My personal reason for defending Michael.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Livingston, Scotland
I have always defended Michael when someone called him a pedophile. One reason was because I love him and knew he would never do such a thing..But theres another reason...A personal reason..

I have an uncle called Kenny. He was alot like Michael. He was child-like and sweet. He absoloutly adored children. The last thing he'd ever do is hurt them.

But...people didn't see it like that...Years ago...Uncle Kenny was arrested...falsely accused of molesting children...Neighbors had mistook his love for children as a sign of pedophilia...After a trial..he was found innocent...But the scar will always be there...He travels around now..and I hardly ever see him...

I never understood what happened then...Now I do...People automatically assumed he was acting inappropriately with children...When all he was doing was just being a child with them..

This is one of the reasons why I defend Michael...Because I've seen this sort false accusation before...and I've seen first hand what it can do to someone..

Oh god..I'm crying now...
Bless you for that. Its awful, there are false allegations about everything all the time. Just because someone accuses someone else of doing something doesn't mean it is true. I could sit here accusing people, doesn't mean I'm telling the truth.
Awwww :hug: Your uncle is a wonderful man and people are so quick to judge, its disgusting. There is nothing worse than being falsely accused of something they didn't do. It upsets me so much that people continue to call Michael a padeophile so I can only imagine how you must feel.
thank you for sharing this. this can help a lot of people see the light.
after all, this is a time when the term 'hard evidence' is being treated like a four letter word.
Aww.. That's so sweet (your uncle) and so sad at the same time. :huggy:
It is so sad to see how many people are not able to see further than the end of their noses. Humans all got a brain ... it always amazes me how fast some people form a view on someone or something without knowing the facts, the circumstances, the backgrounds. Even as a kid I got angry when I noticed this and I remember some hefty discussions. It's not always easy to make people put mind in gear before opening mouth ...
Thanks guys...I've been reminded of what happened...

I may have been young when this happened....But I...I still remember the look on his face....I could see the hurt in his eyes....I saw...that same look...when Michael made that video...saying he was innocent...It was the same look...They both had the same look!!

Sad story. I'd say accusing someone about something like this is worse than killing him. Really.

Now I'm pretty much speechless. I hope your uncle Kenny will be happy someday even it is hard.