My Firefox keeps crashing loading certin pages


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Recently my Firefox has kept crashing on me when i go onto certin websites, E.G Youtube, Facebook e.t.c. I've already looked on Google for possible solutions but nothing has came up, I've done a Virus scan and there is nothing harmful on my computer :) any idea whats wrong with it?
It used to do it on my old computer. I had to delete it then reinstall. It worked fine after that.
My Firefox has been doing that with an increasing frequency lately...many times when I am on here. "We're sorry, Firefox had a problem and cra..."

SHUT UP! :banghead:
for me, firefox loves to turn my dropdown menus into ghosts, and keeps delaying the pixels and i keep having to restart my computer. pisses me off.
The same thing keeps happening to me. It's only been happening since I updated it though, probably just a bug. They update quite regularly so it will probably be fixed soon.