Ne-YO on MJ... [All Ne-Yo Threads Merged]


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi Guys,

I don't know if this has been posted already, But Ne-Yo was on Much Music yesterday. He talked about writing songs for MJ for MJ's new album. He said nothing new than to what you've probably heard already. He said MJ was being selective, but he said it's an honour to write for him anyways - even if MJ decided not to use any of his songs in the album. I don't remember word for word - but he also said something along the lines that MJ is an inspiration to him - and all R n B artists today. :) Although, he didn't give away anything new, I'm glad something popped up about MJ's new album!:D Keep holding on to ur hopes people...the album is comming:)
Re: Ne-YO speaks on Much Music-Canada (MJ Related)

Yeah, I know, he said this all before (a long time ago). Thank you. But otherwise isn't it truly sad that he says MJ is an Inspiration to the R n B artists of today? I mean, if he really would inspire them, why is today's music (and videos) then sooo....primitive...compared to Michael's highly quality songs???
Re: Ne-YO speaks on Much Music-Canada (MJ Related)

^ cuz the industry has turned upside down.. the artists are the RESULT of it.. not the cause.
Re: Ne-YO speaks on Much Music-Canada (MJ Related)

Yeah, I know, he said this all before (a long time ago). Thank you. But otherwise isn't it truly sad that he says MJ is an Inspiration to the R n B artists of today? I mean, if he really would inspire them, why is today's music (and videos) then sooo....primitive...compared to Michael's highly quality songs???
:dancin: Bingo! Good question. But could one count Ne-Yo's songs and Videos to the primitive ones too. I can't judge ...?
Re: Ne-YO speaks on Much Music-Canada (MJ Related)

Yeah, I know, he said this all before (a long time ago). Thank you. But otherwise isn't it truly sad that he says MJ is an Inspiration to the R n B artists of today? I mean, if he really would inspire them, why is today's music (and videos) then sooo....primitive...compared to Michael's highly quality songs???
I have often wondered that myself, and then I think that MJ's star was so blinding that the industry is still struggling to find their way out. They are still caught uo in MJ's glory and are still chasing his light. The main reason for that is greed. They have damaged the star that shone so brightly and they cannot now see their own way. MJ may still have to show them the way out.
Re: Ne-YO speaks on Much Music-Canada (MJ Related)

Yeah, I know, he said this all before (a long time ago). Thank you. But otherwise isn't it truly sad that he says MJ is an Inspiration to the R n B artists of today? I mean, if he really would inspire them, why is today's music (and videos) then sooo....primitive...compared to Michael's highly quality songs???

I think insipiration alone cannot create totally unique, high quality songs that MJ creates. Look at MJ - he was inspired by so many other artists, but he had a drive and a unique creative instinct- he bought something to music that was completely his own. It's not that these artists are not talented and inspired by MJ- I truly believe R n B artists are truly talented and gifted individuals. But they are caught in this circle where they stick to "safe music" - there is nothing new in music. R n B artists are inspired today but lack that creative instinct. What we need is someone to break the ice again, we need some artist to take that risk that MJ took years ago.
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Re: Ne-YO speaks on Much Music-Canada (MJ Related)

I'll throw this in here.. simular to what u typed about wut he said..

Here is the transcript I wrote up a couple of days ago and added to the collaboration thread:

Ne-yo goes "1 on 1" with DJ Ekin 2 June 2008
I'm actually in the process of doing songs for Michael Jackson.. for his new project. Oh yeah, well, I'm trying anyway.. Im submitting songs, and ah, he'll call me and say, 'yeah I really like number 3, number 2 is aight, change the hook on number 1 and send it back to me', and then, you know, that would be it.. So I dunno what's gonna happen.. I dunno what he gonna keep or whatever but, just he fact that he even got a hold of me and was like, 'Yo, I really want you to put some stuff together for my album', thats like.. that was enough for me.. I called my mum and like I wowed out.. it was one of those.
Q: When's the album coming out?
I have no idea! That's why I say im trying.. because this has been going on for like a few months now, you know what I mean like.. He's being real selective, real picky.. because I mean it's gonna be a real important if it comes out you know so, I dunno.
Re: Ne-YO speaks on Much Music-Canada (MJ Related)

^ I have a question...

Why do you enjoy typing the transcript over just posting the video???

just wondering cuz I would hate to always do it.. lol!
Re: Ne-YO speaks on Much Music-Canada (MJ Related)

I disagree somewhat on the argument that toays music is more primitive. Perhaps the songwriting is, but I think that the beats have evolved and I can definitely hear Michael's influence in the layered beats of todays producers.
Re: Ne-YO speaks on Much Music-Canada (MJ Related)

Michael's influence is everywhere, but it inadvertently had a negative effect, because everyone decided that in order to compete, they had to try and do everything, like Michael. The only problem with that is, while Michael is uncannily talented and posseses world class talent in 4 or 5 areas, not everyone can do that, in fact, no one else can do that, and so they have to compromise quality for quantity in an effort to compete.
Re: Ne-YO speaks on Much Music-Canada (MJ Related)

^ I have a question...

Why do you enjoy typing the transcript over just posting the video???

just wondering cuz I would hate to always do it.. lol!

Because i add them to the collaborations thread if they relate directly to new MJ work. Basically to help out anyone with a slow connection or who has exceeded their broadband limit ect.:)
Re: Ne-YO speaks on Much Music-Canada (MJ Related)

Mia Michael says it perfectly on this week's Thrillercast on that subject.
Ne-Yo on 91.5 the beat!!!

Ne-Yo was on 91.5 the beat!! He said a few things 'bout Mike!!!
Re: Ne-Yo on 91.5 the beat!!!

Ne-Yo said the same old same MJ was being picky and how Michael wanted to shock the world and how he was not allowed to say song descriptions and how Michael told him what kind of music to write...pretty simple. :mello:

I'll write a transcript later for Damien Sheilds for his thread.
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Re: Ne-Yo on 91.5 the beat!!!

Ne-Yo said the same old same MJ was being picky and how Michael wanted to shock the world and how he was not allowed to say song descriptions and how Michael told him what kind of music to write...pretty simple. :mello:

I'll write a transcript later for Damien Sheilds for his thread.

that would be super:) thanks!
Re: Ne-Yo on 91.5 the beat!!!

Ne-Yo said the same old same MJ was being picky and how Michael wanted to shock the world and how he was not allowed to say song descriptions and how Michael told him what kind of music to write...pretty simple. :mello:

I'll write a transcript later for Damien Sheilds for his thread.

that will be cool
Re: Ne-Yo on 91.5 the beat!!!

well the 'telling him what type of songs to write' is somewhat newer type thing he does not mention usually..

that lets us know that he really has a specific sound he's going for as usuall..

An overall theme sound.
Re: Ne-Yo on 91.5 the beat!!!

where is this station from?
:)hey i live in ontario too...though mississauga...I have a lot of friends in Kitchner:D
I don't live there...

I participated in the pole we are doing..

wait?? isn't that wut we're doin??

just messing around