My planned 'Neverland' visit - Help!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi everyone,

I will be visiting LA from the UK for the first time in a few weeks.

Obviously while I am there I want to take the trip out to Neverland. I know there's only the main gates to see and that is it but ever since I was young I have wanted to visit so as I am so close - this is my chance.

I wanted to ask - without trespassing (!) what else is there of interest around the area... can you actually see the ranch from a distance on any back roads / mountain views!

Anyone who has been if you can help me - I would be forever in your debt!

Thanks :)
The first time I went I drove around a bit, exploring :ph34r:, but couldn't get any view whatsoever aside from the obvious ones in front. Curious to see if anyone else has.
There really isn't much to do or see(as far as I know the real front gates are still gone as well), but I LOVE going to Neverland. It's so beautiful, peaceful, and sacred.
You can see some of the ranch from on top of the hill. If you tell me when you are coming, I will meet you there and show you.
You can see some of the ranch from on top of the hill. If you tell me when you are coming, I will meet you there and show you.
Do you stay on Figueroa Mtn. Road? How far up? Thanks for the info. :)
Thanks for your replies.

Loyal2MJJ - Thanks for this... although I think my visit will be abit spare of the moment... so I don't know what day/time I will be there yet...
I hope you have a great trip, i am going to try and make it there in the next year too, will you visit forest lawn?
Yes I am going to visit Forest Lawn in Glendale too... think it will be a full day of it. Mixed emotions...
Hello. Not sure if I'm too late. I am from that area of California. I've been to Neverland a few times. There is no way to see the actual Neverland grounds from Figuroa Mtn Road, or from any road. It's in the hills, so it's blocked from the general public view.
I would love to visit someday, I was watching a programme through the week and they visited Neverland but said that there really wasn't much to see as the Neverland name off the top of the gates has now gone so literally it's just the black gates and I didn't even seen any tributes outside the gates, surely they haven't removed them all?
I was in two minds to visit - as you say there is nothing to see except for the main gates. I have seen the actual Neverland gates at the exhibition in London. ... but ever since I was a child I have wanted to go to Neverland.
This will be my first and possibly only trip to LA... I am so close (even though its a 2hr+ drive away lol) so if I did not go - I would regret it.
Excited to see the area - but sad at the same time! :-(