My MJ shrine


Proud Member
Oct 8, 2004
Hello :blush:

I thought I'd start a thread with my piccies of my shrine to Michael... Its my way of coping with this :cry: loss...
I burn every night from 7PM... 3 candles... 2 white ones and always one 'cinnamon' scented one...
On Thursday, I burn the BIG cinnamon one or I'll light a scented stick...
I believe that was Michael's fave scent and flavour and if my place smells like Michael's then I don't have to miss him that much :blush:



Do you guys also have shrines?
Would you mind posting piccies of them here too, thank you...
Awww Daryll, your shrine is wonderful! I don't have one, but I can certainly understand why you do. :hug:
I really L.O.V.E. your MJ shrine Daryll. I have my own MJ shrine myself. I had turn my whole bedroom in to my own MJ shrine. It's been that way for about 8 years now. And it is the way that it is going to stay. All of my walls and doors are covered with MJ posters and pictures. I have this beautiful silk poster of Michael taken from The Way You Make Me Feel video. I framed that poster myself a couple of days or so after getting it. I really did not want anything happening to that poster. And on my bed I have a MJ blanket that I sleep under every single night. And my pillows have MJ pillow cases on them. 2 of those MJ pillow cases I had made myself about 6 or 7 years ago. The other 2 came with the blanket. And now that I finally have my own sewing machine. And as soon as I get the materials that I need. I can finally start making for myself a MJ quilt. That is going to have some of my most favorite pictures of him on it. It is something I have been wanting to make for the longest of time. But the one thing I don't do is burn any candles for him. My mother won't allowed that. Because of the kitchen fire we had in this house almost 12 years ago. So I do my candle burning on one of those online sites where you can do that. Here are some pictures of my shrine:






I also have these 2 posters of Michael up on 2 of my walls. That I never did bother taken a picture of them yet. Because of my depression over Michael. Tends to be bad or really bad on most days and I just don't want to bother with taking those pictures. I did get these posters framed though.



This 3d MJ poster I never did bother taken a picture of it yet. I have a black MJ t-shirt that matches that 3d poster.
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That's sweet of you. I don't have a shrine, but a small tile photo surrounded by Disney figurines. No candles on a daily basis.

WOW, indeed beautiful piccies and everyone copes in a different way hey...
You have such a cute Michael blanket or is it a duvet, MJsBollywoodgirl? I heart: it

I have two MJ duvets with same piccie of Beat it LIVE but one is in cotton and the other one in 'flanel' (softer and warmer for the winter)

You just gave me a swell idea... An MJ quilt :doh: WHY did I never thought about that... I mean, I can't go on trips or stay overnight anymore... Well, I don't like to do it as that means a 'sleepless' night... I can't sleep without my Daryll :blush: but maybe the MJ quilt would be a 'trick' to use when I do travel again...

Well, about the candle thingy... I started it in 2003 when the allegations surfaced again and I've been burning candles to give Michael 'courage' from that point on and I still do ;)

Oh, the MJ shrine is just 'one corner' of the room... its in my Michael room and I do have a "remembrance wall" too... Should take a piccie of that too...
exactly the whole room baths in Michael and even fans are 'reluctant' to step into the room and I live there 24/7...
Well, I do have a livingroom where I sit once a week for DVD time but I feel SAVE in my Michael room though...
I turned my bedroom into a shrine of Michael. Posters, pictures anything Michael...It's the one place I feel safe and happy. I'll be sure to post a piccie :D
WOW, indeed beautiful piccies and everyone copes in a different way hey...
You have such a cute Michael blanket or is it a duvet, MJsBollywoodgirl? I heart: it

I have two MJ duvets with same piccie of Beat it LIVE but one is in cotton and the other one in 'flanel' (softer and warmer for the winter)

You just gave me a swell idea... An MJ quilt :doh: WHY did I never thought about that... I mean, I can't go on trips or stay overnight anymore... Well, I don't like to do it as that means a 'sleepless' night... I can't sleep without my Daryll :blush: but maybe the MJ quilt would be a 'trick' to use when I do travel again...

Well, about the candle thingy... I started it in 2003 when the allegations surfaced again and I've been burning candles to give Michael 'courage' from that point on and I still do ;)

Oh, the MJ shrine is just 'one corner' of the room... its in my Michael room and I do have a "remembrance wall" too... Should take a piccie of that too...
exactly the whole room baths in Michael and even fans are 'reluctant' to step into the room and I live there 24/7...
Well, I do have a livingroom where I sit once a week for DVD time but I feel SAVE in my Michael room though...

I think it is just a blanket.

I remember back during that first horrible summer without him. My MJ shrine was the only place where I had wanted to be mostly. Because I had spent most of that summer in my bed sleeping. I even had my old laptop at the time in bed with me. So I can still go in to my MJ sites. All I had wanted to do was just try and to forget what had happen to him. And sleeping was the only way I could do that. Though the problem with that was I was continuously plague by the most horrific vivid nightmares about him. Even now I am still haunted by some of them. Especially by the 2 that cause me to wake up crying and shaking uncontrollably. And I had never had nightmares that were that bad in my entire life. Which would probably explain why I am still suffering from depression over him. And I am still am in mourning over him. One of my black MJ t-shirts and black pants is all that I want to wear mostly anymore. And whats even worst about having this depression I hardly ever listen to Michael to Michael anymore.:boohoo: It was just yesterday I had listen to him for the first time in about a month. And I haven't watch any of my MJ related videos and dvds since May of 2010. And when I think of all the related MJ video type that I had either downloaded, bought, or taped in the past 19 years. It just hurts so much that I can't watch any of that. Especially my beloved HIStory Concerts. That I miss watching more than all of my other MJ video stuff combined. I just wish how you other fans can handle watching him. When I am like in instant tears the second I see a video image of him.:sad: :boohoo:
I think it is just a blanket.

