My Michael Jackson Story...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was born 1974 in Germany, The 80's were great. Memories of my brother breakdancing infront of the bathroom mirror, with white gloves and the ghetto blaster playing so loud that my mom was tripping. My brother played OFf the Wall and of course Thriller, in school kids were wearing the BEAT IT jacket and rehearsed Thriller. Buttons, Posters, Michael Jackson Mania. Everbody imitated Michael..

When the album BAD dropped I was really hooked to Michael Jackson. I remember singing Man in the mirror... Dirty Diana...The way you make me feel..During that time Germany just had CABLE TV for about a year and Michael Jackson was all over MTV. ( yeah..we were a little late :) I was glued on TV when they showed the BAD tour on MTV. I was facinated, I wanted to meet Michael. During BAD in 1987, the tabloids and news went crazy..the bleaching his skin and how he didn't want to be black . I remember defending him when my mother talked bad about Michael. They wondered who was weirder, "Prince" or Michael Jackson.

I loved Michael..even back then all sounded very wrong to me..I did wonder, what had happened. But in my mind I didn't care, he was a miracle to me. I just wanted them to stop talking trash..Skip to Dangerous 1991.. I was 17 and we all were waiting for the album to drop. When it finally hit the stores, we loved it. This album conceals lots of memories hanging out with friends ..dancing..playing the songs in the Juke Box. Michael looked different again.. I wondered.( back then i had not heard of the skin disease)
I hated the bad press. I just knew that he was sad and lonely, he gave us so much, and just wanted to be normal sometimes. This was impossible though..

1993- The crazy charges were filed. I was like no way..they just want his money. A little ? was in the back of my mind..what if they are right..The press went crazy..having done much damage all his life, they slowly chipped the rest of Michaels self esteem and good image away. They kept telling lies , and like Michael said, if you keep hearing lies, they WILL plant these ??? in your brain. Again I defended me he was a good person, as hard as they tried to destroy Michael, I still loved him. When he married Lisa Marie Presley, it was a desperate way to fix his public image. Even to me. I felt sorry for Michael. From all the reports and Biographies I saw, I knew that the events of his childhood had an major impact on him. I understood why he wanted to be around kids and animals. I was abused as a child, and what this does to you, when this purity and innocense is destroyed..all I can say is that it had an impact on my life, especially with relationships. Children love you unconditionally, so do animals. They feel your pain, they comfort and love you, they don't want nothing in return. When adults keep dissapointing you, when you have pain inside yourself, you escape to your own world.

After the Dangerous album I didn't get a connection with the following albums. I loved 'You rock my world" though. Whenever Michael was shown in the press, I just felt sorry. I was happy for him when he had his children. To me it was clear that he couldn't have a real relationship. With all that has happened. Imagine being a little boy and your brothers screw groupies in the same room.. Crazy girls camping in the backyard ready to tear a piece of from you. This is scary..and the world wonders?? Anyhow, on the children, I have bi-racial children, and I believe that he is not the biological father. There a no african american traits in any of the kids. They can have blond hair, no curls or be really light but something will show. I know many bi-racial children, mother white dad black, or both parents mixed, whatever..there will be some features. Whatever the reasons, why Michael didn't use his seeds, who are we to judge? Thinking to myself, it would have been lovely if his genes would have lived on in one of his kids. I know his spirit will be with his kids no matter what, but you can see what I'm saying.

When the next charges were filed in 2003 I think, and I saw him later in court, I thought this will kill him. I knew deep inside, that this can't be true. I thought he should have been more careful after the charges in 93. Again grown ups wanted his money and again he got betrayed. I'm sure he forgave the boy, but that they did this again to him would kill him, I was sure that if he would be found guilty that he wouldn't be with us for long. I could feel his pain. On this note, I want to say that I believe he had a deep connection with children, but not in any sexual way. Ever..No way. I didn't listen to the press anymore, I was deeply saddened by his appearance, and new that a part of him has died.

When I heard of teh THIS IS IT tour, I was happy. I knew that this was my chance to go see Michael Jackson in London. Recently i couldn't come up with the money for 2 but discussed with my hubby that we were going when he came back from IRAK. This was gonna be my present after his deployment. Then my hubby called me Friday June 26th. We've just moved here, so our cable wasn't on yet, and told me Michael Jackson has died.
I couldn't believe it. It didn't really hit me until later on. i was glued to my computer screen. I listened to man in the mirror and cried. I watched all the videos and played his music. My kids were sad too. Just recently my 7 year old was singing we are the world in school with her class. My 12 year old daughter can dance like Michael. We raised them on Michael. All they want now is a BEAT IT jacket. It gives me chills, I love and miss Michael Jackson. The world has lost one of the greatest to ever walk this earth. He will live on forever. All the ???? are gone. All that is left are the great memories..

In loving memory


PS: Please don't bash me for anything I have said here. I just wanted to share my story.