Nevada Judge Unseals Some Jackson Doctor Warrants


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Nevada judge unseals some Jackson doctor warrants
LAS VEGAS — A Nevada judge released search warrant documents Wednesday similar to those previously disclosed in the investigation of pop singer Michael Jackson's death.

However, Clark County District Court Judge Valerie Adair kept other documents sealed for at least 30 more days at the request of police conducting a homicide investigation.

Adair refused to disclose documents relating to an Aug. 11 search of a Las Vegas pharmacy where authorities say Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, bought the powerful anesthetic propofol.
The Los Angeles County coroner has ruled Jackson's death a homicide, caused primarily by propofol and another sedative. Murray has not been charged with a crime but is the focus of the police investigation.

The newly released documents contain a summary of the police investigation through July 24, including Murray's insistence that he was not the first doctor to administer propofol to Jackson.
Police were investigating whether prescriptions came from multiple doctors in violation of professional and criminal codes against excessive prescriptions and prescribing to addicts, the documents state.
The affidavit listed the names of a dermatologist, general practitioner, anesthesiologists, plastic surgeon and nurse practitioner who treated Jackson.

The documents said police were seeking records relating to prescriptions "administered, prescribed, obtained, transferred, sold, distributed, and/or concealed" to Jackson or various pseudonyms.
Names listed in the records included Omar Arnold, Paul Farance, Bryan Singleton, Jack London, Jimmy Nicholas, Blanca Nicholas, Roselyn Muhammad, Faheem Muhammad, Frank Tyson, Fernand Diaz, Peter Madonie, Josephine Baker and Kai Chase. It also listed Prince Jackson, the singer's 12-year-old son, as a possible alias.

Lawyers representing The Associated Press, Los Angeles Times, TMZ Productions Inc. of Los Angeles and Stephens Media LLC, the parent company of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, are seeking the release of all search warrant documents relating to the Jackson case in Nevada.
After reviewing affidavits and hearing closed-door testimony from a police detective, Adair said she was convinced that releasing documents involving the search of Applied Pharmacy Services "could compromise the Los Angeles Police Department's ongoing investigation into the homicide of Michael Jackson."

She ordered a Nov. 18 hearing to determine whether there is continued justification to keep the search warrant sealed.

Adair had been expected to release documents stemming from other raids July 28 at Murray's home, office and storage unit in Las Vegas.
A Clark County prosecutor has said the state wasn't opposed to releasing those records, since the documents contained information already made public after searches at Murray's offices in Houston and Los Angeles.
Murray, a cardiologist licensed in Nevada, Texas and California, was hired to be the pop star's personal physician during a world tour.

Affidavits already made public show Murray told investigators that he gave Jackson propofol as a sleep aid, along with multiple sedatives, in the hours before the 50-year-old pop singer died June 25 in a rented Los Angeles mansion.Jackson referred to the opaque liquid drug as his "milk," the documents said.

A warrant application filed in Clark County District Court following the Aug. 11 search at the Las Vegas pharmacy said detectives hoped to find records including credit card receipts, shipping orders or mailing lists showing Murray or his employees bought prescription medications "including but not limited to" propofol. After a 90-minute search, investigators seized only paperwork, the warrant said. No details were provided.
After reviewing affidavits and hearing closed-door testimony from a police detective, Adair said she was convinced that releasing documents involving the search of Applied Pharmacy Services "could compromise the Los Angeles Police Department's ongoing investigation into the homicide of Michael Jackson."

The question I have is, do they (LAPD) care that releasing documents may compromise the ongoing investigation into the homicide of Michael Jackson. If so, then why the leaks?

Murray, a cardiologist licensed in Nevada, Texas and California, was hired to be the pop star's personal physician during a world tour.

He was license in Cali? Thought he wasn't...more contradictions it seems. Why am I not shocked.
The question I have is, do they (LAPD) care that releasing documents may compromise the ongoing investigation into the homicide of Michael Jackson. If so, then why the leaks?

He was license in Cali? Thought he wasn't...more contradictions it seems.
Why am I not shocked.

He's not - it's sloppy corporate reporting once again.
The question I have is, do they (LAPD) care that releasing documents may compromise the ongoing investigation into the homicide of Michael Jackson. If so, then why the leaks

However, Clark County District Court Judge Valerie Adair kept other documents sealed for at least 30 more days at the request of police conducting a homicide investigation.

Adair refused to disclose documents relating to an Aug. 11 search of a Las Vegas pharmacy where authorities say Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, bought the powerful anesthetic propofol.


After reviewing affidavits and hearing closed-door testimony from a police detective, Adair said she was convinced that releasing documents involving the search of Applied Pharmacy Services "could compromise the Los Angeles Police Department's ongoing investigation into the homicide of Michael Jackson."

A Clark County prosecutor has said the state wasn't opposed to releasing those records, since the documents contained information already made public after searches at Murray's offices in Houston and Los Angeles.

I think the judge agreed to release some of the documents, but not all the documents. Only documents already made public were released, so it shouldn't get in the way of the investigation.
I just hope SOMEBODy gets arrested soon.

Forget the drug trafficking charges, how about let's work on the MURDER charges, huh?
Wow, they're getting real antsy for information aren't they. Well let's hope if the information within those warrants is important or will effect the investigation in any way the judge will not allow it.