My Open Letter To The Family The Fans And The Legend


Proud Member
Jul 27, 2011
first of all i would like to thank the many members of this forum for the undiying love and support you have shown me

i first knew of michael jackson when i was around 5 years of age i was sat on the floor of my family home watching promotinol videos for black or white and the dangerous album
i also remember seeing the thriller video in its full glory on tv and being so scared yet amazed by this powerfull young black man on the tv

i remember seeing michael and janet in the scream video and thinking " i wish i could look as good as him " i remember the blood on the dance floor release and being sat in the chinese restruant wth my brother and father singing it to myself triying ever so hard to moonwalk ( 10 years later and im still triying )

i remember being in woolworth seeing the history tour dolls as a young boy wanting just to buy 1 so badly and seeing the mystery drinks ( sadly i never had my change untill i was 18 and brougth the albums and dolls sadly never having a can of pop )

i also remember seeing on itv th history statue going dwn the thames in all its glory by the time 2001"s invincible album was out i was hooked on michael the man i grew up with the timeless memorys

during the trial i felt like the only boy in my school defending michael knowing i loved him so very much watching the verdict and proving everyone wrong felt so reviving to the spirit

i remember more importaty seeing michael many times in recent years around london and meeting you guys the fans and growing some amazing friendships that will last forever

thank you all for those times the dorchester the lanesborough the 02 confrence

i want to tell you the family how strong beautifull and amazing you all are you are an inspiration to me an inspiration the music and the world

i look forward to seeing this is it with all the fans around the world this october sadly michael and i didnt make it to see eacother september and march 8th but we will be together again very soon my brother as these tears hit my keyboard a pice of u stays in my heart and ure love flows in my tears they are currently both happy and sad

i look towards hearing the new music and seeing he movie maybe it is an insite to the treat michael had lined up fo me

i love you all so very much i hope soon i have it in me to do something i did so very well when michael was here and that is write music its been hard without you michael but i will begin work on a new project in youre honour very soon

i love you all see you in october

luke powell
