Need advice..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Livingston, Scotland
I've been feeling extremely down for a while now...

First off, I LOVE photography. Absoloutly love it. However, I am unhappy at the photography course at college. So unhappy that I've actually been crying. I want to leave, really I do. But my parents won't let me. They said 'If you leave the course, we will cut your internet off.'. In other words, I either stay in the course, or I get no internet at all. I think it's a money issue, cause I get paid £300 a month for attending. They say it's not about the money, but I beg to differ.

So I feel like I'm being forced to stay on a college course I'm unhappy at. What should I do?
IMO...I think you should push yourself to finish this course...If you love photography as much as you say you do then you may regret not finishing it later.....You really don't want to have any regrets about your future....and about your parents...they just want to see you succeed at something that you have already said that you love..:)

Hope this helped a little..:hug:
How long will it take to finish it?
I guess it doesn't hurt to succeed in something, you can always do something else after that right?
IMO...I think you should push yourself to finish this course...If you love photography as much as you say you do then you may regret not finishing it later.....You really don't want to have any regrets about your future....and about your parents...they just want to see you succeed at something that you have already said that you love..:)

Hope this helped a little..:hug:

The thing is, I don't really NEED any official qualifications to be a photographer. It's like being an artist or a writer. It's just in you.

I even spoke to a famous photographer via email not long back. He was completely self taught. No college course or anything. and he's one of the top photographers around.

As for how long, I think the course finishes in June.
What is it about it that you're unhappy with? How long have you got left?

Let me tell you I hated my first year of university and wanted to quit. I used to come home on the friday, and cry most of the way back on the sunday evening. My parents wouldn't let me quit. Second year was better. Third year was tough again, I lived on my own which made it worse..but I nearly had a degree so I carried on.

Now I have a high 2.1 Psychology BSc (Hons.) so those 3 years were worth it. Though.. I haven't done much with it yet! :lol: Two of those 3 years were tough but when I look back 3 years is no time at all really. Its tough but if you can stick it out, try, you get a qualification at the end, thats always good, you'll look back and be glad you stuck it out.
The thing is, I don't really NEED any official qualifications to be a photographer. It's like being an artist or a writer. It's just in you.

I even spoke to a famous photographer via email not long back. He was completely self taught. No college course or anything. and he's one of the top photographers around.

As for how long, I think the course finishes in June.

I see what you are saying..however in todays is the person with the degree that will get the job.
I know how you feel, my parents are forcing me to stay on this college course I never wanted to do in the first can I be focussed on doing the work when I have absolutely no interest in the subject AND knowing that the end result won't be worth anything even if I do pass it?

What makes it worse is that I have no one to talk to there, everyone in the class is completely opposite to me personality-wise and I have no interest in befriending them.


Although at least you're actually interested in the subject.
I get what you guys are saying.

I've always wanted to be a photographer. Infact, when I was a kid, I actually wanted to work as a photographer for MJ. (Do celebs have personal photographers?) Of course, that is not possible now. But I could still make it big. I do well in studio photography.