my message to CNN


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know this may not do any good but im going to send it anyway.

I have to say that in the aftermath of Michael Jackson's death you all have been both negative and positive. There does seem to be something wrong with Dr. Murray. And my comment about him is. Why did it take so long for the man to act? Why did it take so long for him to dial 911? Why did he yell for Michael's son when he had everyone else there? Why did he do CPR so badly? Michael deserves these questions to be answered. He trusted Dr. Murray and he let Michael down. Regardless of what you think of Michael he was a great man. You are making Michael out to be a bad person because he was addicted to drugs. I know it might make you feel better at night knowing that the King Of Pop wasn't perfect. But he was a good father and a good provider for his children. That is also another thing you have to think about when you talk about their father. These kids will hear what you are saying and they will ask questions. They didn't see what you all think you see in Michael. They loved him very much. A lot of the things you are reporting are mere fiction. You don't listen to the whole story before you ask questions. But I don't expect you to be fair to Michael now that he is gone. You weren't fair to him when he was alive. In closing I would like for you to remember and have hearts. His Children and family are hurting. Not to mention the fans all over the world

its not written in a normal email because its in a comment box. I have no control over paragraphs.
well said. dr murray will have to answer for his questionable action, cpr on the bed need to be questioned by authorities.
I was just thinking of sending them a message too, and I am going to.

I think all his fans should send CNN a message concerning the awful bashing they've been giving him lately.
good job. the only thing i would have said differently is, that Michael was depended upon many prescription drugs due to his health issues such as the vitiligo and lupus. but everything else is spot on.
Well said, sadly these people do not have a heart and what you said may be even laughed at by some of them, because they don't care.
its great....we've got to let them know they can't just do or say anything about Michael................
Good job! You never know you might get a response, maybe not. At least you made your voice heard!
if by chance someone happened's to watch and they read my comment will you please tell me or at least send me a youtube link.?