My own piece of MJ art....part one


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hardenberg, Netherlands
Today was the day.
My own designed tattoo.
In july i designed something myself to become a tattoo.
I went to my favorite tattoo shop and gave him my drawing.
He was overwhelmed and was flathered i asked him to visualize my design and thoughts in a real tattoo.

And today was the first session ( it needs 2 sessions, each of 3 hours)

The lines and shadow part is done, next time the colours will come, also the king of pop part will become in such a special effect, i look forward too it.....
I cried, not because of the pain, but of emotians........It made me cry. I,m so honoured that michael now will always be on my skin in the form of an tribute .....

Please, I ask.. It's a personal design. Custom made.. There is no one in the world with this exact Michael Jackson tatoo.. Respect that.. Please.. I want to share this with you, but only if this Personal piece of art will be treated with respect for the designer, maker, and owner.


WOW! that tattoo is sooo beautiful! i love the design, the crown is perfect! aww and remember the time is one of my fav songs. cant wait to see what it looks like when its finished. good job! :yes:
it,s a positive tribute tattoo.....
first i wanted to add the birthyear and year of death instead of the "remember the time"

But then i thought.rememer the time is more positive and spreding a good message instead of putting the thoughts of his death.
I said it before but i'll say it here again:BEAUTIFUL!

Thats a amazing tribute-tattoo...
Funny how it resembles the crown his children placed on his casket....
Quite amazing.
It is beautiful, and the person who place it on your skin such an artist, it is amazing.
It is beautiful, and the person who place it on your skin such an artist, it is amazing.

Thank you so much.
The artist who made it was really looking forward doing this tattoo.
These sort of tattoo,s is what his work makes him feel blessed by doing it he said........
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it,s a positive tribute tattoo.....
first i wanted to add the birthyear and year of death instead of the "remember the time"

But then i thought.rememer the time is more positive and spreding a good message instead of putting the thoughts of his death.

AWESOME, Jenny!!! I love it!!