My sister pretends we are Prince and Paris!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is so cute.

I could never get my sister to admit that she likes MJ's music until after he died and we watched the memorial. It was the first time she saw his kids too. She really really adores little kids and so now she likes to pretend that we are his kids. I have to be Prince (Why do I always have to be the boy? lol) and she is Paris and she pretends that her teddy bear is Blanket. It's so sweet! Oh, but sometimes when I'm not Prince, she pretends that her big Stewart Little stuffed animal is him, haha! Sometimes Michael is with us, as another teddy bear... lol.

We have also been watching Moonwalker and a bunch of interviews together and now she can't stop singing and dancing like MJ! He would be so happy to know. Michael once said that a child's approval of his music means the most to him.

Oh, and she also admitted that she has a crush on Michael lol.

Yay, now I can share my love for him with my sister!
That's hilarious SJK! Now you can share you love of MJ music with your family.
very very cute story...
i loved it, i want to have such a sister too...
i feel so lonely, i have no brothers, no sisters, and Michael left me too...
Don't think it's weird, it's cute. :) Aww, yay now you can both share MJ stuff together with your sister! :D lol
ok it may sound weird to many but actually is good way to take and heal the pain and coping with his passing, but lets keep our feet flat on the ground here. I love you.
What's weird about it? That is the way children play!

And you should probably know that my sister is a little different anyway. She is 15 years old but she plays like a young child because she has a severe learning disability. She plays with dolls all the time because she doesn't have many friends! She is relatively incapable of being sensitive to other people's feelings but she miraculously understands how Michael's children feel during this hard time. She talks to me from their points of view with great insight which is a true joy to me because it shows her intelligence and empathy.

I'm so happy that she is an MJ fan now because her and I don't get along at all but now we have something to bond over.

And in a way that I never expected, it has helped me cope too. I feel closer to Michael's kids, who are in need, because my sister has brought them into our home in a way.

Please don't think my sister is weird, she is just different, like Michael.