck forever. I have never been a real fan of music other than Michael's to begin with, so I'm biased from the start. Michael's music was so unique. He usually thought out of the box when it came to structure, beats, creativity and theme. His music came from his heart and mind and was authentic. To me, it was music's equivalent to health food. When I listen to Eminem, or Snoop Dogg, or NWA, am left feeling angry and aggressive. When I hear Michael's music, I walk away peaceful, having of sense of being blanketed with his love, left thinking about the world and about my life. Wanting to do well for people and society, and have a rocking beat in my soul. My soul is actually flying

His music was also very sexual. Michael was able to bring sexuality without having to be explicit and lewd. Even the most sexual of his songs (superfly sister, in the closet) was safe for young ears, because he made you use your imagination with his innuendo. His music was universal. Even though his songs were in English, everyone was able to dance and enjoy it. His songs were more romantic, than sexual. He believed that sex should be shared with someone you loved. Love was the prevailing theme in nearly all of his music.

His music taught lessons. Taught the world tolerance, love, and responsibility. My favorite song and his most biographical song was Stranger In Moscow. I was in such deep pain at the time the song came out. He was in pain because because of the child abuse scandal and he was actually in Moscow licking his wounds when it was written. OMG. When I am sad and lonely I like hearing that one. It was about depression, but it makes me better cope with what I am feeling. SIM was the most perfect song he has never written. Many people don’t even know about it.

His music was more than unique, it made sense. Many of the music out now are just absurd. Many of the beats are manufactured and recycled from other songs. Music videos are boring and repetitive. Lacks creativity. Many of the dancing and choreography looks like aerobics and have been done before. I lack interest with today’s music. Most of the new artists lack that talent, and charm that Michael had. I once told people that the music industry is dead, and the only person to bring the life back to it was Michael. Looks like that will never happen now. Many people agree with me. Even some people in the music industry had recently admitted to this on television. Maybe after Michael’s funeral is over, we should hold a funeral for the music industry.

There will never be anyone like Michael Jackson. No one close. I got offended when they were comparing him to Elvis. Elvis wrote very little of his own music. He stole from black artists. He was also a racist. To me comparing Michael Jackson to Elvis is an insult. Elvis couldn’t even hold a light to Michael as far as personality, talent, and creativity. I never understood his fan base. Nothing of his appealed to me. He wasn’t the greatest singer, and his dancing was just ok. I guess not too bad for a white guy. His acting sucked balls. Why did they continue to make movies with that hack? Even his fans admitted they were bad. I even tried to watch a taped Elvis concert and I got bored. I think that all he had going for him was his good looks (admit tingly, he was fine in his young years). To me, Michael and Elvis don’t even belong in the same category, let alone sentence. Yeah, they may have died similarly. Yeah, Michael may have married his crack-hoar of a daughter, but that’s where the comparisons end. The early Beatles kicked Elvis’ ass any day.
I was angry at a lot of people when Michael died. It was because I love him so much. People have tried to trivialize my affection for him to nothing more than a fanatical quirk. They couldn’t be more wrong. My love for Michael runs so deep. It was almost sick the love and affection I had for him. Many people don’t even understand why I would have so much love for a person who I don’t even know. The truth is, I felt I did know him. I knew him as much as a fan possibly could. Yes, I have never met him, but have loved Michael since I was a very young child. He was just so good. I saw the love he had for people and the world. I had a very difficult childhood, and I needed him. He provided so much joy and escapes fro my problems. More than anything, I LOVED the music. It is the best thing in the world. Better than drugs and sex. Sometimes better than the best thing you can think about. He took the best things out of life and put it to music and video. Joy, anger sadness and pain, love. I felt it all. No other person has had that effect on me.

Also I was attracted to him. Not just sexual, him as a whole. He was just a gorgeous, beautiful man. He was always beautiful to me. It didn’t matter what he looked like, when I saw him and looked into his eyes I was looking in his heart. He was a beautiful baby, handsome little boy, teenager, and even in middle age e was beautiful, like time has forgotten him. Not sag, not a wrinkle, and a toned body. Many people talk about all the work he had done, but I don’t believe he had that much. And even if he did, that’s his business. I loved him no matter what he did to himself. It just never mattered to me.

