My Words To Michael, My Words To You...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know I made several previous threads with my writing in them, but I thought that I would just make one thread and update it so that I am not jamming up the message board with silly threads all over the place.

I feel extremely compelled to write these poems, or verses. It is usually late at night, around 1 or 2 AM where I am at, when I find the inspiration to put all of these things I am feeling or thinking down on paper. And many times I find myself writing from the perspective of actually being Michael.

I just want you to know that I am in no way trying to put words in to Michael's mouth. This is just what my heart is feeling, what my brain is thinking, and what I can manage to decipher between the two of them trying to work together.

My writings help me find comfort in a time where comfort is hard to come by, so it is just my hope that maybe they will help you as well.

PS. I'm not sure which forum this belongs in, I have placed it here because it is kind of a personal 'memoriam' for Michael, of my I thought this section of the forum to be quite fitting!

PSS. Sorry for the length. When I eventually figure out how to post my writings on to a webpage of some sort I will provice you with links instead of the full text. they are.

'I Love you More'

I'm a wayfaring stranger in your part of the woods.
It seems you're swimming in brighter seas than I,
from that spot at which time I stood.
The light that I emit,
admittedly some people find the brightest.
But to some it didn't matter that my touch may be the kindest.
They only see the fabrications,
a socially blinded mans version of the truth.
There was nothing immorally wrong with me,
I was just a lover of all youth.
Giving my soul to all the children,
and my heart to all my fans,
my loneliness still overwhelmed me.
It was almost too much for just one man.
Where others may have fallen,
I just built myself up to be stronger.
When people tried to break me down,
I just stacked my walls up even taller.
And though one day I perished,
and my soul departed from this earth,
there is nothing to be sad about,
it released me from my hurt.
Where I am at, I have complete joy.
I've conquered all my sorrow.
It doesn't bother me a bit that I won't see another humanly 'tomorrow'.
Tomorrows are just chances,
to right the wrongs you did today.
But where I'm at in heaven,
it's a beautiful place to stay.
I'd never leave my spot here,
even if I was given just 'one more day',
because I know now what my purpose was,
and now my mission has come to an end.
But listen close when you say "Michael I love you,"
you just might hear, "I love you more my friend"

-Casey Marie. August 4th, 2009

'Not Good Bye, See You Later...'

There is nothing left for me to do here,
and there is nothing left for me to say.
I have so much left to live for,
that I couldn't fit in to one more day.
I had a sell out tour of fifty dates,
and my children to introduce to my music.
But with all of that taken from me,
you would think that I would 'lose it'.
But it seems I haven't 'lost' a thing,
in fact, I think I have gained.
I've been given back all my special moments,
that is better than any of my fame.
The things I thought I needed the most,
turns out in fact, it seems, I don't.
The things I thought that I'd forgot,
turns out, it seems, that I have not.
And what I had here waiting for me,
was my entire family.
Not them all, they're not all here.
I miss them so, but someone whispered,
"Please have patience" in my ear.
Still know that I'm not alone,
here I've found many a willing hand to hold.
I've gathered strengh I didn't know I had,
to hold my emotions when my kids spoke of 'their dad'.
I filled up with such great pride,
at the dignity I saw with everyone's 'Good Bye's.
And though, just for now, we've parted ways,
my heart won't break, and my glove won't wave.
I, myself, won't say good bye.
There is no reason for the tears you cry.
I'm here with you, though you can't see.
Open your ears, listen, I'm speaking here freely.
And I know you miss me,
I can feel it.
But don't be sad, or dwell on it.
I don't want to see a single fan cry,
or crane their head to stare at the sky.
I'm not there, because I am with you here...
I'm in your eyes, when you look in the mirror.
A little piece of me will always be with you,
if you were touched by what I do.
And so I leave here with no good bye,
and I imagine that you will ask me, "why?"
Good byes you see, are for when you are gone
and don't know at all when you will return.
I am here with you, at each corner, and every turn.
So I'll tell you, "I'll see you later!"
Because indeed I surely will.
I'll be there for you from the bottom,
to the top of every hill.
Through the darkness of the night,
to the bright of every morning.
When you feel the warmth inside your heart,
that compells you to keep going.
Know it's me, and just know that my heart is warm here too.
My dreams and aspirations, never will they die.
My vision will never be blinded,
My hopes are forever high.
There is nothing more that I could wish,
or ask of anyone.
With all my fans my love remains,
my legacy will carry on.

