My Friend Michael Jackson - By Charlie Ray


Proud Member
May 21, 2006
(I thought Michael paid less than $50mil for the catalog, but that's just what the media said)

There are some subjects it is unwise to disagree with popular opinion about. Politics, religion, and Michael Jackson are on that list of taboo subjects. However; I have something of a reputation for rushing in where some folks fear to tread. And, I feel a certain obligation to defend my friend, Michael.

In private conversations with music industry friends I have expressed my opinions concerning Michael's legal problems. Some people have said I am defending "unacceptable behavior." I disagree and point out he was never convicted. I maintain and defend my opinion.

My relationship with Michael began as business based. I promoted two of his albums. "Thriller" has been the largest selling album of all time for many years. I predict it will continue selling almost unbelievable numbers of copies for many years to come. I promoted both, "Thriller" and "Bad."

I began our relationship with large amounts of respect and admiration for his talent, showmanship, dedication to his fans, and his innate knowledge of the entertainment industry. His business savvy greatly exceeded his age. As time went on, I developed both a strong fondness for him and a lot of concern for his total inability to recognize envy, greed, and uncontrolled ambition in other people.

Michael grew up in a surreal fairy tale world. When he was only five years old, he was touring with The Jackson Five. He quickly became a child star. Everything he could dream of except a normal childhood was there for him. He was loved and pampered by everyone around him. He saw hundreds of millions of adoring fans populating his entire universe. He could do no wrong. No harm could befall him. Goodness and mercy surrounded him.

As he grew older, he applied his business skills and became one of the world's super wealthy. Older more experienced people advised him against paying $600 million for the publishing rights to the early Beetles music catalog. Nobody had ever paid nearly as much for publishing rights. He followed his gut and went against their advice. It has proven to be a very astute business move. His many decisions concerning the composition, production, presentation, and promotion of "Thriller" were equally astute.

His downfall and early death sprang from that same fairy tale life. He had more than enough money to buy anything he could imagine. There was nobody for him to envy. He had it all. He was by nature a truly considerate and compassionate person. He had achieved his amazing success without harming anyone. He had lived in a world that was sheltered and isolated from mean and angry people.

The negative emotions of fear, envy, greed, and uncontrolled ambitions were alien concepts to him. He had never been the carrier or victim of such thoughts and feelings. He understood the meaning of those concepts the same way most people understand war. They were bad things that happened far away to people he did not know. They existed in a world he had never been exposed to.

I tried to explain bad people to him. I told him there are two ways to have the tallest tree in town. Loving people do so, by planting, nurturing, and caring for their trees. Maladjusted, angry, envious, blindly ambitious, and bitter people do so by cutting down everyone else's tall trees. He just shot me that famous smile, rolled his eyes, and said, "You should have more faith in our fellow man."

Michael loved people. He especially loved children. He enjoyed being around children. It provided a vicarious way of experiencing the "normal" childhood he never experienced. Children shared an innocence his fairy tale life had left intact within him. Other adults had lost that innocence. The advice I offered proved my own fall from grace. I and those who offered similar warnings were cynical and unable to see all the love and beauty surrounding him and each of us.

Michael's first exposure to the evil side of people was the original accusation of child molestation. In his mind, it was a very rare aberration. It was not indicative of people in general. He adopted the Christly response of, "Forgive them, Father. They know not what they do." He responded to the parents' greed with loving kindness. He gave them a few million dollars. Perhaps; it would allow them to grow, be happy, and lay down their ways of sin. If nothing else; it would teach them how insignificant a few million dollars were.

I tried to warn him the out of court settlement marked him as an easy target for similar people. I said other greedy parents would be willing to use their children to extort greater amounts. He had not lost his faith in love and goodness. The fact two poor misguided parents had given in to greed did not mean others would behave in a similar fashion.

I pointed out the long established career paths of many politicians. The successful prosecution of celebrities has taken many unscrupulous blindly ambitious politicians into higher more powerful offices. Power hunger has driven bad people to do anything imaginable to acquire and abuse power over ever increasing numbers of regular people. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Prosecuting attorneys have near absolute power.

Of course; it did happen again. Another set of parents was willing to rob their child of innocence. Another power hungry prosecutor viciously used Michael in a bid for higher office. The international broadcast news media used his misfortune to raise audience ratings. They joined in the effort to smear what was left of his reputation. They became foul smelling vultures feasting on the bleeding flesh of a magnificent and graceful antelope.

Michael won the battle, but lost his faith in the fundamental goodness of humanity. He left the country of his birth. He changed his entire life. He ran to avoid the next accusation and trial. He knew it would come, if he remained here. This country he loved so much was no longer safe. He knew would be tormented by a long string of prosecuting attorneys. Each seeking to be the one who put that "menace to society" behind bars.

