Nancy grace is a hypocrite!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was watching Nancy Grace the other day ( I like watching people who annoy me lol) and she was covering the Tiger Woods situation, I don't remember exactly what was said but some guy brought up Michael Jackson (not in a bad way) and Nancy acted all offended and said "dont bring him in to this, let the man rest in peace and let his accusers go count their money". I was shocked when she said that, how in the world could she act like that now that hes gone? When he was living she ripped him apart. I hate how people act different when people pass away. She is so fake, shes in actor, cant stand her.
Oh she can eat it cause she forever eating 'crow pie' lol i don't like her.
ahhh I dont even waste my time on her, shes not worth it
I was watching Nancy Grace the other day ( I like watching people who annoy me lol) and she was covering the Tiger Woods situation, I don't remember exactly what was said but some guy brought up Michael Jackson (not in a bad way) and Nancy acted all offended and said "dont bring him in to this, let the man rest in peace and let his accusers go count their money". I was shocked when she said that, how in the world could she act like that now that hes gone? When he was living she ripped him apart. I hate how people act different when people pass away. She is so fake, shes in actor, cant stand her.

Nancy "Tweety Bird" Grace is the worst CLOSET MICHAEL JACKSON FAN I have ever seen....LMAO!
yeah she is a fan of MJ, I still remember when she was talking crap during the trial and when mj'smusic was played she started to dance, she did not know she was on air .
She hasn't changed, she still said something different. She said something in a effect that and it was doing the Tiger Woods fiasco that she brought up Michael and said that Mike paid off the silence of the accusers. She has not changed.

And I do think she is an undercover MJ fan but she thinks about her pitbull lying Image first before MJ.
I was watching Nancy Grace the other day ( I like watching people who annoy me lol) and she was covering the Tiger Woods situation, I don't remember exactly what was said but some guy brought up Michael Jackson (not in a bad way) and Nancy acted all offended and said "dont bring him in to this, let the man rest in peace and let his accusers go count their money". I was shocked when she said that, how in the world could she act like that now that hes gone? When he was living she ripped him apart. I hate how people act different when people pass away. She is so fake, shes in actor, cant stand her.

lol..i know..isn't that weird? i, for some reason like to watch and listen to people who annoy me, too. if they seem to have a talent for drawing people in to watch them or listen to them..i sometimes ask myself..why do i like to listen to or watch this bitch?

but, i'm hoping that disgrace is being run into the ground by her guilt. if that's what's making her speak the way she's speaking, now,'s one less voice we have to worry about, right now.
I was watching Nancy Grace the other day ( I like watching people who annoy me lol) and she was covering the Tiger Woods situation, I don't remember exactly what was said but some guy brought up Michael Jackson (not in a bad way) and Nancy acted all offended and said "dont bring him in to this, let the man rest in peace and let his accusers go count their money". I was shocked when she said that, how in the world could she act like that now that hes gone? When he was living she ripped him apart. I hate how people act different when people pass away. She is so fake, shes in actor, cant stand her.
Well may be she realized she was wrong:bugeyed... anyway, it is the way the world works sadly, why didnt she said this before.... at least seems like she has a heart after all
lol..i know..isn't that weird? i, for some reason like to watch and listen to people who annoy me, too. if they seem to have a talent for drawing people in to watch them or listen to them..i sometimes ask myself..why do i like to listen to or watch this bitch?

but, i'm hoping that disgrace is being run into the ground by her guilt. if that's what's making her speak the way she's speaking, now,'s one less voice we have to worry about, right now.

cool I have someone who understands lol
I wonder how crow tastes? ;p

Nancy Grace is a loser lol. She still hasn't even eaten her damn crow. I should send some to her as a Christmas gift xD Or just send her a reminder saying "Eat Yo' Crow Bish!" hahaha!
I try not to get mad or upset when someone finally realizes the truth about Michael and spreads it... but I gotta agree she is pretty hypocritical and not to mention she scares me. She is always yelling...
I was watching Nancy Grace the other day ( I like watching people who annoy me lol) and she was covering the Tiger Woods situation, I don't remember exactly what was said but some guy brought up Michael Jackson (not in a bad way) and Nancy acted all offended and said "dont bring him in to this, let the man rest in peace and let his accusers go count their money". I was shocked when she said that, how in the world could she act like that now that hes gone? When he was living she ripped him apart. I hate how people act different when people pass away. She is so fake, shes in actor, cant stand her.

:angel:psalm 37
Haha, I remember her during the trial, both her and DD were like thorns in one's side back then but I have to say that at the moment, She's better than that ditsy airhead that goes by the name of Joy Behar. That woman has no limits.
I saw a bit of her a while ago and she was going on about checking your facts etc and as far as I remember her show hasn't been one of those check your facts kind of shows.

Which is why I don't watch her show. Not worth getting angry over.
there is something that President Obama said which rings true..

he said the most people in the media are entertainers ...who do what they have to do to get ratings.. the problem is alot of them try to pass what they do off as journalism.. when they are really entertainers...

the truth has always been out there that Michael is innocent.. but what the media felt would get ratings is presenting him as guilty...

the media helped to tear him down...and have been doing it for the last 20+ years