Never-before-seen video: ELVIS's only gig in New York


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Even when you’re the King, it’s easy to get nervous – especially when making your New York debut.

New footage has emerged of Elvis Presley playing at the Madison Square Garden in 1972, the only time the famed blues musician would perform in New York City.
He played only four sold-out shows at MSG, and as his stage manager revealed, Presley was nervous walking on the massive stage.

Never-before-seen: Previously-unknown Super 8mm film of Elvis Presley performing in his one and only New York City concert in 1972 has emerged



The King: Shot from the 4th row at Madison Square Garden, the video shows Elvis in a baby-blue flared jumpsuit with a yellow scarf

The new footage of the King is part of a new three-disc compilation entitled ‘Elvis Presley: Prince from another Planet.’

The previously unseen footage was shot by one of Presley’s young fans, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Joe Guercio, Presley’s stage manager, later explained that Elvis was nervous as he walked out on stage. The opening act, comedian Jackie Kahane, was booed off stage. ‘When Elvis began to walk out on stage, he was nervous,’ Guercio explained.
‘As he passed me, he gave me one of those million-dollar glances that said, “Let’s do it.” Then a shower of camera flashbulbs went off, the crowd loved him, and he was at ease.’

Moves: Wearing a glittering cape, The King shows off one of his signature moves

Limited release: Presley sang only four nights at MSG, making it the only time he performed a concert in New York

The footage was shot by fan Don Lance, who was only 24 at the time of the concert. The young man was one of 80,000 that attended Presley’s sold-out show.
He explained that his friend managed to get him and his friends fourth-row tickets.
His girlfriend managed to sneak in a video camera past security along with six rolls of film.

‘To steady the camera during the show,’ Lance explained, ‘I put it on a tripod I had brought in strapped to my leg.’
He continued: ‘Each time I went to film, friends on either side blocked security’s view.’

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Here's a book released in 2011 about Elvis' concerts in the 1970's with lots of pictures. Although the main focus is about Las Vegas performances, it has chapters about non-Vegas tours also.