I fully expected the international media report his death was linked to drug abuse. It was linked. However; I know the true cause of his death. My friend died from a broken heart. He could not live in the vicious greedy world he was immersed in. The exposure to greed, envy, and run away ambition came too late in life. He never had a chance to develop the immunity most of us develop at a much younger age.

His death has deprived our world of a great talent, a truly kind and generous person, and the most innocent adult I have ever known. I hope the parents and prosecutors who did this to us find themselves in the worse part of Dante's Inferno.

As a closing comment I am compelled to say, "Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

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Charlie Ray:
That is a very nice article Charlie wrote about Michael :)

I believe Michael paid aprox $47.5 million for the ATV catalog and it is well documented
Im sure Charlie Ray is wrong with that number of $600 million _ Sony then paid Michael
$95 million in 1995 to merge his ATV with Sony to form SONY/ATVI a 50/50 joint venture
Last edited:'s possible that MJ paid six figures. it's in the nature of these kinds of people to sell such stuff for astronomical figures, and it would explain McCartneye's refusal to buy. only Michael believed in buying high and selling low. and besides, this Charlie fellow was an insider who promoted MJ's albums, apparently. documents can go both ways..and why would the media want us to believe that Michael could make such a purchase?
That is a very nice article Charlie wrote about Michael :)

I believe Michael paid aprox $47.5 million for the ATV catalog and it is well documented
Im sure Charlie Ray is wrong with that number of $600 million _ Sony then paid Michael
$95 million in 1995 to merge his ATV with Sony to form SONY/ATVI a 50/50 joint venture

True, BUT, Sony also gave up HALF of what they already owned on top of the $95mil just to get HALF of what Michael owned, in order to form that 50/50 joint venture. That deal never did add up to me.'s possible that MJ paid six figures. it's in the nature of these kinds of people to sell such stuff for astronomical figures, and it would explain McCartneye's refusal to buy. only Michael believed in buying high and selling low. and besides, this Charlie fellow was an insider who promoted MJ's albums, apparently. documents can go both ways..and why would the media want us to believe that Michael could make such a purchase?

:yes: Yep, according to "them" he's been broke for more than the past 10 or 12 years and we all know that wasn't true. "They" have underestimated & downplayed him for years in every sense of the words.
I'm not sure how much Michael paid for the ATV Catologue, but this is a beautiful article. Thank you for posting :huggy:
What a beautiful and eloquently written article! I wish more and more people would come to see Michael like that.
Qbee, you were right about the $600mil.

The article below is most likely where Charlie Ray mistakenly got that $600mil figure from. It indicates that AFTER the merger with Sony, the catalog was worth $600mil, but that's not what Michael paid for the ATV catalog.

However, that still doesn't explain how Michael's $47mil+ ATV catalog became worth $300mil (half of the $600mil), 10 years later though, IF that's in fact what he paid for it.

That's a HUGE jump. Sure, it appreciated during the 10 years and yes, the value increased even more when it became owned by Michael and then joined to Sony's publishing division, which was already an established publisher at the time. But still, that's a whole lot!

Anyways, it was undoubtedly a GREAT investment on Michael's part...

Michael Jackson and Sony enter joint publishing venture valued at $600 million

November 27, 1995

Megastar Michael Jackson and Sony enter joint publishing venture valued at $600 million.

Jackson's music catalog, ATV Music Publishing, includes some 250 Beatles songs as well as songs associated with Elvis Presley and Little Richard.
Sony/ATV Music Publishing will include all of the current and future music publishing interests of both parties.

The Sony catalog includes songs by such Sony recording artists as Mariah Carey, Sade, Bob Dylan and Neil Diamond.

Jackson's own songs were not included in the deal, Sony said.
Jackson said in a press statement: "The merging of ATV with Sony establishes our commitment to create one of the largest music publishing ventures in the world. We have been working on this for over a year and, now, with the two of us together, the sky is our only limit."

Jackson denied rumors that he made the merger deal with Sony because he is having financial problems during an interview with USA Today. "This acquistion had nothing to do with needing funds," Jackson said. "It's just a great move, a corporate, entrepreneurial thing to do. It's smart business. It's about growth. Everything in life to me is about growth."

Michael P. Schulhof, president and CEO, Sony Corporation of America, said:

"Michael Jackson is not only the most successful entertainer in history; he is also an astute businessman. Michael understands the importance of copyrights and the role they play in the introduction of new technologies. In joining us for this new venture, Michael recognizes Sony's leadership in developing and realizing new technologies that serve to expand the creative horizons of artists such as himself."

Ebony / JET Magazine
:boohoo: That article was so beautiful and so true. djhfhfd Why did all these bad people have to get to Michael why!!??