My fifth son Samuel is finally here :D


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Well i have son number 5. I did say I wanted to call him Jackson but my wife said no. ;)

Shame really as I am Michael, my 4rth son is Joseph and he would have been Jackson. :)

Anyway he is fine although tiring out his mum and me.

Joseph (who is 20 months old now) has been watching This is It and dancing away to the music. Its strange watching him trying to copy what he is seeing on tv and the concentration in his face. None of my other kids ever did that till they were a lot older.
Maybe he will be a dancer when he grows up... or a formula 1 driver... or a computer engineer... His singing voice though will be destroyed by his piercing screams that rattle my brain if he doesn't stop soon. :D

One thing is for sure... No more. It looks like daughters eluded me but my 5 boys are enough of a handful as it is now.


Mike R
you must be proud!
What's his name?
Congratulations! :clapping:
Hehe, you have a whole 'team' of future MJ fans there. So sweet!
Congratulations, Mike !!!
That must be a wonder
ful feeling for you and your family.
Samuel? That's Michael's grandfather's name :D Samuel Jackson.. :heart:
congrats to you and your wife..:)....I dont however know why she wouldn't let you name him Jackson. But ..she is the momma...:lmao:
Sorry for the delay in getting back here. As I am sure you will know, its kind of busy around here. :)

Thank you for the kind words and congratualtions.

Wow, congrats you proud father you :D God bless you, your wife and your five little angels. I bet you don't feel they are that angelic allllll the time lol, but you wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world, right?

Your Joseph's got great taste btw watching TII like dat :cheeky:
Congratulations!!!! :D Samuel's a nice name. Jackson could have been a middle name, maybe. But then it would be like Samuel L. Jackson lol.