My Thoughts...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It still seems so unreal that Mj is gone. He wasn't supposed to die, he was Michael Jackson. However, I am doing better than I thought I would be doing almost a week after his death. Here are a few things that have helped make me feel better, and they may help you too.

Mj is at peace.
Think of all the horror the human being, Michael Jackson went through during his life time. All that stress alone would shorten ones life-span. But even with what he went through, he was able to give us all he did, have 3 children who were able to see how great of a person he was, and he was able spread the message of love to every corner of the world. He is resting with the lord and is happier than he ever has been. We will all be able to see him living again, one fine day.

He went out in glory.
The hype for the concerts were about at its peak. The anticipation for Mj was high as ever. And isn't that how most of our time was spent as Mj fans? We were always anticipating his next move. In all reality, how many beloved legends, either in folklore, or real life, live to be old? His death, though tragic, is beautifully sad. Although it is heartbreaking, he left us in mystery, but he left us in peace. He was not suffering the moment he died.

We STILL have "seen nothing yet".
We will not be able to see the "This Is It" show live and perfected, but it sounds like they were close. And better yet, there is video footage. I am thankful we will soon be able to see what Michael had been planning for years. This was gonna be Mj's final goodbye as a solo, on-stage entertainer, and we still get to see it. The rehearsal DVD will sell in record numbers, and either through honesty or guilt, every critic who has treated Mj unfairly will praise him. He will be on top once again. We will not see the physical Michael Jackson being rewarded and congratulated by his peers, but trust me, he will acknowledge the standing ovation's in heaven, followed by a pat on the back from the Lord.

To those of you who are still completely devastated, it will pass. It will take longer for some. You need to let your body adjust to this, the brain is much more powerful then you think. Though all of us will forever be changed, sadness will turn to happiness, and sorrow will become thankfulness and wisdom. You will become a stronger person.

It helps a lot to get off the computer, turn off the TV, and go do something. Clean the house, go for a walk, play with the pet, water the plants, whatever you would normally do. Eventually you will be at peace with what has happened. Have faith in the Lord that this is what was meant to happen, no matter how hard that may seem. Take comfort in the fact that many fans are gradually feeling better, but don't feel bad if you are not getting there. You will.

Good things are on the way.
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Yeah...those are some good points. But this whole tragedy will haunt me forever.

I get on with things because I have to...but I can't grieve properly because no one understands how awful we feel. This place is my lifeline.

I will be ok one minute and then I get the flashbacks of the breaking news last thursday on sky....I nearly collapsed...I keep seeing it in my head again and again and news on that day, and all the horror of it comes back :(

There are many things we expect to happen in life...Losing Michael was not one of those things.
Yeah...those are some good points. But this whole tragedy will haunt me forever.

I get on with things because I have to...but I can't grieve properly because no one understands how awful we feel. This place is my lifeline.

I will be ok one minute and then I get the flashbacks of the breaking news last thursday on sky....I nearly collapsed...I keep seeing it in my head again and again and news on that day, and all the horror of it comes back :(

There are many things we expect to happen in life...Losing Michael was not one of those things.
I feel you!! :( "You are not alone"

Mj is at peace.
Think of all the horror the human being, Michael Jackson went through during his life time. All that stress alone would shorten ones life-span. But even with what he went through, he was able to give us all he did, have 3 children who were able to see how great of a person he was, and he was able spread the message of love to every corner of the world. He is resting with the lord and is happier than he ever has been. We will all be able to see him living again, one fine day.

Beautiful things you wrote. Michael in peace... I was thinking much about it. Where he is, he is looking at us. Is Michael is sad? Is he suffering? Michael is seeing how your family, your kids and fans around the world are suffering it has gone... so early. So I am wondering if he is totally at peace for having gone and have left people who loved him so much. He may not have accepted that he died. Michael is seeing how we are suffering. I have thought much about it these days, but I know that Michael is in a beautiful and wonderful place next to God and surrounded by angels. I pray for him every day and hope he is well and in peace, but if he still is not completely well and in peace that he is very soon. :angel:​