This really hurts. This will hurt for a long time. I don’t know how to go on without his music and influence. I know many people say that I should, but this is going to be so hard. I don’t even think it entirely sink in with me that he is dead. I’m numb with emotion. At first I cried literally for days after his death, but the sadness has been mostly replaced with anger and inquisition.

What are us MJ fans going to do with our lives? I’ve looked forward everyday logging on the the fansites and talking to my fellow fans about Michael and events. Many nice people I have met that way. I looked forward to new pictures and stories. I enjoyed creating scenarios and antidotes to discuss. With others. I enjoyed the debates, and was able to express my feelings and perspectives that people who understood. I couldn’t talk about these things with family. They wouldn’t understand, or be interested. When the funeral and the entire sensationalism die down, what will there be to talk about? Nothing. We can share memories together, and talk about projects that we liked, but when we run out of stuff to talk about, then what will happen? These fan sites will start shutting down through lack of interest eventually. That that will be very sad.

I miss him very much. Of all celebrities that had to die, why did it have to be Michael? My hero? In some ways I owe my life to him. He got me through my tough adolescence. To me, he was the only celebrity. I was never a star-struck person, but with Michael, I lost my head. I never cared about anyone else, but Michael. To me, there was not A-List, or D-list. It was just Michael Jackson. He didn’t have any peers. I didn’t think that he would die in this way. I have always vision that he would die at age 90 of natural causes, surrounded by his children and grandchildren and friends. His parents are still alive, and they are in their 80’s so I thought that Michael would be around for quite a while.

I take some comfort in the thought that he’s in a better place. He had no pain. He didn’t suffer. He basically just went to sleep and didn’t wake up. He’s in a place where there will be no ridicule or criticism. He will not have to experience pain anymore. If there is a heaven, he is definitely there. If they didn’t let Michael Jackson in, then no one is good enough for heaven. If there is a God, Michael was his/her top warrior, his/her golden boy messenger, fighting for the cause. If God does exist, he/she definitely loved Michael. Devine intervention saved him from dying earlier than he did. And that I am grateful for.

I don’t know for sure if there is a God, or devil, or a heaven or hell, or angels, but I do believe in energy and life force and spirit. That’s what makes us who we are. Without those things, we would just be like robots with no emotions. I think that Michael’s spirit, and life-force joined the energy of the universe. It could be in the stars, or even in the air that we breathe. I believe that he could be anywhere he wants to now. As his physical body will disintegrate in a box in a hole somewhere, his spirit may go places where he had always dreamed. I hope he gets to see other planets and solar systems, and meet other life forms. He may learn about whole new sounds. Who knows what songs or dance moves he can come up with now? I bet it would be brilliant! I hope that when I die, I will see him again, along with others who I also miss.

I love you, Michael. I really miss you. My heart aches and you will live in my soul forever. I am a better human being just from knowing you. You’ve meant so much too so many people! I never can say goodbye. No NO!NO!
That was amazing. I agree with pretty much all of it. Like yourself, I am terrified of this forum shutting down, but i hope that we will be discovering rare material / videos/ pictures which we can disucuss for a long time. There may also be new fans joining who have not previously had the opportunity to discuss many old songs etc.

It hurts so bad, I don't know if I will ever fully heal and as I am only 17 that is a worrying prospect. I am glad I have his music to help me through, and once all this dies down in the media I am just going to try and pretend he is at home and happy with his family.
thank you so very much for sharing. i feel pain in the depth of my soul that could not be expressed in words. your every word resonates with my entire existence. thank you for being my voice through the expression of your feelings.

A love for Michael that knows no bounds. May he be at peace, in the arms of the angels.
it took me a few days to actually come to terms with his death. this blog had to be written. this was what I felt inside.