My MJ Christmas!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
st.louis missouri
I got some pretty cool mj stuff for christmas yesterday and i just wanted to share what i got with you guys!

i got:
This is It CD 2 disk with book
Michael Jackson: Life of a Superstar DVD-(dont know if its any good or herd of it so if anyone knows it let me know!) :)
This is It T-shirt
Michael Jackson Rolling Stone Cover Tote bag
Michael Jackson NEW 2010 calender. ( i ended up with 2 of them so im jusy gonna use one and leave the other unopened) btw i looked through the new calender and saw that they did write down the day Michael died on June 25th. I thought that was really nice and it made me teary to see it written down on the day.

just though i would share!
Awww...good stuff!

I got the Opus
The 2010 Calendar
Michael Jackson - The One (DVD)
A framed pic of me when I was about 6 years old wearing a red leather jacket and a microphone in my hand..My mom had a little message stuck to it - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson Treasures book
and a massive (probably queen or king size) Michael plush blanket! It's him from the Thriller cover! I love it!
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Nice. This is what I got

Official Michael Jackson Opus (already knew I was getting it, just couldn't open til Christmas)
For the Record 2nd Edition by Chris Cadman and Craig Halstead
Before He Was King by Todd Gray
Off the Wall Special Edition CD
Michael Jackson 3D framed poster (I actually didn't put this on my list, so it was a surprise to get it) :D was being sold in a kiosk in the mall...There were all sorts of these blankets with celebrities on them, animals, all sorts of stuff...I saw it in the mall a little while ago and called my boyfriend to tell him, and he says, "Alanna, you don't need another blanket, you have tons" and I was like, "But it's MICHAEL!!" and he's like, "I know it's Michael, but you have enough" and I thought, ya he's right, I do have enough....My dad ended up getting it for me for
That's wonderful, you all. I haven't bought the This Is It CD yet but hopefully I'll get the chance to buy it sometime soon.

its a great cd even if its all old songs but you get to hear demos of she's out of my life, beat it,and wanna be starting something along with Michael reading his poem planet earth that had me bawling!
its a great cd even if its all old songs but you get to hear demos of she's out of my life, beat it,and wanna be starting something along with Michael reading his poem planet earth that had me bawling!
I'm quite sure it did. Oh, jeeze! Now I'm tempted even more to just run over to my local store and just grab it off of the shelves!

I have that dvd,it is awesome--be sure to view the deleted scenes.
I also got alot of MJ for Christmas as a surprise from my Honey--I got the opus,thriller jacket,a fordora and also a gift certificate for a tattoo of MJ.How cool was that.
I have that dvd,it is awesome--be sure to view the deleted scenes.
I also got alot of MJ for Christmas as a surprise from my Honey--I got the opus,thriller jacket,a fordora and also a gift certificate for a tattoo of MJ.How cool was that.
I have that dvd,it is awesome--be sure to view the deleted scenes.
I also got alot of MJ for Christmas as a surprise from my Honey--I got the opus,thriller jacket,a fordora and also a gift certificate for a tattoo of MJ.How cool was that.

VERY cool!! What kinda MJ tat are you gonna get??