my short story for today


I can't stop my heart from falling to the floor. It started last night when I started reading everyone's comments and reading my journal. All that we have gone through and are going just so painful.

I broke down when I listened to Michael sing I Just Can't Stop Loving You. That one line I've always loved...he sings "This is my life and I want to see you for always"

...but this is MY life and I want to see You for always Michael... :(

I woke up this morning and on my way to work it started raining softly. In this part of California, it never ever rains in late June. I almost feel like it didn't happen because it was 90 degrees by afternoon. But this morning it did...not pouring rain, just softly falling. It felt like Earth was crying for Michael too.

I love you forever Michael.
This made me cry all over again, I too think the earth mourns Michael... on the 26th last year it was thundering and lightening and raining and the day was genuinly bad considering the day before it was beautiful...

:hug: for you.
I want to tell you whit this picture that Michael will live forever. He was loved, he will be loved.
