My MJ dream (happened last night)


Proud Member
Mar 23, 2009
Canterbury, England
Well, I had a bit of trouble sleeping. I went to bed at 2 and Im guessing I didnt fall asleep till about 3:30AM. I woke up at 9 because my alarm went off but I fell back asleep. Thats when I had my MJ dream.

I actually remember it extremely clearly. I was going to see 'Thriller Live' (the London Musical about Michaels life), after participating in something to do with it at school (I must have won a contest or something), but the weird thing was that I was going with MJ! We got the bus into London. Everybody on the bus didnt seem affected that MJ was on the bus because he apparently got that bus often. So we were just chilling out talking. We got to London and strolled to the theater together. We sat down as the show started. It wasnt the musical, but more of a Jackson/Jackson 5 compilation of performances spliced together into a film. This was really funny looking back to it in my head. Some of the clips include Jackson and his brothers performing Smooth Criminal (think 12-14 year old MJ). Another included Michael spinning down a ladder from the very top (I know it sounds so mental, but thats what happened). The show ended and I loved it. After chatting with MJ and getting the bus back home with him, I sadly left back home. I really wanted to keep talking to Michael. So the next day at school I was really depressed about it when the teacher organising the event I attended told me that it lasted for 3 weeks. I was supposed to be doing the same thing for 3 weeks in a row! With Michael! But because I didnt continue the next day, they got another kid to do the rest for me! I was SO upset!

I LOVED that dream so much. I know it sounds totally crazy but it was so random, I havent had such a clear MJ dream before (I wonder if its a sign?) :D

Ahh I want that dream again. Any Q's?

Tom :D
Cool!! I've had 6 dreams of MJ since he passed away!!!