Need some love advice! =(


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey guys, don't know if this is the place for my thread but anyway... I know this is a long post but I would really appreciate your thoughts and opinions. xo

Ok, so I got a new job and there is this guy at my work who I felt instant strong attraction to the minute I set eyes on him. Since then, we haven't kept our eyes off each other! Its pretty intense. Ive caught him looking at me through the reflection (He had no idea and he was just starring for ages!).

We both first spoke when we both got lost in the car park after work (lol, the car park is huge!) and we laughed cause we both couldn't remember where we had parked! The next day we said hi and laughed again about the day before.

We both work in different departments so we really only see each other if we start or finish at the same time. So since the car park incident it again went back to the eye contact and the starring. When he would walk past my department, he made sure he walked past me, rather than from behind and said hi again.

Well tonight (on valentines day haha) we finished at the same time. We got out literally at the exact same time and without realizing he was beside me walking to the staff bus pick up that takes us to the car park. We said hi and started to really talk for the first time. He asked me a few questions and visa versa, where are you from, what did you do before this, etc. We laughed, it felt comfortable instantly. We had a lot in common. When I told him I can't wait to visit Italy and that I have family there, his face lit up "Your Italian too?".

Anyway, our quiet time was ruined by another employee who showed up "Hey guys" (Oh god I said to myself lol) haha. Anyway the other employee started talking to me and as we were talking (with him sitting to my right), he just kept starring at me as I spoke to her. (I felt so paranoid hoping I looked good lol) We went on the bus and she sat next to me and there was no more room so he stood beside us... This woman talks and talks so I really couldn't talk to him anymore but he was listening to our convo and turned his head in to try and be apart of it but really couldn't cause this woman won't let you fit a word in! lol

Anyway as she was speaking to me, I noticed in the reflection of the glass that he was starring at me the whole time! Now comes the confusing part... I think he has a GF!

I'm not a crazy stalker and I'm sure all us ladies use facebook as a "background check" haha and that I'm not the only one! haha Anyway I looked him up on facebook but its set on private! Yet there is a woman he is posing with in his display pic? Its seems to me to be a couple type of pose? I could get into his profile pic and it had her name under her pic (being a member of facebook this comes up automatically). Anyway I press on her name and she too has the same pic in her profile pic! Her page states that she is in a relationship but it doesn't state his name. Her page is so old, maybe a year old or so? She has had zero updates for like a year. It seems she also made his facebook account as she is his only friend and he has zero updates too.

Anyway to me this kinda proves that they are together and that he isn't single? I hope I'm wrong cause this is the guy Ive been looking for, you know when you just know? No doubts, that kind of strong chemistry and attraction. I'm so fussy with men and for the first time in a while I looked across the room and felt strong attraction, from there it was intense and when we finally really got into a conversation, I just knew. Can't explain it.

Now I'm just worried he isn't single and its driving me nuts. I don't want to get hurt.

aww maybe you should add him as a friend on facebook to see if there are details on him? Or you could keep talking to him at work and develop a stronger bond. Good luck! :)
Wow, you are clever for doing that "background check"! Back in the very early days of America Online (AOL) I remember searching for my then-crush/now-husband's AOL profile and trying to figure out if we had things in common! It must be so much easier with Facebook!

I agree that maybe you could add him as a friend to see the other info. Or ask a mutual friend, or just begin to listen for clues in your conversation... or even just ask if he's seeing anyone right now? That might be really scary, but you would know for sure! Good luck and let us know how it goes!
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The best thing to do is ask him and I hope it works out for you. If he has a gf its best to stay away even though you like him.
Just maybe the next time u both speak with each other just like casually ask him and see what he says.
When you first began to describe the work scenario and his behavior towards you and your behavior towards him, I instantly felt there was a "Girlfriend" in the picture. I could be wrong but most times, that is the case with co-workers.

Also, many professionals in the pyschology field do not believe that getting involved in an office or work romance is a good idea. I have heard the rate of these types of romances ending is bliss are very little.

Most people have crushes on someone of whom they work with, its normal.

I'd say go with your initial instincts about the possible girlfriend.
Thanks for the replies everyone! :)

With the facebook thing, he hasn't got any friends, just her. It seems she made him a facebook account but he has never used it. He has no updates, no posts, no friends but her. All he has on his page is "Welcome to Facebook" and that was dated in 2008!

When I checked her account, she too has the same profile pic and yes it says she is in a relationship but doesn't say to whom. Her only updates were adding friends and she added 4 people including him to her best friend list dated May 2008. She sent him some sushi icon thingy the same day. That's it. No updates, nothing.

Her last update was Feb 2009, that's a year ago now! So its all old info but still gives me a bit of an idea. (lol I sound like such a stalker! haha)

The only hope I hold on to until I know for sure is the fact that the last update was made over a year ago! A lot can change in a year. But I'm not getting my hopes up till I know for sure.
When you first began to describe the work scenario and his behavior towards you and your behavior towards him, I instantly felt there was a "Girlfriend" in the picture.
Really, how so?

Also, many professionals in the pyschology field do not believe that getting involved in an office or work romance is a good idea. I have heard the rate of these types of romances ending is bliss are very little.

Most people have crushes on someone of whom they work with, its normal.

I'd say go with your initial instincts about the possible girlfriend.
This is not an office job and we are both 22 years old (both students) so its not the typical office crush on a married person type of thing... lol

I know many people who have meet at work and are happily together. My sister, my parents, cousin, friends. Its the most common place.

At this point, its about how we've caught each others attention and that I think he may have a GF going by a profile pic (and her relationship status) last updated over a year ago.

He is not the sleazy type of guy and I'm not that type of girl. I would never make the first move... I just need to find out somehow if he is single because I don't want to get my hopes up. The first signs of attraction are all exciting, especially when its someone your REALLY attracted to (which doesn't happen every day). The (over a year ago) facebook status update thing as paused that excitement for me until I know for sure.

If he is with her, ill be disappointed but ill move on. I won't ignore him when I find out though (that would be rude) but ill probably try not to make eye contact with him so much and that sort of thing. Basically ill stop responding back to his body language and contain myself (even if I really want to look at him, lol).
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But can I just say he really shouldn't be looking at me the way he has, the eye contact and all those signs of attraction he is giving off just isn't right if he really does have a girlfriend. (Yet he is not that sleazy kind of guy, he is a nice guy and is shy to begin with) But still...

My sisters boyfriend would never do such a thing. If he really does have a girlfriend, to me he must not really "love" her you know what I mean?