MY manifesto - I can't stand it when......


My manifesto – I CAN'T STAND IT WHEN…..

Starting threads ain't really a habit of mine, but i didn't wanna interrupt the Random thoughts thread with yet another irrelevant ramble, so i thought i would do this. And nope, i don't expect any views or replies, i'm writin' this for me more than anybody else. To remind myself of who i really am and whom many would have me lose.

Don't let the title mislead you. Nope, this ain’t no communist propaganda and it ain’t a musical one either lol. What follows sums up many of things i came to believe over the years. 80% of it i wrote as a really rough draft with only key words about 4/5 years ago, back in the day when it was much, much easier to be me. That's from back when i didn't get friendly smiles in huge crowds from people in very 'high' places which theoretically were not supposed to know me.

I can’t stand it when…...race becomes the measure of a man and brings forth racism

I can’t stand it when…, Europeans consider ourselves the cradle of all civilization and in our
Euro centrist view feel the need to ‘teach’ others our values

I can’t stand it when…, Europeans try to deny our Judeo-Christian core identity for the sake of
political correctness and ill-concieved notions of tolerance

I can’t stand it when…...people living the urban lifestyle consider themselves more sophisticated than
those living in the country side

I can’t stand it when…...certain country folks think their life is ‘healthier’ because they are closer to nature than city folks

I can’t stand it when…..other country people dream of the city life and don’t realize their sheer luck at living in open air without the constraints of an office job

I can’t stand it when… considers himself better than woman because of his pragmatism and ability to focus, while women are seen as ultra sensitive creatures, unable to reason, being always led by their emotional side

I can’t stand it when…..women think of themselves as superior to men because of their sensitivity and see men as robots

I can’t stand it when…..both genders see others only as objects and means either for producing
offspring or the materialization of illusions – power, fame, money, status

I can’t stand it when……the elderly consider themselves wiser than the young because of age and experience

I can’t stand it when…..young people consider themselves the only ones in possession of vigor, vitality and enthusiasm

I can’t stand it when..…home owners consider themselves richer than the homeless

I can’t stand it when….owners of houses paying mortgages for a lifetime consider themselves luckier
than those free of the slavery of credit living in rent

I can’t stand it when…..natural borns consider themselves ‘original’ and treat ‘outsiders’ as second class citizens

I can’t stand it when… people think of themselves higher than the common man simply because of
their material goods

I can’t stand it when….poor folks make the assumption that all those with fortune don’t deserve it and have had it easy all their life and never really worked for what they got

I can’t stand it when…..people in the academic world consider themselves superior to the masses of the ‘uneducated’

I can’t stand it when…..professors look down on their students either because they sit on a higher level in classroom or because they have amnesia and forget they weren't born knowledgable and they too were students at one point

I can’t stand it when…..students don’t show the due respect to school and teachers by acting and dressing in a civilized manner

I can’t stand it when……teachers do a lousy job in school because they are not paid enough and exploit children and parents by cohersing them into private tutoring

I can’t stand it when…..the ‘powerful’ people of the world think of themselves as more important than the ‘powerless’, not realizing we are all equal in God’s eyes

I can’t stand it when…..being famous is considered a virtue and all other 7 billion of us are ‘nobodies’

I can’t stand it when…..the media makes stars out of talentless people and denies exposure to genuine talents

I can’t stand it when…...people decry the evils of the media while seeking its attention

I can’t stand it when…..people think all media is run by and made of bloodsuckers

I can’t stand it when…..those in the media can’t stand it when seldom they are in the hot seat and the spotlight is on them and their troubles for once

I can’t stand it when…..people become consumed and make it their business to stick their noses up
people's behinds and try to mess around with the lives of those in the public sphere whilst forgetting to live their own lives

I can't stand it when....those who think they know a bit believe they got the right to know everything

I can’t stand it when…..people try to suck up to you and tell you things they think you’d like to hear

I can’t stand it when…..people try to stand up to you & yours only to show they are not intimidated by either of you

I can’t stand it when…..some claim inner beauty can compensate for serious physical imperfections

I can’t stand it when…..people see outer appearance as the only criteria for beauty

I can’t stand it when…..folks claims it’s more important to have brains and/or heart rather than kissable lips and shakable hips

I can’t stand it when…..women sell their bodies because they think their lips and hips are their only assets

I can’t stand it when… use women as objects either for their pleasure (as clients), or for profit (as predators and exploiters)

I can’t stand it when….wives get caught up in the mundanity of daily life and let their husbands slip into the trap of temptation

I can’t stand it when….husbands don’t fulfill their marital duties and leave their wives prone to the sin of adultery

I can’t stand it when… who refrain from hitting women think more highly of themselves than those who do not and fail to realize mental abuse can cause more harm

I can’t stand it when….the faithful (of any faith) consider themselves superior to those without any religion

I can’t stand it when…..atheists think of themselves as truly liberated from the ‘entrapment’ of faith, not realizing the true and huge freedom us, believers actually have

I can't stand it when.....Christians are called hypocrites at the very first sign of failure as if recognizing one's faith in Christ equals perfection

I can't stand it when....Christians cut and use portions of the Holy Bible to suit their own narrow agenda and turn a blind eye on the rest of precepts that are incovenient for them

I can’t stand it when….those in the cultural field feel as though they have a higher purpose than those in ‘petty’ little domanins such as industry or agriculture

I cant’s stand it when….people can conceive the world and life without the arts

I can’t stand it when…..critics are given more weight than performers

I can’t stand it when…..performers can’t accept constructive criticism either of their work or life style

I can't stand it when.....entertainers expose their bodies (either through limited use of clothing or movement – in movies, videos or on stage) in order to satiate the unhealthy cravings of millions of people who will never come close to them, but have the amount of money necessary to buy tickets to concerts, movies or albums

I can't stand it when.....artists who engage in such acts who think they are very different from those who sell their bodies in hotels, clubs or on the streets and instead of preserving their sensuality for their loved one, they share it the world not realizing the price their soul is paying

I can’t stand it when…..MNCs have divisions and stores everywhere, while mom & pop shops, hand made crafts and ancient occupations die out each day

I can’t stand it when…..those proposing an ‘authentic’ and ‘natural’ lifestyle fail to recognize the importance of mass production

I can’t stand it when…..those with a job think of themselves more highly than the unemployed and wrongly feel those on the streets could find work if only they were industrious enough

I can’t stand it when…..employers, be it in the private, public or non-governmental sectors consider employees surrender all rights once they sign a contract

I can’t stand it when…..parents feel they can use their authority over their children in order to abuse them either with neglect or with physical punishment

I can’t stand it when…..children are left to their own devices and consider themselves free of any supervision and control

I can’t stand it when……we forget to put the needs of others in front of our own out of sheer egoism

I can’t stand it when……the collective rights of organizations, nations and groups are heralded as superior to the interest of the individual

I can't stand it when.....every activity under the sun is seen through the lense of lust

I can't stand it when.....ill-driven zealots dismiss the realities of carnal existence and natural, God-given instincts and needs in favor of supposed higher spirituality and depth

I can’t stand it when……people fail to recognize the danger we, as a species represent to the health of the planet and blatantly disregard God’s creation through acts of pollution

I can’t stand it when…..some people welcome the end of human civilization as long as animals and plants survive

I can’t stand it when…..politicians allow themselves to be tools of lobbyists and interest groups and think they can manipulate the voters through promises and pledges they don’t keep

I can’t stand it when…...the general population doesn’t realize the power of its votes and considers all politicians corrupt, sees no real hope for change and ends up mainting the status quo

And…………… i can’t stand myself because i can’t stand all of the above.

After soooo many words, some video footage might come in handy. Jean Hagen did a terrific job out of playing the character of Lina Lamont in Singin’ in the rain. Such a shame she didn’t get the Oscar for Best supporting actress. This next clip is one of the funniest moments in the movie.

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