My personal experience with Propofol


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am going to share a little story here that I want you all to know about.

In 2001 I broke my nose severly and had to go to the hospital to get it fixed. The doctors felt my injury was so severe that they did not want to operate on me while I was awake.

So they decided to put me to sleep and gave me the drug Propofol.

The reason why they chose this drug instead of other more mild drugs is because I have Astma. They feared I could stop breathing if they gave me the usual sleeping gas they use, so they gave me the drug. But what they feared most happened anyway. I just got very unlucky.

Shortly after I fell asleep they started to work on my nose. But not long after being given the drug I stopped breathing. My heart rate slowed down rapidly and the doctors had to act fast.

They injected me with adrenaline to raise my heartbeat and they intubated me so that I would get oxygen. They monitored my condition all the way until I woke up from the drug.

I remember when I woke up I had such a high heart rate it felt like my chest was about to explode. When things like these happens a patient normally receives a document with information about what has been done to you and what drugs has been used. So that is how I know I was given that particular drug.

I was lucky, because I had doctors and nurses watching over me, and they were able to act right away.

I thought I share this story, because MJ was given the same drug to sleep. Dr. Murray however did one fatal mistake. He left Michael to his own, leaving Michael totally helpless.

Michael should have been looked after the entire time. This is why this drug is illegal to give outside a hospital. There is always a risk for something like this happening, and a patient must be monitored at all times while the drug is working.

So it is not uncommon that doctors experience complications when sedating patients.

Dr. Murray will most probably be found guilty of man slaughter, because the court will know just how serious it is to give a person such a dangerous drug outside a hospital.

When I heard about this happening to MJ, I cried my eyes out, because I knew this was never supposed to happen.

And if it is true MJ was given a drug coctail at the same time, it only made the chance of the Propofol backfiring even greater.
Wow... You are totally right. I personally don't think Doctor Murray purposely killed Mj. I think he gave him the drug, got bored and left the room or something, and when he came back Mj had stopped breathing. He freaked out and didn't know what to do, leading to all the mishaps that happened later on (Murray hidding, the late 911 call, etc). And I totally agree with you that none of this was suppose to happen. Mj should have lived, he should have done the concerts and prove to the world he was still amazing, but most importantly show his kids how talented he is/was. Thank you for sharing your story. =)
wow kent, that,s a
you are so right about murray should not leave mike...
i,m happy you survived your own propofol experience...
I'm speechless... Fortunately the doctors took care of you! That must have been scary! I'm also about to undergo general anesthesia soon and I'm now wondering what they're gonna use...
This Murray guy makes my blood boil!!! Even if MJ was given the drug in the past, he probably had a doctor and the right equipment by his side! But not now with this bloody useless "doctor"! (I don't even want to call him a doctor! Ugh!)
It just hurts me more by knowin the fact that if the doctor were to stay beside Michael while he was injected with the drug..Michael will still be with us today :cry:

Just because of Murray's stupid mistake..our beloved Michael has left us for good..I can't believe this..It's so hard..Murray should be more attentive than ever! All these can be prevented.
I'm speechless... Fortunately the doctors took care of you! That must have been scary! I'm also about to undergo general anesthesia soon and I'm now wondering what they're gonna use...
This Murray guy makes my blood boil!!! Even if MJ was given the drug in the past, he probably had a doctor and the right equipment by his side! But not now with this bloody useless "doctor"! (I don't even want to call him a doctor! Ugh!)

The doctors said to me that It could have been an allergic reaction.

If you have fears about that, you can always have a check to see if your body reacts to that stuff. But usually it is ok to use on patients.

But don't worry. They have procedures to follow and if something should go wrong, they will follow those and bring you out of the anesthesia safely. When I stopped breathing they acted within seconds and did all the right things. They told me that I could only have died from it if they had not been there. So even though my body was going south so to speak, they knew what to do.

You will be fine, don't worry:)
Wow....thanks for sharing your story. Although I have personally not been administered general anaesthesia....I know that anaesthetics can have many reactions and nasty side effects, like terrible nausea after waking up (my mum had this).

I mean medicine has advanced in ways that now they limit the number of surgeries that require general anaesthesia...remember when they used to give general anaesthesia for caesarian delivery operations? they don't do that's all local anaesthesia.

with all the known side effects of anaesthesia it sounds like a rotten joke to me, to have administered Michael an anaesthetic so that he could sleep.

I'm still baffled by all this...I still cant get my head round how and why propofol was given to someone at's ridiculous.
I'm glad they could help you.
I still can't believe Conrad left Michael he should have known what could happen.

Conrad as far as I know is not a doctor who performs surgery on patients. He is a house call doctor who checks you for flu and normal everyday things people struggle with.

Only doctors at hospitals are supposed to work with that drug, and no doctor who is not involved in surgery should ever have access to such drugs.

But in the US legal drugs is a profit market. You find drugs in stores that is supposed to be prescription drugs only and should only be available if you actually have something you need the drug for. But people can get strong legal drugs for no reason, and so can doctors like Dr. Murray.

In Norway where I live there is no profit market for legal drugs. Local doctors do not have access to drugs like in the US. You can only get certain types of drugs through prescription, wich you can only get at certified drug stores. The strong stuff like sedative drugs such as Propofol is only available in hospitals where they perform surgery. No doctor can ever take such drugs with them and use in private, even if they wanted to. There are so many strict procedures to follow, so anyone who would try to smuggle such stuff out would be caught right away.

It is dangerous to have a society where legal drugs roam free for anyone to use.

So don't just blame doctor Murray, blame the US government for allowing people to make money because people are sick.

Being Michaels doctor meant good business for Dr. Murray. He might have thought that if he denied MJ the Propofol, MJ would have fired him or something. When doctors treat you just because you are rich, and give you things you should never ever have just because of who you are, a society is in danger.