my message in a dream


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hardenberg, Netherlands
To give the fans and Michael a change to say goodbye we were allowed to travel back in time or were stuck in a sort of timelock.
Just this once we could see Michael and he could see us.
Thousands of people were in the stadium, i was standing on the front row behind what seemed like a big lamp.
My view wasnt that great because the lamp was in the way, it was shining on Michael.
It was overwhelming, and we all knew that Michael would die after this and yet the atmosphere was good, full of love.
He looked great, like the way he looked during the Bad era (including the jacket).
Suddenly everyone seemed to be moving towards a parkinglot nearby but instead of thousands there were only a few hundred left.
Michael arrived with a lot of SUV’s with dark windows, the fans had to gather behind a fence.
Security picked people that were allowed over the fence and the rest got a hand a a greeting from Michael.
I chose to step aside from the group and looked at the scene from a distance, i was close to his car, all by myself.
Michael was very kind and sweet for everyone, photo’s, hugs and sweet words were shared.
He seemed to be doing this on auto-pilot but was very approachable and was surrounded by the love of his fans.
When he walked back to his car i called him: ‘Michael Michael, can i give you a hug’.
He stopped, looked at me and allowed me to come, i walked towards him and he spread his arms and i spread mine.
At first the hug was difficult because of the jacket he was wearing.
All of a sudden he looked like he did the last years, he no longer looked like he did in the Bad era.
Then we were able to hug and it was sweet and soft, he was somewhat smaller than me so i had to bend a little but he gave me a hug with his entire body.
Later we were still holding each other but a little more loose than before and i gave him a kiss on his cheek, very softly...and i told him i love him.
All this time he didnt say a word, there was only bodylanguage.
After that kiss he looked at me intensely.
He didnt say a word but that look toldme more than a 1000 words, he clearly gave me a message: ‘Smile though your heart is aching’...
He does not want to see me sad, he wants me to smile, carrying his message to the world.
It was very clear what he meant to tell me, this is not a goodbye but a ‘see you again’.
When we let go of each other i turned my back on him and walked away crying intensely.
Michael was not allowed to see my tears, he wants to see me smile.
I did not turn around to look at him, i wanted to keep this beautiful memory and couldnt stand the thought of seeing him leave so i decided to leave myself.
I could not say goodbye, this was no farewell but a ‘see you again’.
‘See you Michael, see you in heaven’.
that was a beautiful dream. thank you for sharing

i had a dream of him too lately. i posted it somewhere but briefly it's about meeting him now after it happened. and he's alive. and i'm amazed and happy and tell him "how can you be alive after what had happened" and he says "i am alive" and smiles. i try to call the fans to let them know and the dream ends. but it was kinda comforting
Lovely! If only Michael could have one more day to meet everyone he never got a chance to...but we will all get to meet him someday...=]
Wonderful Jenny,

Even though yo already told me, its nice to be able to read it back..

I love what he meant to tell you.
aw, that's beautiful. Made me smile and a bit teary-eyes.
Thanks so much for sharing that.
my was not a dream i have michael's spirit vist me
yerstday about 12pm in the afternoon i was listen to michael's somebodys watching me
while song end i saw something strange
i could hear someone close my door but there was noone there
sec later i feel strange i hear michael sing somebody dance with me
but what i see is michael dancing in my room
i was to numb/scare to get up and dancing with michael
or ask why michael vist me again
( the first time it was while michael wake me up and was just watching me sleep)
michael say to me
''im sorry to scare that night i vist you''
it was a nice idea that michael was watch me
michael disapear before i could say anything to him it was 1pm in the afternoon
i knew it was michael he looked nice pink colour skin his curly dark colour hair that
fall over his eyes age 50-51
michael was wering his purle suite one glowth on his left hand
but no shoes

this better then any dream that i can have
michael spirit vist me
its like michael is trying to tell me something?
Seems that Michael is seeing lots of people in dreams...i always thought that he would never leave us,and it feels so good to know that i was right.
I had lots of dreams with Michael.But the one that really touched me deep was a dream i had where Michael was looking at me,with the most sweetest smile and eye expression,and kept calling me.He would whisper "Maria...Maria.."and when i my eyes reached his,he would say "i'm watching you.don't are not alone...I'm watching you".
It felt so real...I can really tell and feel that he is indeed watching me.He is so alive inside me!
michael is giving so much messages and is coming in the form peole can handle....
i think i can not handle seeing mike in my livingroom, maybe he knows and comes in dreams......
Seems that Michael is seeing lots of people in dreams...i always thought that he would never leave us,and it feels so good to know that i was right.
I had lots of dreams with Michael.But the one that really touched me deep was a dream i had where Michael was looking at me,with the most sweetest smile and eye expression,and kept calling me.He would whisper "Maria...Maria.."and when i my eyes reached his,he would say "i'm watching you.don't are not alone...I'm watching you".
It felt so real...I can really tell and feel that he is indeed watching me.He is so alive inside me!
believing is seeing
that is not a dream you have its a nice that a spirit of michael would vist you
most person don't understand a a spirit of a dead person can vist them
just to say ''im watching you''
you don't have be scared of michael he means no hurm( to you)
just happy like michael wants to be
believe is seeing?
that's lovely...
Thanks for sharing

RIP Michael
I'll never let you part
For you're always in my heart