My Take On 'Will You Be There'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So tonight I laid outside under the stars and listened to three of Michael's songs on repeat. 'I'll Be There' 'Will You Be There' and 'Gone Too Soon'. It was almost surreal on just how empty I felt, yet really 'full' at the same time. The Earth and the Universe are so huge, and I feel so lonely and empty since Michael has passed...but at the same time I felt really 'full' because Michael is out there now, and he was everywhere I was looking. It was very intense. If you haven't gone outside to just lay there and 'be' and just stare at the sky and be open to everything around you, you really really should.

Anyways, when I was listening to Will You Be There, I kept rewinding back to his last spoken verse at the end, and words started to flow through my mind that were taking the place of his words. I wrote them down while I was out there (I always bring a notebook, just in case) and I wanted to share them with you.

And please note, I am not trying to take away the meaning or the beautful message that Michael has conveyed in this song. I am only putting some words that I felt in my heart tonight, in the place of his words, as almost a message to him. So I don't want to offend anyone with what I have come up with.

*Michael's Words*

In my darkest hour,
in my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials and my tribulations
Through our doubts and frustrations.
In my violence, in my turbulance.
Through my fear, and my confessions.
In my anguish, and my pain.
Through my joy, and my sorrow.
In the promise of another tomorrow,
I will never let you part.
For you are always, in my heart.

*My Words*

In our heartbreak and grieving,
through our deepest despair,
you still cared, you were still there.
Through our pain and our healing,
we came together, under your ideals.
In your humanity, and your compassion.
Through your faith, and your triumphs.
We felt your dignity, we held up your name.
We knew your love, over everything.
And though you've gone now,
there will be no sorrow.
For we will never let you part.
Michael, you're always in all of our hearts.

I just wanted to share this with you...I felt very, very compelled to put these words to paper and then here to share with you. :)
That's a great passage Casey :) I'll be doing the same tonight during the meteor shower :)