My Trip To Wal*Mart


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok so we know that in the wake of Michael's passing his albums have been near impossible to got. Well i went to my Local Wal*mart to pick up a few and they were completely sold out. When i went up to ask the woman if they were going to get any more in she sighed and looked me dead in the eye and said "We are expecting some in the coming days. With CD's it could be any day" Like she had been telling people this ALL DAY LONG. i found it quit refreshing and fulfilling! Even in Death Michael is still the king!
Although it is great to see that his music is selling stronger than ever, I also think there are a lot of scalpers who are just trying to profit off of Michael's death. I've seen tons of copies of Number Ones selling for almost 3x the retail price on eBay, The same ones you used to be able to go to Wal-Mart and get for $10 or less. I also no longer see used copies of his albums for any lower than retail, Stuff that I paid almost nothing for in the last year is now selling at ridiculous prices on eBay.

I wish there was something that could be done to keep his music available for the fans who actually want it, Nobody should have to pay 40 dollars or more for a copy of Number Ones or The Essentials. These eBay scalpers are nuts.