I had a friend in a similar situation and I can tell you by seeing where he is at now.. It definitely gets better! He is now absolutely in love with someone which came unexpectedly..
A moment in life like this where you hit a wall - remember that once the bandages come off, you heal and find strength to climb over that wall that knocked you flat.. On the other side you will find appreciation (as strange as it may sound now) for the pain you felt because it will build your character and will allow you to find new joys in things that you never thought possible.
For myself, I can't say I've been in your shoes but I have had much turmoil in my life and I can tell you first hand that even with broken feet.. Taking the next step is worth it. It hurts at moments, and sometimes fighting internal weakness is hard.. But when you take that one step, the next step, and the one after.. day by day.. Each step, you will look back and see how far you've come. And you'll stand on top of that hill looking down at the future seeing beauty that you never thought possible, and you'll step into that day with a smile!!