My Ralph Story(One time character) :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is officially my first gay story ever.I wrote it a few years ago.
Tell me how you like it!

"Hey Ralph." John said to Ralph at school. Ralph and John were a gay couple. "Hey yourself." Ralph said to John. Ralph gave John a little kiss on the lips. John smiled at him and said, "Need a ride home?" Ralph answered, "Yes, I'd love for you to drive me home." Ralph didn't drive and usually rode the bus to school and home. John said, "Okay", and they walked to the school's parking lot together. John opened the car doors and they went in. The put on their seatbelts. John started the engine and he and Ralph rode in relaxed silence. John stopped in front of Ralph's house. He asked Ralph if he could walk him to the front door.

Ralph said "Yes." Ralph's mom Mary was at work; she wouldn't see John walking Ralph to the front door. Little did he know, she was home, but her car was in the shop. They went to the front door. She saw everything and heard everything. Mary heard John say, "Come here", to Ralph and saw him wrap his arms around Ralph, bring him close to him, and give him a kiss on the mouth. She saw her son wrap his arms around John and kiss him back.

They kissed for a little while. Her son was gay! She was shocked, but determined to accept him the way he was. But she was also going to tease him a little. They finally stopped. Ralph looked around furtively and wiped his mouth. John said "Goodbye." and Ralph began fumbling around for his keys. Mary had to get away from the living room window fast! She hid in the kitchen. Ralph came in , closed the door,and had a big, happy smile on his face. Mary came out of the kitchen.

"Mom, what are you doing home? Ralph's smile disappeared and he looked nervous. Then he forced an obvious forced smile.

"Ralph, my car is in the shop. I came home early because I need it to be fixed.", she said, looking at Ralph closely. Don't worry. I saw you and your "friend" a little while ago. she thought. Aloud she said, "I heard a car drop you off. Who was it?"

"It was a friend of mine." He gulped. What was his mom doing here? What if she had seen him and John?

"What's that friend's name? Mary asked. "His name is John." He said, looking nervous.

"Oh. He must be a good friend of yours", Mary said.

"One of the best," Ralph agreed nervously.

"I'm going to bed now," Mary told Ralph. "Goodnight." She of course wasn't going to sleep actually. She was going to eavesdrop on Ralph. Surely he'd call his boyfriend. She would discreetly listen in on their conversation.

"Sure enough, in about five minutes, Ralph called John on John's
cellphone. Mary was listening in.

Ralph said, "Hi John. Do you know what happened?"

John said, "What?"

"My mom was home when I came home." Ralph seemed panicked.

"No! John said shocked. Did she see us?"

"I don't know. She knows you dropped me off though."

"It doesn't really even hint that she knows that we kissed before you got in,"John said soothingly.

"You're right. Thanks."

"Anytime." John said. "You know you're my favorite boy, Ralph. He gave him a kiss on the phone.

Ralph giggled happily and told John that he'd see him tomorrow and hung up the phone.

Mary hung up the phone too and pretended to sleep in case Ralph came in. He didn't. Mary lied in bed for a while, then pretended to "wake up". She got out of the room.

She went into the living room. Ralph was sitting on the couch, reading a book.

"Hi, Ralph.", she said casually. "How have you been doing?"

"I'm fine," Ralph said.

"Have anything you wanna tell me about? Anything you wanna get off your chest?"

"No, mom." he said. Ralph was obviously lying.

"Anybody special in your life? Anyone new that you care about?", she asked him pointedly.

Ralph gulped again and began to stammer a little. "No mom. I don't have anyone new.

"What about John? she thought. What about the guy who makes you happy? She told him mentally.

"Ralph, she said, holding his hand, I accept you the way you are. She looked at him understandingly and lovingly.

"Mom, what do you mean by that? He asked, a little panicked, his throat tight, and his hear poundidng. She couldn't know !

"I mean, I accept the way you are. I accept your way of life."

"Mom, I don't know what you are talking about." He began to squirm uncomfortably.

"Ralph, are you SURE you don't have a special somebody in your life? A new person, someone you've met recently?" She knew the answer, but wanted him to confess.

"Mom, no. I have nobody special in my life." Ralph lied again.

"How about John?" She saw Ralph look at her with an anxious look in his eyes. She continued. "Does he have a girlfriend?"

"Mom, how should I know if he has a girlfriend? I don't know."

I know you know he doesn't have a girlfriend because he has you. Mary said mentally.

Aloud she said, "Ralph, I have a friend who has a daughter who might like to date John. She's a pretty girl and maybe you and I can hook them up together on a blind date." She said that to see Ralph's reaction. She began to reach for the phone.

"He's mine!" Ralph screamed without thinking.

She had him. "What did you say?" She asked looking at him curiously and thouroughly.

"I didn't mean to say that," Ralph said, and then covered his mouth.

"Why did you say that John was yours?" she asked baiting him.

"It was an accident. I don't know what I was thinking."

You were thinking about the possibility of John going out with someone else and you went a little crazy she thought.

Aloud she said, "I won't call her." She watched Ralph breathe a sigh of relief. She decided it was time to get the truth out of him once and for all.

"You know, someone told me that they saw you hanging out with a boy in school. They even told me that they saw you two kiss," she told him softly. She made that up of course.

"No! they're lying! I'm not gay! I'm straight! He said hoarsely, tears rolling down his cheeks. I only like girls!"

"They told me his name was John," she said softly.

"No! I don't like John that way! We're just friends!" He began to cry even harder! "Noooo! I am not gay! I'm normal!"

"Ralph", she said softly. She wrapped her arms around him. "I'm straight! He screamed. "John doesn't like me that way either! We're just friends!" He began to rock himself.

Mary decided to tell him the truth. "I saw you and John kiss today. I saw you hug each other. I know that you two are gay."

Ralph continued to cry. "I didnt mean to be gay! I didn't mean to fall in love with John! I didn't mean to begin a relationship with him! But we fell in love with each other, and he makes me happy and vice versa. I love him and he loves me too. Even though we met just a little while ago, it feels right."

"I know you do. I know you and he like each other. But you didn't have to hide your relationship from me. I told you I accepted you."

"Mom, I'm GAY ! He said with emphasis. That's why I hid it. I'm your GAY son! I'm ashamed", he said, more tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Nothing to be ashamed of. John makes you happy, so since you're
happy, it's fine with me. I love you", she added with a big smile.

"I love you too, mom", he said.

"Want to introduce me to the love of your life?", she said soothingly. "Sure", he said, drying his face.

He called John on the phone. He told John to come over. John did. "You're mom is still here," he said conspiciously.

"I know. She knows and accepts us," he told John with a smile.

"She accepts our relationship?" John repeated with a smile.

"Yes. Come on meet her." John said, "Okay." Ralph took his mother and put her in front of John.

"Mom, this is John, my loving boyfriend. "John, this is my mom, the most accepting, greatest mom in the world." He smiled a big smile.

"Nice to meet you", they said in unison, shaking hands. John gave Ralph an embracing hug, and then left.

"He seems nice," his mom said. "No wonder you like him so much," she said jovially.

"Yes, Ralph said with a giant smile.