Nametags at the concert?


Forgive me if this isn't in the correct spot.

Are people going to wear name tags that have your forum name on them and the website so we can recognize each other if we happen to run into others with name tags? Would that be something people would want to do? I know most of the people there won't be from online but it would be great to run into someone wearing a name tag that says the website forum they are from and their screen name.

What's your thoughts on this? (I did a search and didn't see a thread like this but am not as familiar with this section)
actually there were t-shirts planned with nicknames on them... but up to now there wasnt the opportunity to order them... its getting closer to the concerts... lets see
ohhh thank you. I guess I should pay more attention. I just find there is too much to look at in this forum that I miss a great deal. That'll be cool.
yeah indeed it would be cool and i am already waiting to order them lol. they said there should be an online shop soon, so lets see.. but i am sooo unpatient ;)
wonder when the tshirts are being made. if not ill be wearing a name tag ill also have a big MJ cut in my head lol
if the shirts wont be available before the concerts, i probably will design my own t-shirt!

that's a good idea, I probly will design my own shirt.....

I'll have a USA loves MJJ type shirt for the front, I am thinking of having Michael in front of a USA flag......

Then in the back I will have in BIG LETTERS


That's a point, the MJJC shirts should be out soon shouldn't they? :unsure: