My michael blog..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
st.louis missouri
I posted a blog on myspace about michael and i want to share it with everyone here. you can add me on myspace or you can just leave comments in this post. i hope my words help you all mourn bc as much as iam trying to mourn michael its still very hard. anyways heres my blog. enjoy. my blog includes some pics of michael also if you would rather see it there and leave comments. my profile is private but my blog is public. idk if you still need to add me or not but its up to you. thanks.

This Blog is being deadicated to the Memory of the Greatest Entertainer and Musican to ever Live. Michael Jackson.

Today is the Day that Michael is finally being layed to rest at Forest Lawn Memorial Cementary in LA. Its been a long time comming and we all knew it would but now that its here it makes it all so real and so final. Michael ment so much to so many that his loss is beyond devesting.

I know some people dont understand why us fans are mourning the way we are so until you all know what it feels like to loose someone you grew up listening to and admiring your whole life or even for 3 decades then maybe you know what it feels like. We are not the only ones mourning. Many people still mourn the losses of Elvis, and John Lennon. Infact Elvis fans travel for miles and miles away till this day to honor him on his birthday overt 30 years after his death and yet no one saids a word about that but when it comes to Michael's fans we are crazy. well if being a Mj fan makes me crazy then Im proud to be crazy!

Michael's music was amazing. he always expressed a certain side to him that he was never afraid to show. he showed alot of passion and heart in his music and that was one of the many things that made him a legend.

If you listen to any of the Jackson 5 songs to now you will know what kind of person he was. He expressed himself through his music. He showed and expressed every side of him in his music. His innocence in songs like abc, ben, music in me, and childhood. His sexy side in songs like Dirty Diana, In the Closet, and The way you make me feel.His romantic side in the girl is mine, she's out my life, PYT (pretty young thing), and also his angry side in scream, leave me alone, and Bad.

But besides all that Michael was a loving caring human being who was so misunderstood and ridiculed for every move he made and everyword he said. No matter what he did people attacked him. How would make you feel if that was you? I dout anyone would like to know how that felt to read in every magazine about how weird you were, being called a freak, or ***** *****. doesnt sound like fun now does it? Think about that made Michael feel everyday. Why do people think he was the way he was.

Michael was a amazing performer and icon. Say what you want about him he did so much for music. More then anyone eles in history. He was the 1st ever Black artist to have a video played on MTV. He broke racial barriars with Billie Jean and made history when he did the moonwalk for the 1st time on Motown 25. Michael set trends from the white glove, to the red leather jackson he wore in Beat It. He touched so many people that he will always be rememered for it all.

Yeah we all know Michael had alot of different looks from all the plastic surgery and the so called "skin bleaching" people say he did. Well Michael did NOT bleach his skin. He had a skin disease called Vitilago which causes skin discoloration and he was perscribed a cream by the now famous Dr. Klien to help with skin blotches and it ended up discoloring his skin and gave him the appearence of a white man. He could not help that. As for the surgeries he did it all because he didnt want to look his father and his family teased him because he had a big nose. all that really did a number on him so he just wanted to change it. Maybe he went too far but how can anyone blame him?

Whatever you may think about Michael you cant deny how important he was to music and that without Michael there would be no Usher, Justin Timberlake or Britney Spears. They owe alot to Michael. Everyone does if you ask me. Michael will always live on and i dont care what anyone says I will ALWAYS mourn Michael. I loved him and i will always love him.

Before i leave i just want to say Michael I love you. I miss you so much and i will always remember you for what you have done with your music and what you have done for your fans. We will always continue to fight for you. We will always love you and keep your legacy alive. GoodBye Michael. Rest In Peace Our King.