Never can get bored of Michael...


Proud Member
Oct 28, 2009
Ok, I can seriously listen and watch Michael ALL the time...I never get sick of his music...I like other music but it just sounds so dull if it's not Michael...My sister who loves Michael as well, we watch and listen to him all the time, just told me yesterday that she needs a break from him, and I was a little disappointed...After she said that, I felt sorta held back if I found any cool, sexy, pictures of Michael, or a part in a song that I like that I want her opinion on, or whatever...Does anyone feel like this? Share your thoughts, I'm feeling a little down about this..
I'm the same way! I can't get enough of him. I listen to him all day long! You should download mjtunes on your toolbar. It's quick, easy and free! Go to and check it out! It has like remixes, interviews and rare stuff..etc. It's for the MJ fan who can't get enough. :D When people say they need a break or are bored... I can't understand. You keep Michaeling!
aw don't feel bad! :better: I'm sure a lot of people here feel the same way :) I know I have my share of days where the only music I'm able to listen to is mj's!
And just cause your sister needs a break from Michael doesn't mean she appreciates him any less ;)
Awwww...Thanks guys....I knew you'd understand...I know my sister loves Michael too just as much as me, but I felt kinda abandoned when she said she needed a break...and thanks SOO much cyberjackson, I will definitely hav to check that link out!
:dont_mention_it: You just keep michaeling till your hearts content! :listeningtomusic: I'm sure your sister will miss him in no time and come looking for videos to watch or music to listen to! :dancin:

It's hard to star away from Michael for too long ;)
Nope never...

There's so much music out there Michael did to ever get BORED of. We have like 5 decades of great music there's not time to be bored :)
I'm the same way! I can't get enough of him. I listen to him all day long! You should download mjtunes on your toolbar. It's quick, easy and free! Go to and check it out! It has like remixes, interviews and rare stuff..etc. It's for the MJ fan who can't get enough. :D When people say they need a break or are bored... I can't understand. You keep Michaeling!

Thank you for the link I can't get enough of Michael either, I listen to him and watch him all day long.

I could never get tired of Michael.. I listen to his songs every day
i never get bored or sick of listening or watching Michael, i could listen to him all day.
Same here. The first thing I do on most mornings is that I have to put Michael on right away. Just so I can hear that voice of his. I am listening to him right now since because I had just gotten up not that long ago. Ever since June 25th the one thing I have to do is listen to him a few times or so a day every single day. As for watching him I don't watch him all of the time like I should. Cause I still find it a little too painful to watch him at times. But I am fine when I am listening to him. Plus I wear one of my many Michael Jackson t-shirts 24/7 now. I just don't feel right if I am not wearing one of my Michael Jackson t-shirts. Michael is like a drug to me now. It is almost crazy on just how addictive I am to Michael now. And I can not help it. Plus I remember back during the HIStory Era it was like this for me. And I just had no control over it then either.

thats exactly how i he's an addiction...i was the same way around the HIStory era as well...From the moment I bought HIStory the day it came out, I was hooked....Even before that...My friends and I counted down the days to when it was released...I am crazy, crazy addicted to him...I love him so much...I can't bear to think that he's makes me too sad...
lol I'm just the same :mello: a while back I took a short break from listening to MJ, watching videos etc just to see what it was like and I hated it :mello: not doing that again lol