My terrible MJ dream.. He died from terminal illness.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Planet earth
:cry: I had a terrible Michael dream last night, I actually woke up crying with tears in my eyes. Ive never in my life felt a dream this vivid.

I dreamt that Michael had a terminal illness and that he was months away from dying, he wore all that makeup to cover up his sickness and the truth was that he had actually aged 20 years because of this disease. Michael wanted to announce his disease on TV.. The whole world was watching.. It felt 1000 times worse than in reality when he died because in my dream everyone was expecting his death and dreading what was to come. He walked up on stage wearing NO stage make-up, his face had aged like 20 years, it looked like he was 70 years old when he was 50.. He was severily ill.. And everyone who watched the announcement knew he was not gonna make it.

After Michael announced he had only a few months left to live, he actually collapsed and died on the backstage floor after going on national television. No one saw his collapse on TV, but it happened like 2 minutes after he walked off stage and it was on the news the day after. Everyone was expecting his death but not this soon, not 2 minutes after announcing it to the world.

My dream made absolute NO SENCE but I woke up crying with tears in my eyes.. Why would I dream such a nightmare, it made no sence and totally irrelevant to the real death. I feel sick to my stomach when I think about it. Michael was never dying, he was never sick... :cry:

:cry: Is there anyone here to can make sence of crazy dreams? I havent been watching any documentaries about terminal illnesses or horror movies..
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aaaaw sweetheart..........hugs to you

it is common to have strange and troubling dreams when its on your mind about someone who has died.....................its all part of grief and its your mind trying to take in, absorb and adapt to what has happened.....................i had lots of bad dreams when my dad died, my sister did too. it doesn't mean anything apart from shock and reaction to what happened.......................try to watch or read something nice before going to sleep

hope it gets better for can talk if you need to xx
Maybe it was your subconsious. For example MJ had lupus and somehow you connected these things and....voila you had a dream like that. No worries. MJ is fine now. :)
Of course... I don't know if that was his alternate future and maybe it was better that he died now in his sleep without knowing. But I think it was just a bad dream... They always occur when you least expect it. Don't worry! :hug:
Sounds kind of like the MJ dream that I had last Tuesday night.

I was in the same room with Michael where he was giving his last tv interview. He had looked so good in that interview. He even dance and sang a little during that interview. He was just so very happy when he was started to talk about how much he had loved being a father. And then that started to make him cry. Even that made me cry because we both knew this was going to be his last tv interview ever. He had then made a very sad tearful goodbye message to his fans. When he was done doing that he went over to me and he just held me tightly in his arms as I was crying uncontrollaby (Sp?). Not just because Michael's children would no longer have their beloved father. It was also because I would be a widow in a few days.

It was a very vivid MJ dream that I had.