Myspace or Facebook?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
I have a Myspace for a long time allready but i hardly use it anymore. Recently i made a Facebook coz a friend of mine has it but now i'm wondering which one i will stop using. I don't want to keep both coz next to Myspace and Facebook i have Hyves(a Dutch site like Myspace and Facebook) and i think 2 is more then enough to keep up with since i allready forget i have myspace.

So which one is best and which is used the most you think? Myspace or Facebook?
Well I only used Myspace form the pepole around the world. Facebook for me I think it's personal because you get to talk to your firends that you never meet in a long time.
I have a myspace, facebook and twitter page.
I like Facebook better because like someone mentioned above, it seems more organized. Facebook is where I keep in contact with the majority of my friends. But I still keep my myspace because I've been introduced to a lot of cool bands through there. All in all, I guess it depends on what your preferences are and how many people you want to stay connected with actually utilize the site.
I have MySpace & FB. I like MySpace, I've had it forever, but I just recently got FB and I'm addicted to Farm Town & Sorority Life. :)
I have both. I think I like MySpace better though because you can really customize your profile by using different backgrounds and stuff. When it comes to the status, I prefer Facebook because you can put in links to articles and videos and such.
Myspace definitely!! I don't see the Facebook hype even though I have an account on both sites lol
Facebook! Myspace is so yesteryear. :D (This thread should include a poll)
I prefer Facebook. Never got into Myspace. I deleted my account months ago, got pretty bored with it.
Definitely facebook for me. I did use MySpace a lot a few years back but FB is more user friendly and doesn't take years to load on my broadband connection!! :p
I have both, although myspace seems to be and a zone for teenagers and musicians to plug their stuff.