Need help!


The Queen HBIC
May 5, 2007
Las Vegas
Hey so I need help deciding what to do for my room.
I was thinking originally a pink/zebra theme.
But once I started looking at pink/zebra rooms,I scrapped that idea.
So,I'm on a hunt to make a Michael Jackson-themed room.
I have a few posters,including the Immortal poster,the 3-D Billie Jean poster,as well as some memorabilia,if that helps.Plus a HUGE amount of clippings.
I'm actually on a super tight budget,so if anyone can help me that would be awesome.
And I also can't paint my room,so that's kinda out.:/
You should tell what color your walls are post some pics of your MJ things etc. I'll try and help.

You should think about your wall color and then pay attention to details like the texture color of your wall trim and your closet doors as well as your bedroom door. Then pick one of the best and biggest MJ poster/Picture you have use that as a focal point or a starter image to 'build upon' If it's not in a frame you can either get a cheaper decore frame or buy base color(s) poster frames to give it a richer look (having them in frames looks better.) If you have books put them all together. If were you I'd buy frames of some type and make them match each other by picking atleast three colors you can have some textered and put the other posters/ pictures in them. small pictures could be put into a bit of a bigger frame by make section for them using poster board and cutting out sections. Buy a cork board to hang or place MJ things on there make it neat (details can come later... when you could list and hopefully post pics of what you do have.
There's a lot you can do with what yo have it's just choosing your 'theme' and colors and the colors and textures you already have in your room.
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Thanks so much for your reply.I wish I could paint my room,though(I live in a rented house.)
Here's my Michael shelf in my room + EVERY Michael clipping I own:

