My letter to my daughter....whaddya think?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
Dearest Daughter of Mine…

I can’t help staying up all night long when you are out driving at some ungodly hour of the morning. I am your mother. This means that I have this ingrown ability to stay up all night, tired though I may be, just to make sure you get home at night safely. Yep. Can’t help it. It must be some inherent thing that comes in your genetic structure, when you become a mother. It must have something to do with some recessive gene that doesn’t fully express itself until you feel those first pangs of childbirth.

t’s not like you haven’t shocked me before though, sweetheart. I remember fondly that day when you were 18 months old, sucking on a Toddler Biter Biscuit and we stopped for a red light. You picked THEN to ask me “Mommy, What does (the F word) mean?” It’s a darned good thing I WAS at that red light, cause Mommy lost a little control of her driving then. And you laughed and giggled, upon seeing Mommy get that flustered... Yes, that was special wasn’t it?

And it certainly wasn’t going to be the only time I was shocked. Do you remember, dear, the time when you were 7 years old, and wrote the word “SEX” on the bathroom wall, with indelible ink no less? And that I discovered this fact only about 5 minutes before we were to have company? Oh that was special too. I found out very quickly the cleaning powers of Lestoil that day.

So, I stay up like the dutiful little mother that I am. Yes the word is MOTHER, NOT “mutha”, dear. I do this because I care. Us parents do this all the time because we care about you. We care that you bring your drink with you everywhere at a party, because you never know if someone like Andrew Cunanan or Andrew Luster will be there at that same party. We care that you drive home alone at 1:30am, text messaging your friends while you are driving. That type of activity is just not safe. The policeman told you that too, when he pulled you over. SO, I hope you learned your lesson from that little situation. It doesn’t do my aged nerves any good either, when I get a phone call from you at 1:45am stating that you WERE pulled over and given a warning. People were not meant to be able to text-message on their Side-kick and drive at the same time dear. I’ve told you this over and over again.

Us parents stay up and wait for you to come in because we care. We aren’t doing this to be a thorn in your side. We don’t do this stuff to cramp your style dear. We do this because WE CARE ABOUT YOU. So, the very next time you storm out the door, wanting your own place, just remember. I just figured out how to text-message, so you can't get away from me...


PS: Us PARENTS do have a method to our madness...I also blogged about this..You laugh!! THIS is what MJ will write to PARIS about when SHE gets older!!
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I know this is going to be brought up. No she doesn't know about this board, and yes I didn't publicly humiliiate her -she has a great sense of humor. and showed this to all her friends...and THEY thought it was funny too!

I would have NEVER posted this, but I got her approval first. She thinks its hysterical...I know some here wouldn't think this is funny, but parents NEED to have a sense of humor about this stuff with their kids, and their kids can laugh along with them.
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aww, I have a friend who's mother writes letters to as well. You reminded me a little about her. I think it is a very nice thing to do :)
LOL You sound like a great mother. I'm sure this letter made your daughter laugh