need advice


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
ok guys i have a complicated situation

i meet this guy on yahoo messier about 3 weeks ago all was going good we became friends all of the sudden this guy want to be my lover meet up with me and have sex with me he knows that i m married and that i love my husband he saying that hes has felling for me i don't know what to do i tell him ok we can meet and be freinds and hang out but he says can we be lovers too ??? go back to my place make out and have hot sex i tell him noooooooooo im married i love my husband get it and he keep in sting in this i don't know what to do hes scaring me !!!!!!! what can i do i don't want to lose him as a friend but i want him to know that i wont give in to him
:blink:...ok wow...

IMHO, If he says that after knowing you ONLY For 3 weeks and Knowing you are married, Thats just not a good sign. Does he know where u live? or Your phone # ? If not, You're good! If it was me, I would stop talking to him. But thats just me. Its kinda freaky!

I dont know what to tell you...I think there are more mature people on this board that will give you a good advice...I dont know if am cut out to give anyone advice...:p :lol:

I hope you'll be alright.

no that the good thing he dont know where i live or my # but he dose know im in LA alot and know i love going shopping at the alie he knows when my train arrive in the union station he live in Sherman okes far away form the union station and he dont know that i go out to the subways in the back way i blocked him off of my yahoo messier so he wont message me and he know i go to vist Micheal crypt
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What a shocking thing to experience! You've done the only right thing blocking him off. Now, just forget he ever existed. What he asked of you, in my opinion, is just plain shameless. I don't think any sane guy would ask that after talking for three weeks on a messenger! I presume that you've shown him a photo of you, or you wouldn't worry if he knew your favorite mall or your subway route etc. If it makes you feel better, try not to go anywhere you told him for a little while or go when it's daytime when these places are crowded. I wouldn't worry about it that much if I were you, but if it makes you comfortable, be a little more careful if you think he's a nutjob. I don't wanna scare you or blow this thing out of proportion because I simply know nothing about the guy, but I told you what I think just incase. If the guy is unstable or anything, you might wanna tell your husband. Again, it is probably not that big a of deal, but I always advise not to take any situation lightly. You might wanna tell us what kind of a guy you think he is so we can help better, if you're ok with that.
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Yes you have to be extremly carefull when talking to people online as you never know who can be on the other side and if they are telling you the truh
Never give out personal details esp if you have only known them 3 weeks and him acting like that after just 3 weeks and knowing your married isnt a good sign, personally I would block him and never think of him again

Seem like he only has one interest:no:
Sounds like he's not much of a friend.
Girl, he's telling you what he wants: Sex.
If you choose to ignore it and your own instinct about this person, and you meet him anyway, you could get yourself in a dangerous situation.

When you meet People online, they may seem nice at first but later turn out to be completely different.
Don't trust anyone with your home adress, your phone number, your full name or other things that might enable them to find you.

Trust must be earned..
Take your sweet time in getting to know people, enjoy their company and if it should happen that they one day change and want you to do something that does not feel right to you.. If they do not accept "No", if they push something on you: Tell them "Goodbye!"
You're have every right to demand respect. If a friend does not give you something as basic as That then how can they be your friend??

Always listen to what people telling you.
This person does not respect your marriage, nor does he respect you telling him "No".
Personally, I would DELETE his behind.

Move on..
There are lots of other people online, who are worthy of your time and your trust.
Back around late 2000 when I was married, we had a problem with someone I met on yahoo too. Stupidly I gave her our number after a month or so, thinking she was a really nice friend to have online..........

Don't EVER give out info! She started calling and emailing non stop! Turned out she has OCD, wasn't on meds, and would become obsessed with people, emailing like 50X a day and leaving like 20 voicemail messages all over like ten mins, etc. :rant: Was constantly sitting on messenger going........ where are you where are you where are you :mello: In the end we changed our number and I completely blocked her on yahoo mess, email, etc.

Funny enough like two months ago I got a friend request and a message on facebook and she was like...... i think i remember you, you lived here, were married to so and so, i used to call you on the phone... and then the bells went off in my head like voooooooooooop vooooooooooop I remember her :p So I blocked her on Facebook as well.

Just block and never look back. Live and learn, you know? ;) I know it's super stressful but it won't be once you do that :hug:
Back around late 2000 when I was married, we had a problem with someone I met on yahoo too. Stupidly I gave her our number after a month or so, thinking she was a really nice friend to have online..........

Don't EVER give out info! She started calling and emailing non stop! Turned out she has OCD, wasn't on meds, and would become obsessed with people, emailing like 50X a day and leaving like 20 voicemail messages all over like ten mins, etc. :rant: Was constantly sitting on messenger going........ where are you where are you where are you :mello: In the end we changed our number and I completely blocked her on yahoo mess, email, etc.

Funny enough like two months ago I got a friend request and a message on facebook and she was like...... i think i remember you, you lived here, were married to so and so, i used to call you on the phone... and then the bells went off in my head like voooooooooooop vooooooooooop I remember her :p So I blocked her on Facebook as well.

Just block and never look back. Live and learn, you know? ;) I know it's super stressful but it won't be once you do that :hug:

That tells you all you need to know.
Personally I wouldn't speak to him again. You've only known him 3 weeks and he's acting like that knowing you're married? Sounds no good.
yes i agree with what everyone has said. stay well away and delete him from your contacts. if he behaves that way towards you on the internet, i cannot imagine how he would be in real life. Scary :O
Sweetie, I'm sorry but it doesn't sound like he can accept friendship.
I think you should stay away from him, really.
Be safe hun.
girl..the best advice that I can give you is Block him.....he is a freak...he is only looking for sex and he doesnt care if you cheat on your husband...but like you have stated you love your husband so maybe you should tell him what should be able to speak to your husband about anything...especially situations like this.....good luck and please be very careful in the future...