Mysterious "Moonwalker" Wows Walmart Shoppers

hahaha. That's awesome. That would make my day if I saw that. :lol: So random...

He just moonwalks on by like it's nothing. lol.
And the cart moonwalked with him, that's pretty fly!! Love it.

I loved it! The people who were in front of him was like HUH! o_O lol

Must be some bangin sells going on at Walmart!? Maybe he found some MJ School supplies there too? lol
I dance like MJ all the time in public, especially in Wal-Mart. My friends love it!

But this guy is far better than me! haha
Working in retail myself, (Kmart) I dance to MJ all the time, especially if one of his songs is being played on the Kmart Radio Network. Last night after closing when we were straightening shelves, I was in automotive in the car wax aisle....I was chatting with another associate and noticed it was slippery...

needless to say I was moving like MJ. lol
My mom actually told me about this yesterday (I don't know how she found out about some MJ news before I did. She's not a huge fan like me.) This guy's awesome. His moonwalk is really good. :D
Best way to moonwalk is on a smooth surface in socks...only downside of that is the landing on the toes....hurts like hell....once you get the motion of the moonwalk down with socks, then you move up to using shoes...that's when you should do it with something near by to catch in case you fall during the landing. lol