My Small dating Advert


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Surrey , UK
Is it okay to post this as a topic ? I have had no response from ticket thread etc....

hey Guys

This is not definate yet, but I am unable at the moment to find someone to come to opening night with me.
Is there anyone thats been looking for a single opening night ticket? I would be looking for someone fun with loads of energy and that would enjoy coming along to the mjjc meet before the show and then scream sing and dance with me throughout the night....also a spot of celeb spotting before :)
.........ummm just realised this is sounding like a small dating advert haha!! x
I would come!!!!!!!!! How much are selling the ticket for?? Or asking for? :D
Basically details are block 419 row b. I wont be staying in London as I live about an hour away by train.

If anyone is interested pm me please x
what an offer if i had nt had got a ticket sorted a few days ago this would be something i would def have been up for sounds like my perfect night
put a picture of you...then there might be more responses ;)
Wow I would love to be there on the opening night...just don't have the money right now :( Second night isn't bad though! Roll on July 16th!

Hey im not desperate for the money right this moment - if your interested let me know as i read your post about no knowing wether your friend will go to the clubhouse - which is exactly the same postion im in.
so cute
you worded it so beautiful
hope you find someone cool babe :punk: