My World: The Official Photobook


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
My World: The Official Photobook

Can you please tell me where we can buy this in London ,Spain or France?


l have friend there so they can help me to have it ,because l can't order it from Morocco.

With the love
Hey mehdi, Its actually quite rare now, I think.
It was limited when it was out
My advice.......

Only think about buying this book if you have loads of money!!!!!!
EDIT: Link removed--apparently we're not supposed to post links to Jetzi's site on here. The book is available on her website.
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Won't be able to find this in London as I have my eyes out in London lol, and haven't found on yet! but ridiculous amounts of money on Ebay, I remember this when it came out, now why didn't I buy it!
I bought this when it came out but wasn't that impressed with it. Cannot believe they are asking so much money for them now.
I´ve just seen this review at Amazon. I´m not sure if this is true, and unfortunately I´ve never had the opportunity to see or buy this book, but I´ll post it here anyway:

My World: The Official Photobook - Was NOT written by Michael Jackson, August 11, 2009
By Jenna (UK) - See all my reviews
This review is from: My World: The Official Photobook (Paperback)
Hello Everyone,

Contrary to popular belief 'My World: The Official Photobook' - Was NOT written by Michael Jackson.

It was created and licensed by MJ Licensing who sold it under the false pretense that Michael Jackson had created and released it. However, when MJ came to know of this, he requested for all future copies to be halted, (as he knew that it was misleading to his fans etc. He had not created such a book.) That is why you will never see this book in print. Michael himself had put an end to the publication and distribution of it. As far as I am aware, MJ Licensing does not even exist anymore.

For any true MJ fans, if you read the book carefully, you will see that it doesn't even sound like Michael's words...The captions that have been used, have been dug up from previous comments that MJ has made. MJ Licensing may have had access to some pics/lyrics etc of MJ, (which may have not been seen before,) but, so do many companies...

I will advise you to look at Michael's previous Officially released books; 'Moonwalk' and 'Dancing the Dream' and you will see the difference in quality immediately. 'My World: The Official Photobook' does not compare on any level. MJ (as you all know) did not produce half hearted ventures, his work was world class and this book is definitely not anywhere on that par, because it wasn't from MJ.

Sorry to disappoint all of you, but, for those of you who have forked out big bucks for it, I truly feel for you guys...



I always knew that Michael didn't have anything to do with the book, anyways, for collectors it's still rare..
The book was out as part of the contract with Wiesner. It was apparently released without Michael's input (a that is what was said at the time).
funny thing is
Michael HIMSELF signed a bunch of copies of "My World" that were given out as prizes in competitions at fan events.
According to my e-mails with the publisher Volume 2 was considered but unfortunately never materialized.

IMO this book is not worth getting now, it was totally overpriced when it came out and is even more now. It was priced somewhere around $25, if my memory serves right, and although quite nice, it was not really worth it.
IMO this book is not worth getting now, it was totally overpriced when it came out and is even more now. It was priced somewhere around $25, if my memory serves right, and although quite nice, it was not really worth it.

I agree. I looked at it on jetzi's site, and I didn't really understand all the hoopla over it.
I agree. I looked at it on jetzi's site, and I didn't really understand all the hoopla over it.

Well, it was something back then. There was literally NOTHING new of that sort available on MJ in these years. The best thing you could get was a calendar or a magazine from the 90's on eBay. So a new book with unreleased pictures was exciting.
it says Vol. 1

Hopefully they make a Vol. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 etc. etc. :lol: With new pictures in all of them. :)