names of members we are concerned about


Proud Member
Sep 12, 2004
Hello since I have read about BillieJean being MIA I thought it would be good to start a thread to post the names of those MIA here.
so I'll start

Sorry.... I have been gone a few days... what's wrong with Billie? She has not been around lately? God! I hope she is doing well, please!
This is scary. I noticed alot of members left in 2009 too. I miss them
hey guys I know you are concerened about people but just cos some members may not have logged in or posted since 2009, dosnt mean that they have done something stupid. I know for me, Im not as active on this forum as I once was, for many different reasons, but Im still in contact with alot of fans on places like facebook and twitter. Many of the pre June 25 members find it hard to be in a forum which was once a place of soo much happyness and joy.
Hi, Moony!!
I understand your point (you know I do :hug:), but I think we mean also those friends who have been active, very active lately, those who we knew were very, very sad and depressed. Of course, not everybody has done anything "stupid" as you say, it's just that we are a bit worried and would like to help... if possible. We have a little virtual corner, and we usually meet here every now and then to share our pain, our songs, our memories. So I think that is the point.

God... how did we come to this????
Michael is so deeply needed and missed :no:

Hugs, Moony!!! (and thanks so much again for all you've done!)