MY hypocrite mother and egoistical sister


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
My sister is such an egoistic person whenever I ask her to accompany me somewhere or do something for me she turns me down. Like today for example, one of my friends had an engagement party and I didn't want to go there alone as I didn't know anyone there and since she is from Turkey I'd feel a bit uncomfortable going there all by myself as I'm not from Turkey. I wanted her to accompany me so that I wouldn't have to sit there all alone by myself. Well at first she agreed but today she backtracked again making a huge scene yelling and screaming exclaiming she wouldn't wanna go. I was so effing mad that I really exploded. Her turning me down last minute isn't the first time of her doing so, she keeps on doing this again and again. Like the week before last week for example I wanted to go shopping but didn't wanna go on my own so I told her to come along and she again turned me flat down. I do everything for that brattish b****. :Like once I was really sick, I was on antibiotics had fever and didn't feel well at all still I went shopping with her to another city once when she wanted to, I let her use my bike, I pick her up from school, I drive her around I cook for her I give her money, buy her presents, help her with her homework. I do everything for that obnoxious brat yet that egomaniac never does anything for me. I have to beg and plead with her to do something for me or even accompany me somwhere. I was so furious today. I don't ever want to talk to that egoistich asshole ever again. My mother always takes her side and yells at me, though she knows her egoistical a-hole is the one at fault who keeps lying and using me. I don't know what do anymore. I'm so furious I want to choke that p****
I will never ever do anything for that a******* anymore., I hate her that stupid brat is only using me and my kindness. Everytime I fall for it and keep on forgiving her egoistical self, but I'm effing tired of this. I don't get how my mother's blaming me even though she is the one to be blameD? !?!!! I don't get it . Like I said this happens almost every weekend. yet I'm supposed to do stuff for her while does nothing not a thing, nothing.

Another think, there is no need for lurking in this thread if u read it then reply. Don't just lurk around
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Have you been very forthright with her and told her she is getting on your last nerve and told here how she makes you feel and how you feel about her? Have you also reminded her of instances where you have done things similar for her?

If yes, and she does not listen, then just don't be drawn in by her again. It is not good to let anyone get you so worked up, even if they are family.
I know how you feel I can get so angry @ my sister. You have to understand that is your sister, sit her down and tell her you love her but you will not do nice things and go out of your way for her if she continues her behavior. You are blessed to have a sister just accept her and let her know you dont deserve to be treated that way.
Have you been very forthright with her and told her she is getting on your last nerve and told here how she makes you feel and how you feel about her? Have you also reminded her of instances where you have done things similar for her?

If yes, and she does not listen, then just don't be drawn in by her again. It is not good to let anyone get you so worked up, even if they are family.
She knows it, I've told her this many times but she simply doesn't care my mistake is that I keep on forgiving her everytime she leaves me hanging stone cold.
Sounds just like my brother, by any chance is she the youngest child ??
I think the youngest child always gets special treatment by parents, anyway that happens at home with me.
My brother is probobly the worst 13 year old you could imagine, yet he seems to get away with everything... he smokes, he drinks and we have suspisions hes doing or even selling drugs. Its outragous, hes the youngest, yet he thinks he rules the house !!
I hate to say it but he justs needs a good smack sometimes, and I don't mind giving it to him because of the ways he treats us !!
Another think, there is no need for lurking in this thread if u read it then reply. Don't just lurk around
:D OK!

I think, that if you really have told her how you feel and she doesn't change her behaviour, just stop letting her use you.
Sounds just like my brother, by any chance is she the youngest child ??
I think the youngest child always gets special treatment by parents, anyway that happens at home with me.
My brother is probobly the worst 13 year old you could imagine, yet he seems to get away with everything... he smokes, he drinks and we have suspisions hes doing or even selling drugs. Its outragous, hes the youngest, yet he thinks he rules the house !!
I hate to say it but he justs needs a good smack sometimes, and I don't mind giving it to him because of the ways he treats us !!
yeah she is the youngest child. she turned 14 in march
Sounds to me like she needs to learn that you shouldn't say yes to something if you have no intention of following it through, maybe a chat to emphasize to her that its becoming routine.
yeah she is the youngest child. she turned 14 in march

Well first of all let me say that I am sorry that she treats you like she does..:hug:.....Ok now....your sister is 14 she is at the age when kids don't care about anyone but themselves...also her being the baby of the family doesn't help the situation at all. Especially if she is spoiled. You sound like a VERY GOOD sister to her. I think she may need a dose of her own medicine...Maybe the next time she asks you to do with say NO....and stick to your no...dont give may take a couple of times of you saying NO for her to get the Idea that the way she treats you is not nice. Also you are the older sibling so you have to continue to set the example....fighting with her will only make her act like more of a must stay calm with her and speak to her in a calm voice....I think that if you talk to her like that and tell her I would gladly do things with you..if you do things with me when I ask you to.....I think you may have success. I wish you much luck...:)
she sounds spoiled. don't do anything for her unless she is willing to help you out hen you need it. she sounds very willing to receive, but just too damn lazy to give anything back. if you keep helping her out and buying her stuff etc she will get used to it. and if she still gets all that without having to give back then why would she change?!
Well first of all let me say that I am sorry that she treats you like she does..:hug:.....Ok now....your sister is 14 she is at the age when kids don't care about anyone but themselves...also her being the baby of the family doesn't help the situation at all. Especially if she is spoiled. You sound like a VERY GOOD sister to her. I think she may need a dose of her own medicine...Maybe the next time she asks you to do with say NO....and stick to your no...dont give may take a couple of times of you saying NO for her to get the Idea that the way she treats you is not nice. Also you are the older sibling so you have to continue to set the example....fighting with her will only make her act like more of a must stay calm with her and speak to her in a calm voice....I think that if you talk to her like that and tell her I would gladly do things with you..if you do things with me when I ask you to.....I think you may have success. I wish you much luck...:)

we're not all like that, I'm 15 :lol:
I always get the blame for everything in my house my younger brother would get away with murder if he had the chance but if it was me my Mum would come down on me like a Hurricane had just hit the house i know it it because I'm the eldest i get treated differently
i'd like to give a little blunt advice that i learned from my very wise mother. it didn't matter that she is an adult. she had said hello to a child, and that child pretended like my mother didn't exist. so, the next time, that child came over to my mother to speak to her, my mother pretended like the child didn't exist. moments later, the child couldn't help but look out of the corner of her eye, at my mother, almost the entire rest of the day...later, the child relented and came over to my mother and apologized.

i think there has to be a balance of making people appreciate kindness. human nature is selfish, and the more you give, the more the recipient tends to want to take without giving in return. but if you make the recipient appreciate, by making them think they won't always get what they want, they tend to learn their lesson. i think people are much more appreciative of something they don't have so much access to. i think even your mother will appreciate you more, if you stick up for yourself, just a little :)

even my mother and i had a little falling out, once..but when there came a time in our lives that we thought we'd never see each other again, we both appreciated each other a lot more.

i even think that we can learn a little from Michael's situation. many kids who never knew if they would have a chance to meet him, were much more respectful of him, than the you know who kids, who had too much access to him.

i know this is a blunt post..but..i didn't know how else to post it..