-Casey Marie, August 3rd, 2009.

''It Sets Me Free'

Early in the morning through the cold and falling rain,
I stand out in my yard and desparately call out your name.
Hoping that you'll hear me, I turn all my senses on,
fall to my knees everytime it hits me,
and I realize again that you are gone.
Tell myself that I won't cry again,
I won't let myself cry today, but everytime it becomes a lie.
Wish I knew why you had to leave us,
lay on my back and look up to the sky.
The rain washes away my tears,
I don't want you to see me cry.
Millions of questions are in my mind.
If you could, would you answer them please?
Just give me a sign of any kind and I promise,
I'll be down on my knees, but this time,
I won't be so desparate, I won't be full of despair.
I'll be thankful as I've ever been, ever,
praying my most heartfelt prayer.
If you'd just tell me, are you hurting?
Are you happy where you are?
And Heaven, I can't see it, I bet it's beautiful, full of stars.
I know that you're the brightest, shining the highest for all to see.
I hold your light the closest,
In my heart, it sets me free.

-Casey Marie, July 14th, 2009.

'See You From The Inside'

You were so misunderstood,
and at times inside I feel torn.
The more I watch, the more I learn.
Everyone wants to learn about your life,
learn you inside out, walk all of your strides.
How painful your life must have been,
helping out so many, and letting no one in.
You were hurting and no one saw it,
or if they saw it, they didn't really see.
It's easier to be blinded, than to give your sympathy.
It's easier to side with the crowd,
and think things at their worst.
Than to believe that something's good,
and that you would never want to hurt,
anyone or anything.
All along you just wanted to help.
While doing something innocent, it seems somehow you fell.
into a trap of awful lies, and huge webs of deceit.
Who would you know to trust?
Or to whom that you should speak?
How do you know who is your friend,
when friends are hard to come by?
To have a friend they have to understand you,
and not believe in all the lies.
They need to know the real you,
and see you from the inside.
The inside shines brighter than the day,
but can get darker than the night.
if only you were understood,
it could have helped to make things right.

-Casey Marie, June 30th, 2009.

'Michael: Taken Before His Time.'

Immortalized in a moment.
Remembered in a song.
Cherished in a movement, all his lifetime long.
When you think of him it's more likie listening, to his life running through your mind.
He's the King of Pop, forever, and nothing can change that.
Not even time.
He was brilliant with a voice.
He was genius with a song.
He was a master of his body.
He forgave all other's wrongs.
But he loved everyone no matter, whether they were wrong or they were right.
Whether they were young or they were old, big or little, black or white.
And though at time he found trouble,
he handled grief, he walked through strife.
He mended the edges that were fraying, putting together the pieces of his life.
To him looks didn't matter, you were who you were on the inside.
And the inside is what we loved the most, it's the truth about a real man, who most hardly knew.
But we knew him so well, every detail.
He was getting his life in order, and we were starting to take notice.
He was blooming and growing, bound to get bigger than before.
When we thought that he could do no wrong, and his career it was immensely strong.
We couldn't wait to watch him shine, but something caught us from behind.
He never got his redemption, he never found his way.
His perfect ending was stolen, which brings us here today.
We didn't even know him, people ask us why we car.
We say we love a legend, and we always have, not just now, because his face is everywhere.
To us it's very saddening, it feels almost a crime,
that Michael was taken from us, well before his time.

-Casey Marie, June 28th, 2009.

[editing&adding in progress]
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