I remember back during that first horrible summer without him. My MJ shrine was the only place where I had wanted to be mostly. Because I had spent most of that summer in my bed sleeping. I even had my old laptop at the time in bed with me. So I can still go in to my MJ sites. All I had wanted to do was just try and to forget what had happen to him. And sleeping was the only way I could do that. Though the problem with that was I was continuously plague by the most horrific vivid nightmares about him. Even now I am still haunted by some of them. Especially by the 2 that cause me to wake up crying and shaking uncontrollably. And I had never had nightmares that were that bad in my entire life. Which would probably explain why I am still suffering from depression over him. And I am still am in mourning over him. One of my black MJ t-shirts and black pants is all that I want to wear mostly anymore. And whats even worst about having this depression I hardly ever listen to Michael to Michael anymore.:boohoo: It was just yesterday I had listen to him for the first time in about a month. And I haven't watch any of my MJ related videos and dvds since May of 2010. And when I think of all the related MJ video type that I had either downloaded, bought, or taped in the past 19 years. It just hurts so much that I can't watch any of that. Especially my beloved HIStory Concerts. That I miss watching more than all of my other MJ video stuff combined. I just wish how you other fans can handle watching him. When I am like in instant tears the second I see a video image of him.:sad: :boohoo:

ah, HUN :better: to answer your query in BOLD...
I have learnt my brain a NEAT trick... I just BLOCK that memory of June 25 when I listen and watch Michael... It works, you know...
Indeed... the only clothes I'm wearing NOW are my white socks, black sweatpants with white line across the leg and shirts... My fave one is also Michael's FAVE red shirt, I'm wearing NOW... Don't know why but that shirt gives me save feeling...
I glanced at my 'dress sense' this afternoon and I thought... "Gee, I turned into Michael..." :doh:
Since we retired to Turkey most of my memorabilia is locked away so the sun will not bleach it but I did have a nice shrine to Michael in my last home in the UK.
ah, HUN :better: to answer your query in BOLD...
I have learnt my brain a NEAT trick... I just BLOCK that memory of June 25 when I listen and watch Michael... It works, you know...
Indeed... the only clothes I'm wearing NOW are my white socks, black sweatpants with white line across the leg and shirts... My fave one is also Michael's FAVE red shirt, I'm wearing NOW... Don't know why but that shirt gives me save feeling...
I glanced at my 'dress sense' this afternoon and I thought... "Gee, I turned into Michael..." :doh:

Maybe that's what I probably need to do again. I remember all of Fall of 2009 all I had wanted to do was to watch Michael. I was so totally obsessed with wanting to watch him. Mainly the Oprah Interview that was the one MJ related video I was practically obsessed with watching the most. That has always been my number 1 favorite MJ interview ever since the night it first aired on February 10th 1993. It was also my first MJ interview I had ever saw. Since I was 13 at the time when when it had aired. And I was really fine watching any of my MJ video related stuff. Until I had decided to watch my Denmark HIStory. Back in October of 2009. I was really fine watching the concert until I had put the Billie Jean performance on. Half way through that performance I was crying so bad I had to shut that concert off. After he was done performing that song. I haven't touch that concert or any of my other MJ concerts since. Except for that one time back in January of 2 years ago. I had really wanted to see the one part of my Yokohama, Japan Bad Concert. Where Michael was performing Shake Your Body. I just so totally L.O.V.E. the look on Michael's face. As he and the others were watching that one guy doing I don't know what. That scene always tends to make me laugh so much. But lately anymore as much as I L.O.V.E. Michael. I had to replace Michael with Bollywood movies now. Especially Bollywood movies that has Shahrukh Khan in them. Who is my new Michael to watch. And he is a fellow MJ fan. But it is still not the same as watching Michael himself. And believe me I really do miss watching him so extremely badly.:boohoo: And as for me the only clothes I would wear mostly anymore is one of my many MJ t-shirts along with a pair of black pants. Along with my 3 MJ necklaces that practically almost never leaves my neck. but mostly the MJ shirts I have been wearing are my black MJ t-shirts. Since I am very much still in mourning over what had happen to him.:sad: :boohoo:
:better: to MJsBollywoodgirl...

You know the 'ultimate' trick I do when another wave of grief hits me?

I just 'rearrange' one of my MJ shrines... I burn candles and light an 'cinnamon' essence stick and it calms me down...
I exactly did that this morning and this is the result... These piccies are from my 'living room'...


Your shrines are all great, my bedroom used to be full with all my MJ stuff but since he died I keep it all away, just too sad to look at now, I have my MJ posters on my bedroom wall but that's about it.

OMG I used to have that ET figure when I was younger, I used to love it :lol: