Native Americans blast bin Laden code name


Proud Member
Aug 11, 2009
Native Americans blast bin Laden code name

'It's another attempt to label Native Americans as terrorists,' says Sioux member staff and news service reports - updated 3 minutes ago


Geronimo, who died in 1909, is seen late in his life.

WASHINGTON — Native Americans are objecting to the U.S. military's use of the code name "Geronimo" for Osama bin Laden during the raid that killed the al-Qaida leader.

After bin Laden was killed, the military sent a message back to the White House: "Geronimo EKIA" — enemy killed in action.

News about the code name spread quickly across Indian Country and on social network sites, resulting in a groundswell of criticism against the government. Several tribes and tribal leaders issued statements of disapproval, while many Facebook and Twitter posted angry comments, some using historical photos of the Apache leader for their profile pictures.

Geronimo is a legend among Apaches and other Indian tribes for the fierce fighting he brought on during the 19th century as he tried to protect his land, his people and their way of life from encroachment by U.S. and Mexican armies.

The leader of the Fort Sill Apache Tribe is among those looking for a formal apology from President Barack Obama.

Tribal Chairman Jeff Houser asked for the apology in a letter sent Tuesday to the president, saying his tribe was ecstatic to learn about bin Laden's death but those feelings were tempered when members learned that the code word used for the terrorist was the name of one of the Oklahoma tribe's legendary warriors.

"Unlike the coward Osama bin Laden, Geronimo faced his enemy in numerous battles and engagements," Houser wrote. "He is perhaps one of the greatest symbols of Native American resistance in the history of the United States."

Houser said equating Geronimo or any other Native American figure with a "mass murderer and cowardly terrorist" was painful and offensive.

"Right now Native American children all over this country are facing the reality of having one of their most revered figures being connected to a terrorist and murderer of thousands of innocent Americans," Houser wrote. "Think about how they feel at this point."

"Think of the outcry if they had used any other ethnic group's hero," added the Onondaga Council of Chiefs in a statement cited by the Syracuse Post-Standard. "Geronimo bravely and heroically defended his homeland and his people, eventually surrendering and living out the rest of his days peacefully, if in captivity."

As Geronimo is "arguably the most recognized Native American name in the world," the link "only serves to perpetuate negative stereotypes about our people," the statement said.

The nation's spiritual leader, Tadodaho Sid Hill, told the newspaper that he found it incomprehensible that they used a man viewed as a hero "to identify a man like Osama Bin Laden."

Hill told the Post-Standard he expected more from Obama, but that "nobody seems to be able to see our side."

The White House referred questions on the matter to the U.S. Defense Department, which said no disrespect was meant to Native Americans.

The department wouldn't elaborate on the use of "Geronimo," but said code names typically are chosen randomly so that those working on a mission can communicate without divulging any information to adversaries.

'Inappropriate uses' of 'icons'
Loretta Tuell, staff director and chief counsel for the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, said Tuesday it was inappropriate to link Geronimo, whom she called "one of the greatest Native American heroes," with one of the most hated enemies of the United States.

"These inappropriate uses of Native American icons and cultures are prevalent throughout our society, and the impacts to Native and non-Native children are devastating," Tuell said.

Tuell is a member of the Nez Perce tribe and grew on the tribe's reservation in Idaho. The Senate Indian Affairs panel had previously scheduled a hearing for Thursday on racial stereotypes of native people. Tuell said the use of Geronimo in the bin Laden raid will be discussed.

Steven Newcomb, a columnist for the weekly newspaper Indian Country Today, criticized what he called a disrespectful use of a name revered by many Native Americans.

"Apparently, having an African-American president in the White House is not enough to overturn the more than 200-year American tradition of treating and thinking of Indians as enemies of the United States," Newcomb wrote.

"It's another attempt to label Native Americans as terrorists," said Paula Antoine of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe in South Dakota.

Jefferson Keel, president of National Congress of American Indians, the largest organization representing American Indians and Alaska Natives, said, "Osama bin Laden was a shared enemy."

Keel said that since 2001, 77 American Indians and Alaskan Natives have died defending the U.S. in Afghanistan and Iraq. More than 400 have been wounded.

Geronimo was born in 1829 in what would later become the state of New Mexico. Aside from leading resistance efforts for his people, he was also known as a spiritual leader.

After the families of Geronimo and other Apache warriors were captured and sent to Florida, he and 35 warriors surrendered to Gen. Nelson A. Miles near the Arizona-New Mexico border in 1886.

Geronimo eventually was sent to Fort Sill in Oklahoma, where he died of pneumonia in 1909 after nearly 23 years of captivity. He was buried in the Fort Sill Apache prisoner of war cemetery.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

I undertsand their point. Kids are impressible. I myself see Geronimo as a Hero & perhaps that's why the mission was named after him,but children no matter what race & ethinic background will always question things & authority. They could think that maybe what their elders told them of their tribes legend false you just never know what a young kid will think. I think it's about time the USA Goverment pay back the Native Indians & honor them. I also believe that if that the Native people would be okay with it there should be days on the calender for people like Geronimo - I mean jeeze at the very least.

"Well right now I actually would like to express a bit of disappointment and frustration with the U.S government. I am proud of any man or woman who serves their country, however after I read an article where Geronimo was a code name for Osama. I thought I was witnessing along with all of you a moment in history but after reading this article, I became saddened and don't know whether this is a step forward for the U.S government or a step back. I find this to be an unfair match-up of a man who was a murderer of innocent people with a native american leader who fought against U.S and Mexico expansion for his Apache people.

As a native american from the Hopi and Navajo tribes in the state of Arizona, my heart goes out to the Apache tribe who are my neighbors, that they or any other native american tribe won't be treated unfairly. "

This was what I posted in the Osama thread. Thank you for this thread. I hope this will open the eyes of those who can't see the the tribes of many nations in the U.S. That our cries, pleas, and voices will no longer fall on deaf ears.
Thank you in Hopi - Kwa Kwa!

Thank you in Navajo - Ah' hye' heh'
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I agree. I think that The Native people need be heard. I have major respect for the Native Indians. I send out my Love & Faith that all things can be freed.

Quote from Geronimo:
"I was warmed by the sun, rocked by the winds and sheltered by the trees as other Indian babes. I was living peaceably when people began to speak bad of me. Now I can eat well, sleep well and be glad. I can go everywhere with a good feeling".

Geronimo (June 16, 1829 -- February 17, 1909) was a prominent Native American leader and medicine man of the Chiricahua Apache who fought against Mexico and the United States and their expansion into Apache tribal lands for several decades during the Apache Wars.

Akua Tuta by Kashtin (Part English Translation from Innu Aionun) Be careful what you do Be careful what you do with the thing you protect Be careful what you do Be careful what you do with the thing which has helped you Take care of our land Be careful what you do the way you were raised Take care of our grandfathers Take care of? our grandmothers too Take care of your children and your brother and sister's children too
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I saw a post on twitter that "Jackpot" was actually the codename for Osama, and Geronimo was codename for the actual mission. It doesn't matter, for Geronimo to be even linked with this mission is unfair. Why not codename:Hitler?
Yes... I believe that Geronimo should be respected - and why not? Not linked to something of this nature esp. since he was linked fasley by things of bad nature which untrue.. so, the way I'm seeing it is that this relation of the code name is just the same as saying that all over again like when Geronimo was living & fighting for his people. He's being falsly accussed again in a sense. Does that makes sense?

Perfect sense! Im glad to be able to reach out to my fellow MJJC brothers and sisters, as we believe in peace, l.o.v.e, and that we pray all this hate will no longer instill fear and terror to the entire earth.

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:) Good. I feel happy that I researched and made some sense out of this. I feel what we put in the earth is what we are.. so let us put peace,love & happiness in our soil.


Dancing The Dance
thought the code name for the entire op was that and not just the code word for bin laden
It just shows what the American Government thinks of the Native Americans!!!!
Co's in the article I posted, one of the guys said, "Geronimo is dead." Or it was, "we've identified Geronimo."

thanks. yeah thats out of order then. talk about sending a message out. just as thick as hell or intentional?
Yes I agree.. It's very out of order. ^^

It just shows what the American Government thinks of the Native Americans!!!!
It's sad on this part of the Goverment. Will things ever change for the good anywhere.
